In order to stop ____ from destroying Azeroth, brave adventurers will have to explore the ____ and find the ____ before all hope is lost. Along the way they’ll meet ____ and face off against ____, before stumbling across hints pointing towards an even greater, hitherto unknown threat: the ____!
What if sylvanas’s eyesight is injured in the fight and she has to wear glasses now? That would be some good character development!
Honestly this could be a fun thread.
Hail, adventurer. Our CEO requires additional [Name of Expensive Yachts Or Whiskey Made By The Pope], and it’s up to you to [synonym for “buy”] our game.
It’s nu-Battlestar Galactica writing all over again.
“Plan? Yeah we said we had a plan, but honestly we just drew who the final five Cylons were going to be out of a literal hat. Starbucks frustrating confusion in the last season? That’s 100% genuine because the actress had no idea what was the deal with her character and neither did any of the writers!”
Hopefully WoW’s finale isn’t like BSG’s, where far too much of it is flashbacks from before the series proper aired and ends with a character drunkenly chasing a bird around their apartment in what I can only assume is a metaphor for how the writers actually did their jobs.
I genuinely do not know what they’re doing, or what they think they’re doing. They seem to get that the stuff said in that interview is not a good look, hence why they’re on the defense, but they’re making things worse. Going “that’s not what was said, this is a misinterpretation” and then linking directly to where that EXACT thing was said isn’t… helpful. Like, they’re just throwing grease on the fire.
All this is doing is elevating a weird interview that the playerbase would laugh and cringe at for a few months into something much more than that, and it’s making me wonder what Blizzard’s PR department is feeling about all this. Well, assuming they haven’t all been fired.
It would explain how and why we get to wear glasses now!
total sidetrack here but i’m not a fan of how chunky the moggable glasses are and that we’re STILL not allowed to use the glasses that have literally been in the game since cataclysm
the wow dev that was arguing that ion is much better than he seems retweeted an angry post about comparing wow to ff14
i wonder how much the senior dev teams snaps whenever someone mentions it
Really? Which one was that?
He seems to hold the average player in contempt and if WoW is to get any better this dude and his snooty attitude needs to go.
He should go back to practicing law. I will never understand how he is still where he is and it’s a hill I will die on.
Now, I’m no “games developer,” but it feels like “he is better than he seems” is not the strong statement of confidence it appears.
If my house were to catch fire and a firefighter were to run up to fight it without a hose and covered in baby oil, I would probably not feel better if someone said “he is less flammable than he seems.”
But maybe that’s why I’m not making games. Maybe I just don’t know what needs to be covered in baby oil.
he is less flammable than he seems
“The flat earther conspiracy theorist is not as crazy as they seem!”
I’m reminded of Tumblr’s Questifier, a supposed member of WoW’s quest design team who seemed to be the real deal given their insider knowledge and dogged defense of Blizzard.
Anyway, around the time Danuser was under fire from the wider WoW community due to all the obvious self-insert stuff, BfA’s frenetically nonsensical plot, the lack of LGBT+ representation, and the, uh, copious amounts of bare-footed, blue-skinned women on Danuser’s Twitter feed at the time, Questifier nobly leapt to his defense.
By saying that Danuser was a much better writer than he appeared and that he was nice to them whenever they spoke, so clearly all this other stuff was vicious slander.
Always been a fan of “they were nice to me so clearly these other things can’t be true.”
It’s right up there with “I knew them to be honorable once” and “You can’t hold their hate of [Group] against them, they had one bad experience and never moved on like a normal human being.”
My motherboard on my desktop died last week and my old gaming laptop “can” play WoW but not without some significant hiccups. So my return is delayed a bit.
I’m hopeful with 9.1. Not so much that I’ll be miffed if it doesn’t pan through. But I look forward to seeing if Blizzard can turn this ship around.
see, youve already decided your opinion on the fire. its like not youre not even willing to give its character arc a chance.
Everyone: “Wow I’m so excited for glasses!! Surely they’ll be available to players since they were datamined!!”
Me, staring off into the distance, remembering all the cool pirate headwear that was datamined in BfA that a majority was never available to players: