9.1 is almost out

it sounds worse than it actually is. when you play it it feels fine.

you like cbt

I loved everything about Cyberpunk.

I feel like the reason i enjoy it so much is because i went in with NO expectations, I heard about it basically as it was being released and thought “this seems cool” and bought it and tried it, and it basically reminded me of the choice structure of SWTOR in some ways.

I feel like the fans who got super super hyped and excited and built everything on everything pretty much had it coming. Take a game at face value, don’t expect anything from it, and don’t hype it up as god tier among virtual media.

People who hype FFXIV to death will suffer a similar consequence.

try a game, enjoy it, have fun, but consider it realistically among itself and its peers.

CONTENT WARNING some of the stuff talked about in this article is, uh, intense

kinda thinking i’m gonna change my mind on all that “i don’t want wow to fail” stuff

it doesn’t help that they had senior staff on twitter talking about how great it is to work at blizzard lmao you silly haters just don’t get it :smirk: :smirk: just a few days ago


actiblizz in hot water again because their workers just can’t stop harassing female employees.

edit: and that’s just THIS week’s problem!! tune in next week when we find out about labor camps in China or a war criminal joining the director’s board


“You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

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Well that all sounds horrible.

thats a big yikers from me, dog

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all this from “progressive” company blizzard. rainbow capitalism has always been a lie.


damb its riot games all over again

“the cosby suite” is what they called his suite because, you know.


In addition, DFEH alleges that women were subjected to constant sexual harassment, including groping, comments, and advances. The lawsuit also alleges that the company’s executives and human resources personnel knew of the harassment and failed to take reasonable steps to prevent the unlawful conduct, and instead retaliated against women who complained.


it’s still funny to me seeing people scream GET WOKE GO BROKE at blizzard because calling blizzard’s lgbt+ representation “scraps” would be too generous

and that’s not even getting into how they’ve written and continue to write women


threads about it on the main forums are mysteriously vanishing.

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i’m fully expecting wow dev accounts across social media to go dark for awhile after this

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lol ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

guess they’ve been taking lessons from china.

yeah my uh. fond feelings of wow instantly vaporized.


I do not wish for WoW to fail…

that said. I do support the use of surgical hedge clippers and very ungentle treatment to start removing that rot from Blizzard.


I mean…can we actually say we’re surprised after the Hong Kong situation?

Coincidentally, friendly reminder Hong Kong is under active authoritarian control in violation of existing treaties and agreements. Free Hong Kong.


Tibet is also an actively occupied nation and the people in Western China are facing horrific situations at the hands of the CCP