9.1 Issue - Open Map Causes game to stutter when walking

I have a similar issue I think, my background gets crazy blurry when I move my character. WoW is the only game that does it and it’s been happening since 9.1. I’ve tried every graphics setting, sliding the bar from 1 to 10, even tried the motion blur settings in accessibility, updating my drivers, etc. Nothing seems to fix it, and it’s intermittent, so it just randomly starts happening then goes away.

Standing still


Also moving, look at the wall lol

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Yea this does happen to everyone I know.

Oribos and covenant sanctums have been like this since 9.0.5 on Mac.

So… this is back? I don’t even remember doing an update but it seems like it’s back… along with certain quests giving a frame dip when turned in/kill credit (Maw assault being one)…

So are we not going to fix the stutter when using the map that shows all the zones?

I’m having fps drop and stutter when using the flight map in oribos.

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Not sure if anyone else experiences this, but this issue is now occurring with the achievement pane and bags opening and closing.

The fps drop when opening the achievement panel has been an issue for years

Good Morning
The problem got a little better but never fully left, and seems to be worse


It seems the issue is back for me too, it was fixed but this last tuesday (july 20th) i think it came back? Cause I don’t remember it being back before the reset, anyway, the issue is back. Whenever I open the map with all regions of shadowlands, i get the lag/fps spikes, whenever i click on any of the regions(maldraxxus,bastion…etc) I get no lag, except if I click on the region i’m at, I get lag. Whatever it is, is back. Unfortunately. Appreciate the attention as always.

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keep spamming bag…and watch your framerate tank…
what’s with the code lately…

Recently the changes made Rivatuner break with the game, and now causes either the game to hang or overlay to break.

Issue is back for me as well along with horrible fps drops overall. It’s not just a slight stutter like before now it’s like a 1.5 second freeze when opening and closing. Certainly didn’t happen before. Not really feeling like playing a broken game tbh

I still have the issue while the “all Shadowlands Zones” map is open. I haven’t had it return for the Shadowlands zone maps.

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Does the new Windows Update KB5004296 fix this?

Broken again in Korthia, gotta love it.

jk not just Korthia, literally everywhere. So enjoyable.

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Definitely feels like this issue is back, in the Maw/Korthia and the four Shadowlands outdoor zones.


Rename your WTF and interface folders, then log back in and see if the issue still persists. It could be an addon like handynotes or tomtom running some buggy code that doesn’t mesh well with the map system code.

I have renamed my WTF folders, Cache and my Interface folders and the issue persists. It’s very noticeable on my 60.

im having the same issue today. starting today at random points my game totally freezes. apparently im still moving in game but on my end everything is frozen.

Your not using RTSS / MSI Afterburner are you?
That seems to be caused by some change Blizzard did about 2-3 weeks ago. You have to disable / turn off RTSS Overlay.