9.1 is Worth the Wait

Redeem Sylvanas!

What are the guild requirements? And what do ya’ll do?

How does ranking work? I wouldn’t want a lame title like “knight” or anything.

isn’t the point of the expansion to stop death

That sounds like a very long way of saying “it will be new”

I am King. The members are Knights. Nothing further has been decided. However, I am eager to see any ideas anybody wants to offer. This is the ruling Castle of all Azeroth after all.

No. The point is to make death work correctly. People need to be going to the correct zones when they die. Right now, thanks to Sylvanas and the Jailer, everybody’s just going to the Maw. We need to fix that.

Nah I don’t care about the story it’s garbage give me new dungeons, raids, and new seasonal m+ affix.

hmm, well I am a queen. And, no two queens can rule under the same palace. You sound like baldino…


Well, there is no Queen yet.

I have yet to see anything from 9.1 that looks worth the wait.

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No, now get to story telling.

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Sounds familiar.

Just saying you should not get your hopes up.

It’s too late. My hopes are at max level.

Put a shirt on hippie :crazy_face:

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lol i did

it must take longer than 1 day to update

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There is no way we will kill Sylvanas. It’s possible we will face her and she will not die but she ain’t going to die by our hands.

Honestly don’t mind the wait, just gives me more time to play other games. It does make me a bit worried by how long this patch is taking. Is Blizzard struggling right now? There’s very little information of what’s going on behind the scenes.

Idk,I hope it would be good,I rather it stay a mystery even if it is bad I don’t want it spoiled beforehand.

Sylvannas dat fine b

Since the WoW dev staff have been dual tasked in remaking classic and pumping out new content in retail the quality of the game has suffered. The maps in the last two expansions were much larger and more detailed then shadowlands. Content wise Legion was the best expansion IMO… BFA’s ambitions were similar but fell short likely since they also had to work on remaking classic. The last patch of BFA and shadowlands seem like more of an obligation of continuing the name brand retail then making quality cutting edge content. This very well might be the last expansion and I’m not sure there will ever be a 9.2. It seems like blizzard wishes to concentrate more on remaking classic.