9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Like Garrosh did to Thrall.

Also this:

Is why the cinematic is garbage.


Ahahahaah, knew she was going to fail yet again. That is the story of the night warrior, show up to do nothing or fail and then disappear.


The Night Warrior story is not over. If you would stop reading Night Elf cosplayer complaining on the story forums and look at what happens in 9.1 you would know that.

Elune’s story is a mystery, as it should be. If Elune was just an I-Win-Button that would be boring. Also Elune is clearly not as powerful as some believe. The Leatherworker quest in BfA makes it clear that Elune’s power is very limited.

Sylvanas makes winning look easy because she’s a smooth operator and lets her losses run off her back like a ducks. The Story Forums could learn a lot from Sylvanas frankly.


Also just stop complaining…it’s really not very interesting anymore. The constant whining on this forum is just sad.


No one wants Elune to be an I-Win-Button. The only people who think we do are the people with a Sylvanas fetish.

I want this so badly.


I was so very surprised. Shocked. Astounded.


This was supposed to be the Night Warrior power at its peak. It barely phased Sylvanas it seems until she finally got pinned and then… got up and left?

Then please enlighten me what is suppose to come out of this?

Haha I get you are a Sylvanas fan and enjoy her never ending winning streak but its honestly getting so boring now. A character that is always so nonchallant and wins for no reason is just boring. For the past couple of years they have hyped this Night Warrior revenge plot and we just witnessed it fall apart. Its obvious why people would complain.


It’s pretty much over, the height of her power was just enough to fly up to sylvanas and tackle her, then she was tapped out. Afterwards when she gets cleansed she is not worried about vengeance anymore, just rebuilding like Anduin and Shandris were telling her to do before. “Just wait and see!” yeah the night warrior has done nothing since 8.1, and there is only one patch left in SL, nothing really to wait for other than maybe she kills another irrelevant large minion.


Honestly it is just you guys complaining. Most people really like this cinematic. Even people I normally associate with complaining about Sylvanas non-stop like this cinematic.

Tyrande is still the Night Warrior. No one said 9.1 was the peak of the Night Warrior, that’s fanon in your own bubble.

Elune chose Tyrande’s life over killing Sylvanas. That’s what happened.

I for one am glad Tyrande will stay in the story as the Night Warrior going forward.


I feel like some of you did not watch with subtitled and do not know Tyrande was about to suicide herself.


“Barely phased Sylvanas” but she’s being destroyed literally the entire time until Elune unplugs the wifi.

Is she? I just see her jumping and smirking the whole time.
Didn’t really get impression she is losing besides being exactly where she wants to be.

I think the only moment when I saw her drop a hint of a little uncertainty was the Nathanos reveal.

Lol even Sylvanas say “wow I expected more” yep. Took words right out of my mouth.

Last I heard Night Warrior power is too much so they are going to share it around and make it more manageable. So this is as strong as Night Warrior gets it seems.


Sylvanas: “…harder.”
Nathanos and Malfurion: exchanging guilty looks

But seriously, I kind of dig Sylvanas’ new look, and Tyrande looked absolutely amazing, from her aesthetic to her fighting style. I’m sure Illidan is regretting his little vendetta against Sargeras right about now.

I’m wondering what, exactly, the Jailer did to Sylvanas to boost her power so that she could go toe-to-toe with the Night Warrior, though. During the War of Thorns she couldn’t even deal with Malfurion by herself, so unless she’s getting some pretty outrageous zenkai boosts every time she “REEES” out of a fight, something isn’t adding up here.

Liked the cinematic overall, but I really wish Tyrande’s powerup was having more of an impact on the story.


I think thats the problem.

How is it Sylvanas is just so damn strong with what seems to be absolutely zero offset? Is there no limit to her?
Everything is so effortlessly easy and fun for her all the time.


She’s undead and takes joy from the things that boring normies find appalling, and she’s empowered by the being that is being fed an infinite non-stop funnel of souls from all reality across an infinite number of universes AND Revendreath.


She still has the body of a little high elf woman.
Just as Tyrande has the body of a Night Elf. At some point the power is supposed to get too much.

I would have LOVED to see Sylvanas grinding her teeth, her jailer powers cracking her skin as she pushed it to a 110%. Give us a little something… but nope everything has to be a walk in the park for her :roll_eyes:


Just admit you lust after women without a pulse and leave the forums already.


Again Sylvanas is not real.

Jaina has the body of a human woman, are you complaining about that?

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Yes, Sylvanas is fine with super powers that aren’t killing her and is always succeeding with them. Meanwhile Tyrande with a power up that is killing her can only fail, the only time she could succeed at something she would have do die as well. She could barely stop the distraction, something that suppose to be stopped anyway while they execute their real plan elsewhere. Sylvanas was a no point threatened by the night warrior power.

The night warrior story is the most pointless, and the powerup is the most worthless we’ve seen in the game. She accomplishes nothing and “if” she could even succeed she has to die. The night warrior only becomes less powerful after this and she is no longer concerned with vengeance so likely doesn’t even show up in the raid.


Running away is succeeding now? Anduin (the Jailer) succeeded, not Sylvanas. If anything Sylvanas is where Nathanos was at the end of Shadows Rising.

Lol what? Tyrande and Sylvanas are the ones that are getting powered up by god like beings.

Except for Tyrande is just too much! But Sylvanas the edge goth queen is unphased by it all and completely dominates the situation.

And your answer to all this is “but what about jainaaaaa! Waaaah!” Hahaha cringe bro. Thats pretty cringe.