9.1 Tyrande cinematic

Yawn 10chars


Some respect for Sylvanas would’ve returned for me if she hissed “Harder!”

Because, don’t think you’re getting anywhere trying to choke out someone who doesn’t breathe. Might as well have fun with it.


Though upon reflection, as she is the Banshee Queen, crushing her throat so she couldn’t do the death wail was actually a pretty sound tactic.


Blizzard slamming their action figures together is pretty warcraft, and it’s not another attempt at being GoT serious fantasy and subsequently falling on it’s face, so this cinematic is fine with me.


Thank you. This seemed very on brand for me. Anime tier slap fights have been par for the course since Illidan and Arthas’s “there ain’t 'nuff angst in this setting 'fer the two of us” showdown.


Gosh dangit Kat if you continue to be reasonable and comprehending of where the story is going then we are really not going to have a very fun time next week when the real drama starts.

This cinematic is peak Blizzard for me. This is what drew me to Warcraft. WoW is a comic book, I just want to see cool characters do cool things. That was always what Chris Metzen was after.


I took it as Elune stopping her so she wouldn’t die, seeing as her last words before downing her were “My life for hers”

Shame the cinematic sucked a fat one and there was nothing cool about it.

This game is absolute dog.



Nah it didn’t suck. It’s actually quite good. The quality of it is above and beyond many of Blizzard’s past cinematics, especially the animations. Hundreds of passionate devs work on projects like these for months at a time.

Also Night Elves aren’t real, Teldrassil is not real, and Tyrande (and Sylvanas) is not real.


That is extremely condescending.

That’s neat, would have been nice if they had been consistent with that idea for the last 15 years.

Trust me. Some people here need the reminder.


ur talking to a guy who harased devs and comunity ppl on twitter so much he got blacklisted so much he made another twitter account cuz he was desperate 4 attention rofl

some1 linked it in another thread and it was rly sad ngl

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Perhaps, though I have doubts as to whether such a reminder will bear fruit.


Is that really how you feel about WarCraft? Like it is old Saturday Cartoon levels of entertainment only, with no real depth?

Edit: I ask because I have a tendency to provide more depth and seriousness to my favorite game/fantasy/scifi worlds than there necessarily is, so I may be missing what WarCraft is presenting in reality.

I’m sure we all do that to some extent, but Warcraft pretty much is a mix of fantasy, sci-fi and steampunk blended into a chunky slurry in MMO format.


Yes that is how I feel about Warcraft. I have followed Chris Metzen’s work for decades after I fell in love with his writing in the Warcraft 3 manual. Warcraft has some amazingly in-depth lore that you can enjoy at that level if you choose to do so, but a lot of it is built on decades of random low-level quest designers who added what they wanted where they wanted.

There are many other IPs that are built on a foundation of strong canonized lore and strong writing, Warcraft is not one of them.

Everyone who tries to engage with Warcraft’s lore on a philosophical level ends up disappointed and bewildered. Ask Nobbel how he feels about that topic.

It’s better to just accept Blizzard’s style in all its over-the-top spectacle. Fewer uclers that way.


Hell, don’t I know it. :frowning:


Animations were good but I didn’t really get into it until the choking began. I was thinking finally the street fight phase of the movie has begun.
And it just fizzled out.

Alright so to recap.
What was the point of Night Warrior?
Is Elune completely and utterly useless?
So are players the ones that get revenge now? Not Night Elves or Tyrande?
When will Sylvanas stop stumbling from victory to victory?

Honestly if they want to power boost her they should just give her some gimics similar to Tyrande Night Warrior otherwise she just looks like regular old Sylvanas just being unstoppable.


Realistically, this is what Warcraft always was. It was a campy knock-off of every big property that existed for centuries, and it always has been since it’s origin. The closest it’s been to it’s own thing was Warcraft 3, but even that was seeded in blatant copy-paste from other stories and characters.

Like Elune is literally D&D’s Selune, and the elven city is called Silverymoon, etc.

Metzen’s shtick for the longest time was taking things, changing a few letters (or just one) and pretending it was his own but meshing them all together for Rule of Cool. Hell, it’s still a thing as far as Legion goes with so many knock-offs like Odyn.

Like if Metzen was still around and really dug Red Dead Redemption 2, we’d likely would’ve gotten some cowboy race from out of nowhere with saloons and stuff without much consideration of what came before/after.

The issue with modern WoW is that the story is trying to take itself too seriously. Rather than embracing the camp and stupidity, it’s trying to be something it isn’t and falls flat.

Those who want serious stories can’t take WoW seriously due to it’s foundation being built upon camp and those who’ve loved the camp are left to starve as they try to take story beats and make them serious.

It’s why (mostly) nobody really took the Saurfang CGI cutscenes seriously, the tone of the franchise is so wildly off to try and tell that story.


I think there have been times for both types of people throughout WoW’s history, but get the sense that neither group is too happy recently.

Ah, a gnome of culture I see. Best thing to likely come of this cinematic will be the R34.

Oh man I was so ready for Tyrande to just start pounding away at Sylvanas’… face! With her… Fists!!!