9.1 is Worth the Wait

Only characters on Moon Guard can join Moon Guard guilds.

ok so can my moon guard toon rejoin daddy?

Yeah i dont care

I think that was also said for the Titanic … :grimacing:

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you don’t care? pfft. nvm hair flip

The Titanic will bever be forgotten.

I’m not holding my breath.

I thought the same about Azshara. “Oh boy I need to get back in the game to kill Azshara” (quit raiding after nighthold). Meh, not great.

But then came N’zoth… “Oh boy, N’zoth is going to be great”. Meh. Most boring fight since Deathwing. I guess it is fitting that both of them were equally boring.

I learned not to expect a lot of the “big moments” we are promised. The side B ones, though… loved Denathrius so much.

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Hair flip with helmet on

Couldnt see the hair flip.

REAL TALK. The sad thing is, you seem like a lot of fun but if you really do take that sucks. I wanna be with fun/crude ppl. I love to give and do all the time, but someone told me that was “trying” recently. trying for wut tho? Its just me

take it off… uwu

No i dont take people’s money

The haters just make that up to play identity politics

Because theyre jealous of happiness and power.

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I really do not like the guild name tho

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I think it’s good.

Nah the guild name is lame, sorry


I’m not sorry…

It makes sense for the RP though.

Why? Do rp guild names have to be lame?

How long will we need to sit back and wait for this awesome sauce arrival? You make it sound like the second coming lol

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It might be a long wait, but it will feel like the end of a great movie.

Prob the final chapter at the rate stuff has been churned out. Let’s be honest, who will take the limelight next? It’s like the walking dead at this point.

you don’t want the limelight!!! trust me.

IRL is calling. Had fun. I am sure this will 404 when i return.

peace and luv

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