9.1 Issue - Open Map Causes game to stutter when walking

Yeah tis is still the case, I have tested on all 3 of my set ups and is also the case for the overall zone map of azeroth… as well as the flight path maps too; hoping they can fix it soon with 9.1.5

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UPDATE: just tested the 9.1.5 PTR and the main issue seems to back again, on the overall shadowlands map, the azeroth overall map and now even in the shadowlands covenant zones (have tested on 3 separate machines including a laptop and the issue persists)… hoping the devs can fix this before the patch goes live.

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I have a same problem that does not concern all my character

In game, when I play everything is fine, but when I open my World map, I have a kind of micro freeze for a nano second.
I noticed that this problem only concerned my main character.

I did delete my cache, the interface and WTF files, I also renewed my user interface, I even tried to search online but this problem was in effect on July 2nd. So I don’t know what to do anymore, this problem only occurs on my main character, I have a video that I could try to change it into a gif for you to show it.

I don’t have Any macro, Add-on.
Version :

So, i hope im not Alone!

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i have always that problem -_-

This is very concerning. If the issue returns to live servers my ability to play will be seriously hampered, as well as provide me yet another strong incentive NOT to re-sub when I run out of game time. At best, even if the issue didn’t effect my ability to play, it continues to demonstrate an almost total lack of QA processes. This is far from the first time I have seen a bug fixed on live servers, only to return later, then get fixed again, then return again, etc. etc. etc. :pensive:

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Yeah, I can confirm he’s coming back, We had a 60 day truce at the most, I have a Monster Computer and I have to get down to some stupid bug like that. It is shocking. Even though I can play losing half of my fps every time I view a quest bothers me to a point, the worst part is that there is no solution, my ticket got me nowhere. He asks me to wait for the problem to generalize and gives me the direct link to the forum.

and to say that I have to pay for this service is frustrating. I am trying for the moment to see if the problem concerns only me or if by grace I am not alone.

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UPDATE 2: just tested the 9.1.5 PTR again , for me the stutter is now only present on the overall azeroth overall map and all shadowlands maps are back to normal but this is only on the PTR, when I log into the the live game on my low level (11) account there is no stuttering present; am unable to test on high level as I am not subbed, so if anyone can test that it would be great… hope this helps and that the devs can fix this before the patch goes live.


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This weird stutter/fps drop happens to me since Shadowlands was released and only got worse now in 9.1.

Btw this problem used to happen since Cataclysm but only when opening the achievements tab. Sadly now it’s happening when opening the map too.

I have a lvl 60 and 49 and only the 60 is affected by the lag/skipping/shuttering from opening the map (in all SL zones) and after the anima power spell hits the line to become usable. I have to use it to stop the lag skips. Nothing like that happens on the 49. Both toons use the same exact addons and everything.

im glad to know im not alone finally…

UPDATE 2: just tested it again; the issue seems to be fixed for the overall shadow lands region ( testing on both Amd and Nvidia systems) but the overall Azeroth world map causes stuttering for Nvidia cards with large persistent frame time spikes; this frame time spike is still present on the amd systems too but its so small that its not noticeable unless you are logging the frame times; hopefully that helps resolve the issue before 9.15 launch ! cheers

5 months at least…so far… of this problem. Last time we had big glitching/freezing/stuttering problems, it went over 1.5 years. That one only got fixed about a year ago. Definitely tells us there’s no Assurance in QA.

This is everywhere, too, for me. STV just now. Can’t pan the camera without stuttering.

UPDATE 3: just tested it again; same results from before but I did try to use the intel iGPU and can confirm that this problem still persists and is most likely an issue with the game and not the gpu driver it seems that for what ever reason the AMD GPU configurations seem to not be effected by this as much ( though the frame time data still shows frame time spikes); hope this helps iron out the issue… PLEASE FIX THIS BLIZZ :")

UPDATE 4: this still seems to be an issue on the overall Azeroth overall world map; regardless of system… ( AMD gpus have less of an effect but is STILL present). here is a video of a low end laptop showing the issue… hope it helps , please fix this blizz.

World of Warcraft Azeroth Map Causing Stuttering - YouTube

UPDATE 5: This was fixed a while ago ! thanks blizz