9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Sylvanas getting smacked across the battlefield, knocked out the sky and choked to near death is a very weird definition of shrug off.


How do you choke something that doesn’t breathe to death?

You crush their neck so they can’t banshee scream.


Yeah! It was cool!

When you remember that Sylvanas was never in any danger. Tyrande nuking Sylvanas(to death, forever) would have been the best thing to happen to WarCraft since… Well, since killing Arthas.

You can only just tickle the pickle for so long before it becomes spongy and bruised. It gets painful waiting for the payoff that may not even arrive. It reminds me closely of not getting to kill mass-murderer Grom Hellscream, and not even a character got to kill him. He walked free, and continued to lead the Orcs of Draenor. Yikes. Just think if Sylvanas got that treatment? This is Blizzard writing we are talking about.

SO, there is only one thing to do, I think. As Kaleaon says, detach oneself from the story. I hate to do it, but it may be the best option. I don’t want another Grom Hellscream in the form of Sylvanas the Banshee Queen. And they may just do it.

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I thought she was trying to pop her head off; which would have done the trick.


It worked for Nathanos.


Did you watch what I did? She was in complete control of the situation.
Not a single attack of Tyrande’s blades even touched her.

The one time Tyrande managed to actually physically touch sylvanas her powers failed her… like what?

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I’d feel a lot more this way if we didn’t know there was two cutscenes coming in the coming weeks, one specifically about Tyrande and her relationship to Elune and Sylvanas.

As far as this cutscene itself, was a strong one without the context of what is to come. I’d love if the Night Warrior aesthetic with the astral markings were added as cosmetics later.

Haha, this is exactly it. Then in combat when they can’t deal with something “oh I had an extra ability at level 10 to learn, so I’ll just learn that in the middle of combat to counter this!” Or the classic “I didn’t know they could do that, I’m changing my action even though I rolled”. Just the all powerful character that knows everything.


The only thing that constantly weirds me out is Tyrande being able to manifest a second glaive out of thin air but never wields it in-game.


You must’ve seen the George Lucas CGI redo of the cutscene.

Please show me a single scratch on Sylvanas that the Night Warrior left.

Saurfang left more damage on Sylvanas than Tyrande did.


She doesn’t need to scream if she can just turn into smoke and waft away. Which is what she did. And has done before.

Yet you think there will be MORE fireworks when it comes out? I don’t understand. You hint at some form of closure or resolution(or perhaps just more ‘stuff’), then expect people to freak out? Have cake? Eat cake? Which?

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Tyrande’s hands were wrapped around Sylvanas’s throat. Saurfang would have given his life to be able to do that. He did!

You are being ridiculous.

Again: she got knocked to the ground, she got tackled to the ground and she got strangled.

How is that Sylvanas in complete control?

And her powers failed immediately after.

Saurfang actually landed a hit on Sylvanas.
God you weeb fanboys need to stop this insanity. Sylvanas having a moment of weakness is a good thing.

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Because Elune did not want her to do die! I swear you just hate Tyrande. That’s the answer. You just hate Tyrande and want her to die and go to Maw to suffer for eternity. Just admit that’s what you want to happen. Elune was wrong to save Tyrande. That’s what you think.


Saurfang wouldn’t even be abble to deal with a regular sylvanas, let alone an empowered one. Suarfang wasn’t even empowered by anything and still did more damage to sylvanas than Tryande did as the night warrior.

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When a Night Elf says, “My life for hers”, it sounds like Maclunky.

Personally? No. A few people which actively linger on the forums aren’t looking for satisfaction, they’re looking for reasons to be upset. Not saying that’s the case with yourself but I’m presuming some people will lament these cutscenes for centuries to come.

However, I’d expect the answers to the questions raised by this cutscene will be provided and we’ll see more.

Considering Sylvanas is all but confirmed outright to not die at the end of the raid, I’d expect we’ll see continuation of the Tyrande narrative moving forward.

Which direction will be foretold entirely by the cutscene in which Elune directly manifests and interacts with the Winter Queen later in the 9.1 covenant campaign.

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