9.1 is almost out

Remember all those weapon and shield models, some with multiple variations, that were datamined alongside the various Allied Race heritage armors and then never added to the game?

I remember.


I still want the sexy male nelf NPC armor already.


[quote=“Juspions-wyrmrest-accord, post:123, topic:1003252, full:true”]

Please understand that I say this as someone who has never even looked at Hearthstone beyond whatever promo material got squished into adverts for YouTube vids and whatnot when I was phone watching. That said…this honestly seems like it’d be the basis for a Hearthstone adventure given some of the weirdness I recall from that game.

Anyway, here’s my attempt:

In order to stop Sporregar from destroying Azeroth, brave adventurers will have to return to Outland (again) and find F.A.T.H.E.R. (Fungus and Terraforming Hazard Expert Research) before all hope is lost. Along the way, they’ll meet Fungodin and face off against the terrors of a realm on the verge of disintegration, before stumbling across hints pointing towards an even greater, hitherto unknown threat: Yogg’saronsothoth, the once-dormant Old God spore entombed within ur-Draenor before it could overwhelm the planet with its tentacular embrace!

(Fun fact: that word for tentacle anime stuff is a naughty word according to this forum’s internal censor. The more you know!)

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In order to stop the Horde from destroying Azeroth, brave adventurers will have to explore the Dragon Isles and find the Dragonite before all hope is lost. Along the way they’ll meet honourable Horde rebel Baine Bloodhoof and face off against Nathanos Blightcaller, before stumbling across hints pointing to an even greater, hitherto unknown threat: The Light.

The frustrating thing is that there’s a lot of already existing threats that could continue to be viable. I would’ve 100% preferred Shadowlands if it involved a resurgent Cult of the Damned, or Sylvanas as the Lich King, or something more connected to our world that’s worth caring about.

The Old Gods and Twilights Hammer could be a big threat. A reorganised remnant of the Burning Legion under Archimonde maybe, who in theory could have still respawned? The Dreadlord idea of Shadowlands is neat in theory - I kinda like the idea of the dreadlords reverting to their original purpose of chaos and corruption. That in and of itself, in all its glorious infiltration, could have been absolutely amazing to deal with as a threat.

There’s things that can be done that are genuinely a threat to Azeroth, and could create a fascinating story, that do not need to be a new villain that’s somehow bigger or worse than the previous one. The whole idea of Zovaal, likely a two-patch villain, having an army equal to or bigger than the Burning Legion, is borderline insulting to the playerbase who’ve seen the progress of threats like the Legion over a very long period of time.


Blizz has been burning through long-established threats like wet tissue paper. And not regular tissue paper, either! We’re talking the cheap, 1-Ply stuff.

Here’s a list of threats that could have had an entire expansion all to themselves:

The Emerald Nightmare

N’zoth and the Black Empire

Her Radiance Queen Azshara, Born of Stars, the Light Beneath the Tides (praise Her name)

The Infinite Dragonflight

Heck, they could’ve even done something with Dimensius the All-Devouring or G’huun


Speaking of, can we take a moment to ruminate on the fact that Azshara and Sylvanas were Warcraft’s most prominent female villains, both long-established with emphasis placed on their power and independence, and then as soon as Danuser got his hands on them he immediately made them subservient to bland, newly-created male BBEG’s?

haha how curious


Who was that for Azshara? You mean N’zoth? He’s been around since at least Cata. If anything I kinda loved that she was trying to rebel against him in BFA… very much retaining her power and position.

100% agreed re Sylvanas though.

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Okay mister big brain if that’s the case what was Danuser’s self-insert gonna sniff since Azshara can’t wear socks


Who went unnamed and largely unelaborated upon until just before BfA, yes, whereas Azshara has been a big player since Warcraft 3. They made a well-established female villain a henchwoman for an evil squid who was created long after she was.

Also to be fair at least Baldy McHolechest is an equal-opportunity Agency Remover, he’s just waddling around in his Anduin Suit right now

In order to stop https://youtu.be/aqCxlxclyzo from destroying Azeroth, brave adventurers will have to explore the https://youtu.be/FeEVktKiRYs and find the https://youtu.be/h5o5XojstYs before all hope is lost. Along the way they’ll meet https://youtu.be/oOX1bZprRCM and face off against https://youtu.be/4drdTlOyKNg, before stumbling across hints pointing towards an even greater, hitherto unknown threat: the https://youtu.be/lC-7iNkws3Y!


What could have been with an Infinite Dragonflight expansion…?

Imagine an entirely new timestream of possibilities. An alternate Azeroth similar to The First compared to the Source in FFXIV. A revamped world. New characters. Even an entirely new outlook on the setting as we find out that the Second somehow managed to not fall back into pointless Horde/Alliance divisions after Siege of Orgrimmar and largely kept it together for good.

But I suppose the minute the hardcore Alliance vs. Horde fanbase sees an Orc/human couple on screen, they would go berserk…

The things we could have.


i’m on Team Azshara-Should-Have-Been-Her-Own-Expansion


It would be awesome if a raid boss was alternate evil versions of ourselves.


The fact they wrapped up both Azshara and N’zoth in side patches of a milquetoast expansion - at best - so they could get them out of the way for Sylvanas’ rise to glory as the de facto super baddy is just another in a long list of crimes.


Well, aren’t they sounding confused in their latest interview about the direction this expac will end? Maybe they should look at an alternate Azeroth setting. Imagine WoW2 starting right about there - with updated graphics, better character creation and player housing? What we end up with is the same, but different. Start it at Warcraft 1, go back to the beginning and run the MMO from there. Make a few different choices. Some things never exist. Other things happen differently. We see reasonable plot progression. We see better representation for strong women characters, POC and LGBTQ+. No plot holes. We keep 2 factions, but we do some juggling around. Maybe Tauren for Alliance. Worgen for Horde. Dark Irons go Horde. Forsaken go Alliance. Who knows?! Maybe a neutral faction or 3rd faction at this point.

And of course, explodium.

Well, Azshara is still out there she went to “claim the real throne of power” whatever that means.

But yeah N’Zoth was a huge disappointment after he was just Eye of Sauron’d by a Kamehameha. Nazjatar and Ny’alotha should have been their own expansion and not included the whole forced Alliance versus Horde nonsense.


Let’s just go to an uncharted/previously forgotten land where the Horde and Alliance try to gain a foothold of influence with the locals, compete violently for resources, all while discovering an ancient threat brewing beneath the surface. This threat tantalizes with power but is ultimately a danger to wield, forcing the faction superpowers to begrudgingly coordinate in stopping this evil once and for all.

And it comes with loot.

I dunno…like MOP? :sweat_smile:

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I am tired of the ‘big bad’ enemy being the point of an expac.

I’d really like to just be an adventurer in Azeroth.