9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD

To all those keeping this thread alive.

You’re doing the lords work.


Well the gearing is still TERRIBLE. The changes “fixed” a problem that didn’t exist, made things worse for most players, and did nothing to fix actual problems… Although that makes sense, giving their recent PR debacle because that just seems to be blizzard’s MO


You’re surprised? Almost every change they made from the last 3 xpacs, ever since Ion Hazzisucktis took over, has made the game worse for solutions no one asked for.

Is it weird that when the news broke of the lawsuit that I checked to see if Ion was named so he could be removed from his position?

Sorry… Not sorry.


hello all.

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I need ranked gear to do random bgs got it! System seems fine


At least let us upgrade last seasons gear with rating ffs… bump…

You gotta get geared up if you want to do some random BGs. It’s always been this way!

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The gearing system is fine.

It’s arguably the best it’s ever been.

The gearing system is fine? Yet my alts can’t even get full 220+ gear like last seasons rival and duelist? You legit are trolling.


Lfg is pretty dead ally side best its ever been! :joy: If i didnt heal i wouldnt get any games going cant find a partner on my warrior best its ever been though. :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:


-New boxer enters the the ring

-Asks how he’s supposed to beat Mike Tyson wielding brass knuckles

-Mike Tyson: “That’s the neat part, you don’t.”

-New boxer probably dies

-From the bleachers, Ion whispers in Bobby’s ear “Frankly, it’s a skill issue.”


With all the problems blizzard is facing now, I don’t know if they’ll survive the legal issues. If this happens, I hope a company that actually cares buys the rights to wow and fixes it. At this point, blizzard needs to fall and fall hard.


Yeah, I agree. They’ve ignored us for years and abused their own employees to the point where one killed herself. They no longer deserve to live off their long past achievements.


well their sufferings doesn’t matter as long the game is function enough to milk players money , which to be honest they are doing a good job at most of the game aspect is unplayable unless we buy wow-token in exchange for gear boosting runs.

they didn’t give bobby kotick 155milon out of their good heart
but because he made much much much more to them through this indirect PAY to win system.


The gearing system is fine? Yet my alts can’t even get full 220+ gear like last seasons rival and duelist? You legit are trolling.

Not quite true. MoP you could get high end without rating, just slower. Which I think is what most players actually want. But unfair fights sells tokens for carries. So here we are.


If you have been playing your characters and capping your conquest and getting vault gear, you should be mostly decked out in at least 220 gear by now.

Definitely not weird as I was hoping the same thing.

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bumping this in the name of jesus


My alt is 180ish. The only honor gear you can grind right now 216 (which is a time gate and I will explain more in the other post). Even if I did grind the 216, that is not even 220 for last season rival or duelist.

How are you saying you like the system, when you can’t even grind honor gear that is competitive with last seasons gear, let alone the 230-240+ ilvls that are pretty common already this season.


Korthia gear can be upgraded to 220, and there are pieces with versa on them.
I used a bunch to replace my 213 gear from last season, and pushed 1800 np vs teams in full duelist/glad gear from last season.

Sucks to pve, but running around Korthia doing dailies/looting things gives me something to do between queues.

Edit- Not defending the broken honor gear system, and its reknown gating.
Just trying to give alternatives.