9.1 is almost out

Is it, uh, any good?



Haven’t heard a thing about them changing their stance on adding more customizations with Shadowlands patches, so I won’t be playing either way. They’re not getting so much as a penny from me through WoW until they reverse that. Or the next expansion, assuming it includes more customizations.


they’re making torghast weirder and adding a new currency (please god stop) and more… renown levels… which we were all really craving

no class adjustments and more exciting!!! legendaries!!!

the secret city is a floating rock that reminds me of those throwaway legion planet invasion zones

there are 7 minutes of encrypted cinematic glory so i hope you’re ready for sylvanas “i sent elf babies to hell for the greater good” windrunner’s well-earned and completely not forced redemption arc

all this and more for only 7 months of waiting


So the short answer is “no.”


As a goblin, you take offense to it being called the short answer.


No, you take offense to it being called the short answer. Things being short is my territory. I have home field advantage here, and so you should be wary.


Goblins aren’t short though.

They’re economically sized for maximum efficiency.

At their height they maintain the full range and scope for physical fitness, speed, dexterity, agility, endurance, strength, etc… as some of the largest and bulkiest races, but with a greatly reduced calorie dependency. Physically a goblin’s need for resources such as food and water is almost meticulously minimal.


I take offense to you saying the word ‘home.’ Mine was burned down by orcs.

Also known as S’morcs.


Short answer is no.

Long answer is no :purple_heart:.

To add, though: I will be playing it as a masochistic tendency of mine, but I miss my raid group. Most of them, at least.


I have my second child coming in October so I don’t see the point of getting back into it for three months and some change, but I’m still slightly waiting until the cinematics are decrypted to truly decide.


Get hyped for independent shoulder transmogs at least!!


And glasses!


How do you obtain the glasses because if it requires a billion renown with the spectacles covenant im not interested


no‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‏‏‎


If I have to collect 30k anima for transmoggable glasses, I am going to rage in some serious bold 78 point font.


I haven’t played any of the PTR, but looking at all the news I’ve seen I’m cautiously optimistic. I know it’s a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I genuinely have enjoyed most of the content this expansion and instead of reinventing the wheel they’re adding to existing features, which I like.

I like Torghast, they’re adding more wings to it. They’re also implementing anima powers in mythic+ as the 10+ affix which I am stoked about, as well as having it as a mechanic for the first boss in the new raid which is pretty fun continuity in my book. I have my fingers crossed next patch they’ll implement some more cosmetic drops from Torghast, similar to island expeditions.

New mega dungeon is exciting, it’s the first time a mega dungeon has come out where I’ll actually have a group of people to do it with right out the gate! With us starting out this season with valor points, I expect getting gear from mythics to be a lot easier.

Also kind of fun is the idea of Maw invasions, looking forward to seeing the place given a little more progression in a way that makes it not unpleasant everywhere. Like, being able to capture points of the Maw with some covenants is really cool.

There’s a few convoluted systems I don’t quite understand that might muck things up. Domination gems or whatever they’re called look like a balancing disaster in the making. But really, unless they’re doing something like “attacks have a chance to deal 50k damage split among targets” then it’s not too big of a deal.

If you’re into PvP I dunno if they have anything for you, so I’m sorry to those who enjoy it.

And lastly. Story sucks. I raged out in the confessions thread already, don’t mind me. Only good point is that raiding Sylvanas means no more “mysterious” motivations. Even if she’s redeemed we can finally have straight answers, for good or for worse.

So TL;DR, if you like PvE and ignore the story you should have a good time.


Sorry, you are going to need Apexis Crystals, Azerite, and for some reason Artifact Power along with Exalted with Hydraxian Waterlords to unlock spectacles.


I felt myself withering reading those numbers. I was not prepared to be reminded that Apexis Crystals existed.


It turns out that Apexis Crystals were just rock candy the whole time and Kadgar has a massive sweet tooth.


Congratulations! And good luck! Two kids at once can be hard work if my experience is anything to go by :sob: