9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Sylvanas was just the distraction so they could get the sigil. Yes, Sylvanas succeeded and Ysera needed to save the night warrior.


Again, it’s not too much for Tyrande. It’s Elune choosing not to let Tyrande commit suicide to kill Sylvanas. Not sure what about that is confusing.


Your complaint is that the Jailer’s toys are better than Elune’s toys…

So…the Nathanos part is kind of confusing to me.

If Sylvanas didn’t know about him dying, and actually cares about him, then wouldn’t she have been communicating with him in some manner? Seems like even if his soul didn’t show up, she’d have deduced his fate by him no longer being reachable.

Or for that matter, if she thought he was still alive this whole time, then what things is he supposed to have been doing for her back on Azeroth that aren’t getting done with him dead? Would he be helping to command the Scourge’s rampage? Running around assassinating the remaining faction leaders? Because all he seemed to do was try to lure in and kill Azeroth’s champions. Which means our very presence in the Shadowlands should have been a red flag that he failed to kill us and probably died as a result.

So…with Nathanos dead and Sylvanas apparently unaware until now, is there some broader part of her plan back on Azeroth that’s now stalled out because her second-in-command isn’t there to make sure it gets done? Is she expecting big things to be going on there in relation to what’s going on in the Shadowlands, and has only now found out that half of her plans have been halted indefinitely?

Oh, and incidentally, the “your master keeping secrets” thing kinda fits into my assumption that her looks of uncertainty during the Anduin cinematics aren’t Sylvanas developing a conscience. It’s probably Sylvanas hearing Anduin’s words about the Jailer and starting to wonder if she’s really just another dupe who’ll be disposed of when her usefulness runs out. Just like the person who killed and tormented her was ultimately an unwitting pawn as well.

Also why would Ysera just roar at Sylvanas and leave it at that? She’s a dragon. They literally spit stuff that destroys people. What she did amounted to pointing a gun at Sylvanas and yelling “bang! bang!” when she could have just as easily pointed it at Sylvanas and actually shot her.


She was about to self destruct to kill Sylvanas… because she couldnt do it any other way.

Lol… its people like this that have given us the unending edge goth queen that can never lose for the past couple expansions. Really feels like a bad DM with their pet character dominating everything in the story and they expect the players at the table to be just as impressed and awed by the DMs uber cool character.


You are wrong. The player is present for this cinematic, we then go do more stuff and personally witness the sigil being taken. So unless we exist in two places at once the sigil is safe inside the Heart of the Forest at the time of this cinematic. The questing lays out a specific timeline and the sigil is not captured until well after this cinematic starts and ends.

Smallioz…if Elune was so much more powerful than the Jailer there would not be a story to tell

You have got to get it together bro. Stop letting this forum feed your negativity.


I would be if she was shown to have super strength that can stand up to a full grown orc male in melee combat. Jaina is OP due to her convenient magic capabilities. Sylvanas is OP in every regard without explanation. Though I say that mainly due to the fact I don’t have Shadowlands so…

If that was the plan, then yes.

Jaina being ridiculously OP when it suits her character/story is bad, Sylvanas’ arc being super OP(I remember the good old days when getting shot could kill her) is also bad. I’m sure you enjoyed the spectacle, but some of us wanted a touch of closure. (to be honest the animation WAS pretty good)

I believe the entirety of both arcs, Night Warrior and Sylvanas, are HORRIBLY planned and implemented. I like comic books where people DIE. Forever. If it is that kind of comic book, of course.


Yes, the only way for the night warrior, a power that kills you, to compete with Sylvanas, who has no draw backs in her powers, is for the night warrior to kill themselves and that might not even work. I would love to hear how the night warrior power isn’t the most pathetic powerup again.


You realize they could have shown us Sylvanas struggle a little too with this fight and her powers? Just to make it seem like Tyrande even had a chance?
Even if you dont want your goth queen to not lose.

Lol? You are kidding right?
I don’t need the forum to tell me what I think when I can make my own judgement with what I can observe with my eyeballs.


Like I said, if Elune’s Tyrande power-up was more powerful than the Jailer’s power-up there would be no story to tell. Elune would just slap down the Jailer and we’d all be on our way skinning boars back on Azeroth.

Is the question why the villain gets to win in the first part of a story arc to build drama? Because that’s just how storytelling works.

That literally happens. Sylvanas compensates with her arrogant attitude because she’s Sylvanas and ultimately an elf.

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Eh, I write off the Sylvanas stuff as her being the villain to overcome, and that she’s already pre-permanently screwed up thanks to maw magic before she even got juiced up in the first place. Headcanony, but the premise is ridiculous in the first place so it’s hard to get worked up over her powerlevel now.

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The one instance of Sylvanas even hesitating for a split second is the Nathanos reveal lol.

What are you talking about?

Yes, that’s the point. The night warrior power is very weak and has accomplished nothing. There was no point to it and there is nothing to indicate even if Tyrande killed herself it would have phased Sylvanas. The story was bad and now the night warrior story is coming to a close after doing nothing and being put on the shelf. It was an irrelevant side story.


No. /10Chars

Did you watch the cinematic? Until Elune chooses to save Tyrande’s life Tyrande dominates that confrontation.

You are literally inventing your own little world of seeing what you want to see just so you can be mad about it.

Lol. It’s your sub. Threaten to cancel your sub over the story or else it’s not a real story forum discussion.


She’s constantly on the full defensive as nothing touches Tyrande, her only offensive move is doing the Bolvar chains trick after she gets hit, which Tyrande shrugs off and shooting a few arrows which Tyrande spins away from.

Sylvanas would’ve died if Tyrande had gone nuclear with Elune’s power. I don’t see how you can spin that as Sylvanas just casually winning.


Sylvanas really does feel like a weebs version of a edgy character in a D&D game.

You know the one with the samurai sword and all black gear? In every fight and interaction they have to act like nothing matters and they are so strong but they are willing to let us peasants witness their greatness.

And the kid that designed this character and thrust it upon the other players think everyone else is just SO impressed by such a dark and mysterious but so impressively powerful character.
Haha god these people are professionals and they are writing like a self conscious 14 year old boy.


Come in, Kale. I thought you’d be used to this now, you’re not some newbie on the story forum. Making stuff up to be upset about is SF 101.


This was not the Paris vs Menelaus fight I expected.

I didn’t expect Sylvanas to die, I expected her to pull a getaway at the last second but in this fight Sylvanas wasn’t Paris, she was Hector and Tyrande got dominated. Everything she threw at Sylvanas was shrugged off.


I mean fair…I just get excited about new cinematics. It’s so rare these days.

I know the story forums and the community is a hot mess right now.

Wait until next week, then the fireworks will really fly.

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