9.1 is almost out

after mind controlling our uwu blonde baby boy-king and getting him killed (ideally) sylvanas, who is an angel now or whatever, unites the two factions under her leadership

stormwind is free


also god there are multiple actual real wow devs on twitter trying to defend… wow?? ion?? the company?? and they’re going about this by saying “but that’s not what the article says” and then being linked to the specific parts of the article where ion does, indeed, say the thing

this is so messy who needs daytime tv


At this point I wouldn’t even be mad.

The approach to Stormwind continues to bother me, since it’s exclusively made up of statues of people who are all still alive at this point in the game’s narrative.

Which is especially goofy since these were characters from WarCraft 2, some of the oldest veterans of the series.

This is just beyond stupid. You hadn’t fleshed the patch’s content out until…checks notes… well into 9.1’s development?! Seriously?!

  • Ion looks forward to seeing the community discuss and dissect what is next for Sylvanas after the events in Chains of Domination.

Because that’s what we needed after BfA. More of Sylvanas. We didn’t need more Bolvar, Taelia, Zekhan, Calia or Baine. We needed more story with Sylvanas…


Replace all statues of living people with Sylvannas since she is unliving? lol


Thanks for saving me the $14.99, Sare!


AND Nathanos. We can’t forget the Man Who Saw the Truth of our Glorious Savior before anyone else, after all.

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and from the danuser interview

It is purposeful that we have yet to see Nathanos in the Shadowlands, and a reference to this plotline will take place in one of the cutscenes that has yet to be seen.

nnnngh aaaaaaAAAAA

The brokers and Ethereals have a lot in common, but are different entities. This doesn’t mean that they can’t have any connections in the future.


A note in Tazavesh mentions a possible seventh cosmic force. Time will tell whether the scribe has lost their mind. or if it leads to something more substaintial!


agony, even


I would love to see this, popcorn in hand! May I have a link?

Did they…they didn’t just make an announcement for a future retcon, did they…?


You guys aren’t seeing the potential with Nathanos. He could be a knock off Strahd and next thing you know we’re all getting warped to the mists of the plaguelands and helping Nathanos woo the reincarnated spirit of Sylvanas who dies at some point or something

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i’m trying not to tempt a ban anymore because i would like to, maybe, one day come back so i’ll just link to the twitter thread discussing this interview rather than to a specific dev’s twitter



Appreciated,thank you!

The parallels here are greater than I’d like. Stop this.


don’t say these things

don’t hurt me like this


Every bit of that is intended, I am sure.

I already have an idea for the first raid! Those damn druids are trying to summon an ancient tree warrior using one of the old hearts of Azeroth! Face off against crazed Night Elves who are lead by Tyrande and her council of savage night warriors!


We’re all just on a car ride, filling out the WoW Madlibs in the back seat.


For real though how do you get the glasses are they actually implemented on the ptr or is this another phantom glasses

Love how the dude is basically: “this is not a good thing to do. Here’s what’s actually being said” and what was actually said is 1:1 what the guy posted.

Thanks for clarifying, I guess? What was that supposed to do? Damage control…?

Edit: that thread raises a valid point. How chaotic must 10.0 planning be at this point? If they haven’t even decided on details and specifics for 9.2 and (supposedly) 9.3, then how is anyone on their team supposed to work on 10.0? Are they just told: “It’s something with Light and the Jailer will be gone. Do something with that”?


I dont think anyone’s knows yet.

Someone in my guild was on PTR and says there’s no confirmation on how to acquire them. They said the game files note it’s from a vendor but who and where? I guess we don’t know yet.

It’s possible they’re just in the 9.1 data files but not planned to be released yet? Maybe we all get cool shades in celebration after sylvannas saves us from the story or something

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