9.1 Tyrande cinematic

That’s also how Soldier from TF2 uses rockets.

Which I think perfectly describes why I think this cinematic is so hilarious.

The WoW story team think they’re writing Game of Thrones, but it’s coming out more like Team Fortress 2.


I mean how it’s made, not if it’s made.

The cinematic is fine….people’s expectations are simply too damn high. :wolf:


Sylvanas was instrumental for taking the Ardenweald sigil. Without her - the Jailer might not be able to make the next move at all. But then the plot would not happen though.

Most importantly it served to build up expectations and ideas among the players. And failing on the user experience would not be new for the game, but a continuation of the trend that solidified in BfA.

gl hf

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It’s a’ight. Good eye fodder. Turn your brain off and watch it.

this you?

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Well, that was Tyrande’s choice though. She made a bargain with Elune to kill Slyvanas, to get justice for her people.

Elune granting Tyrande her power, is her accepting that deal.

To change it for her sake, or to defeat Zovaal, or whatever, seems unjustified.

Who is to say Tyrande will even play a part in defeating Zovaal too.

It’s just bad story writing, imo.


I added two months to finish leveling up in BC classic, and that is the last of my sub.

So yes, it is me. But I don’t have to live up to your expectations, now do I?

Exactly friend :wolf:

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And killing Sylvanas wouldn’t solve any of the problems currently plaguing the Kaldorei.

She’s a spiritual leader, cultural leader and everyone looks up to her. Her dying to kill Sylvanas would accomplish nothing in the grand-scheme since the plans put into motion that prompted Teldrassil would still exist and require others to solve them.


you know what. It’s from another area of the game but fits such idea of high expectations (warning: language; BRD segment)

gl hf

cya in 3 months

Of course I do ^.^

Of course Blizzard might be setting up a grand scene where Nathanos is brought out by the Jailer so that Sylvanas can die in his arms glad to see him one last time(a final “gift” permitted by the Jailer) followed by the Jailer offering the other half of her Soul if he tows the line…

Yes… The thought of letting Nathanos know that the Banshee Queen loved him in order to use the other half of her Soul as leverage would probably be enticing for the Jailer!

Of course that may be a set up for further heartbreak for Nathanos since he would be siding with the Jailer knowing that the Banshee Queen indeed loved him yet not aware of how the other half of Sylvanas would react to his alliance with the Jailer. She might reject him for siding with an omnicidal maniac!

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Keep looking

But shouldn’t that love be out of character for her “Evil Soul.” Why is her evil soul showing compassion for Anduin and Nathanos? She’s working to “undo” the order of life and death, shouldn’t see have the ability to bring him back from the dead if she succeeds?

Again, it’s just trying to hard to make people feel pitty for her. Oh she’s a tool being used by Zovaal… boohoo. My Archon used me to clean up owl s***.


Granted, the dude in the video not wrong about the dungeons getting smaller and less interesting over the years. I just think some people were expecting a Infinity War or Endgame level cinematic this early and are freaking out over not getting one.

If that makes sense. Sometimes I’m bad at getting my point across :wolf:

Correct me if I’m wrong, because I haven’t been keeping up with datamined information particularly well, but the sigil is effectively captured at this point in the cinematic, and Tyrande recognizes that Sylvanas has simply been a diversion. We also know, meta-narratively, that Tyrande has a role to play in the creation of a new sigil and the restoration of Ardenweald to it’s balanced state. Thus, her life has more weight than Sylvanas’ death in the present moment.


Slyvanas (wasn’t) and didn’t need to die in this Cinematic.

But Elune granting Tyrande the power needed to catch Slyvanas mid flight, than instantly remove said power was dumb.

Why not write it so that she’s about to kill Slyvanas, her 9 Valkyire show up and chain Tyrande. Ysera flies in a breaks the chains, and Slyvanas runs off like she did…


I think this bit should probably be interpreted as Elune granting Tyrande’s request for more power right until the moment she realizes that Tyrande is about to go critical, and then she cuts the connection. From Elune’s perspective, if Tyrande could have killed Sylvanas before reaching critical mass, she would have allowed it, and she took Tyrande’s words merely as an affirmation of conviction, not as a binding contract.