9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD



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Blizzards philosophy on alts in pvp


This was actually really funny when you think about it. They just brought back the negative portion of WoD PvP gearing and left out all of the good stuff. I don’t think I have ever seen such a cleverly crafted, underhanded, intentionally misleading (while still being technically correct) statement in my entire life. Ion must have been an absolutely genius lawyer in his day.


Haha to think I just started new alts at the start of the patch only to realize people with previous seasons 1600 gear was better than the new blue gear atleast for another 2 weeks by that time people that got 2100+ the first week will already have 5-8 pieces of 246 gear.


go read how they described warmode

5 likes away from 700.

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lmao you think theres gonna be a next expansion rofl


yeah, the way this is going theyll sunset this game in the form of finally making it F2P in which case itll almost immediately go to hell, with a skeleton crew working on it. many blizz ppl will move to their other games and wow will finally die, a process it started in late wotlk i think.

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Do Bobby and JAB like money?

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The closest we ever got to this was Legion and enough people whined that blizzard found justification to degenerate that system into BFA and now SL.
Just saying again like the broken record I am.

To summarize what you laid out: Blizz has made pvp from a balanced and fairer system with more skill based into a tough grind where ilvl influence win conditions heavily.

Solution: For people at higher rating, they get a special gear. This special gear is the same as regular pvp gear except the owner can drop the ilvl of it. For the pro players, they need to be handicapped so if they can perform at -10 ilvl gear and still win, they get some SERIOUS bragging rights. It is completely up to them if they want to lower ilvl. All these with achievements, titles, mounts and even a leaderboard on it! Fair to new and weak players, tremendous achievement for pro players.


Bump. Even though blizz will do nothing about it

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yeah, bump cuz I have no self respect.

We’re still trying? Bump


never not trying homie :slight_smile:


Having to do all of the Maw quests, Korthia quests, and campaign for alts is dumb. It’s not even an enjoyable experience, yet we’re forced to do these day after day, week after week.


Until I run out of gold and stop playing


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