Why not make PVP vault separate from PVE?

Renoun 59 required to get PvP gear that scales to 216 ilvl (last season 220-227 was common, this season 235+ is common), so competing capped at 216 is a problem.

Sure 9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD - #1188 by Flithron-elune

I don’t think the 9.1 changes were good, I think they addressed a problem no body wanted. What we want is a MoP style, someone pointed out yesterday that with current ilvl the difference of honor and conquest gear would be 3 ilvl. I would be okay with 5 or even 10 but starting the range at 190 and taking it all the way to the 250’s is crazy.

Yes you need to gear for PvP but the honor gear should still be able to compete against conquest gear, there should not be 7 levels of each causing a huge spread, that is just padding for Blizzard metrics in my eyes, which yes shows we are doing “bg’s” but we have 40+ ilvl less than some players even with a full set of starter honor gear.

The system had potential, they brought back vendors and made PvP gear BiS BUT the implementation and maintenance to actually make the system logical for PvPers has gone poorly. Not only do we have to do tons of questing for renoun and stuff (not the kind of end game I enjoy), but we have to grind tons of useless honor and struggle bus fighting poeple that completely out gear you (even after you have put in your time.) It’s silly, I don’t know what else to say.