9.1 is almost out

See, I want to hope like that…

but CDPR breaking my heart with how bad Cyberpunk was on release killed my hope for the hollow shell of what Bethesda once was.

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This has been the best thread in a while.

I think it’s particularly fascinating because at this point there’s very little defending happening about Blizzard in threads like this these days and that feels like it speaks for itself.

It sucks that this game that I’ve spent years of time and money in, and all the wonderful (and terrible) friendships I’ve gotten to make is slowly sinking into the quicksand, but it’s very old and (to be quite frank) a miracle it’s lasted as long as it has. I don’t think WoW is going to truly die anytime soon, but I do believe we’ve definitely hit the Decline stage of a business when it comes to this MMO.


tbh why defend when you can deflect or close the tab considering the potential audience of a thread that’s already gone like this

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Content-wise I 100% agree with you. Systems-wise I’d argue that Skyrim is the hardest of the modern three Elder Scrolls titles because of the systems Bethesda removed that made the previous games easier to “game” (ie Spellcrafting).

Cyberpunk was a disaster of the fandom’s own making because they’d amped themselves up for it so aggressively there really was no possible way it’d live up to that hype. Plus the fact as good as Witcher 3 was it was hardly devoid of bugs, glitches, and general all around design decisions that irked players.

No what has me concerned about Elder Scrolls 6 is Fallout 76. Now I know people have said that game has gotten infinitely better and I’ve watched a run through of it…it’s the simple fact it was made so wildly off brand in the first place that gives me pause. That the developers straight up admitted they were surprised at the outcry for NPCs, Quests, etc. And the sheer deluge of horrifying game breaking bugs and glitches documented over multiple people’s experiences.

Also the fact Starfield is still Sight Unseen eight years into its own development. Yes, it has a trailer now but that trailer showcased exactly no gameplay. After 8 years. No Man’s Skyrim is a money laundering scheme by Todd Howard at this point.

When you’re racing Duke Nukem Forever in terms of development time, that’s a bad thing.

The more information that comes out around it (I’m in the “would have been neat to play because I like Shadowrun, but wasn’t going to buy it until it was on sale anyway”) the more I’m not so sure it was fan expectations gone awry. Don’t get me wrong - I’m sure that camp is not at all inconsequential - but the more they try to offer up (or folks find out) as excuses or reasons why people should hold on the more it just seems to have been an almost criminally mismanaged game to begin with.

It reminds me of a more heavily advertised version of RAGE. A game that by all accounts is fine, neat, cool, but in the end was just meant to be a tech demo. A demo for what? I don’t know.

I’m not going to force you to sit through another Bethesda spar with me but as someone who was really looking forward to DNF and thus followed the drama heartily, I don’t think this is a fair comparison. DNF’s perpetual development hell was them trying to integrate the latest and greatest and newest and bluest technology and trends, abandoning what they had on hand for the latest engine or positive feature from other shooters and since that was during the FPS Arms Race where it seemed every week someone had a new technological advancement that mentality was doomed from the start. Much to the chagrin of Definitely Game Developers You Guys everywhere, they’re sticking with what they know and while I’m sure there’s going to be some feature creep that doesn’t pan out I think it’s just because BGS takes a long time to make games.

I fully expect Starfield to look a little dated on launch because they don’t chase trends as much as other workshops.

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My concern for Starfield is we have a launch date but no gameplay. Show me the goods.

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Ehh I had a love/hate relationship with how Skyrim’s leveling system was. Personally I would like to see a mix of it and Morrowind/Oblivion’s system. Bring back classes, and the ability to make your own, and the skills tied to that class get a slight boost and are easier to level. But keep Skyrim’s system where you can level anything you want and still progress.

Just my opinion.

Sylvanas is like a 15 minute long fight.

So raiders are into CBT these days?

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sometimes i genuinely forget that wow is 17 years old, and then i sit and think and ask myself if i’m fond of this game because it’s good + enjoyable or if i’m just holding onto it because it’s been there for so long and has so many memories attached to it

either way i still want to see it do well and don’t want to believe that it’s entered into a decline from which it won’t ever be able to fully extract itself, but man


with the clowns we’ve got in charge right now it sure does feel that way


i have mentioned elsewhere that with the sheer amount of ball-related mechanics which has you destroying, chucking, or getting hit by orbs, that sanctum of domination is the CBT raid

also that’s not the worst fight duration w1st raiders have ever had to be subjected to in the modern era - imperator mar’gok was like a 20 minute fight and sha of fear was like 25 minutes


hm, t hinking about how i structured this

so vanilla to cata i consider one sort of an era despite cata’s entire shakeup of the entire game + systems, then after that you can consider that the Modern Era

but you can also easily segment it into 3:
Classical Era: Vanilla, BC, Wrath
Modern-ish Era: Cata, Mists, Warlords
POWAH Era: Legion, BFA, Shadowlands

Classical named so for obvious reasons
Modern-ish named so for attempts to streamline, update various aspects of the game to more modern tastes and backend stuff
POWAH being named as such because of the introduction of borrowed power systems that may or may not have influenced later class design depending on how much stuff gets re-tread on in subsequent expansions (like how Outlaw became all pirate-y and then lost subsequent pirate-y flavor in BFA but gained their artifact power dreadblades as a talent back in shadowlands)

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this is good but i think we can further recategorize it

sylvanas night elf era: vanilla, bc
sylvanas high elf era (we don’t speak of this): wotlk beta
sylvanas tummy era: wotlk, cata, mists, wod
banishment of sylvanas’ tummy era: legion, bfa
sylvanas goth clown era: shadowlands


hold up i can further recatagorize this

AnteMilladeean Era: Vanilla, BC, Wrath
Secret Agent MD Era: Cata, Mists, Warlords
Milladee Tummy Era: Legion, BFA, Shadowlands

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there is only one era, and it is Baenura.

the baenera

I like to dub it the “Edgy Sue” era for BFA/Shadowlands

I remember antics with Ephie and company in Ironforge back then and we knew we were in for a good fight when one of us would hear rogue stealth noises and get a glimpse of a tiny gnome rogue stalking us.


Awww yaaahhh! I sold all my Korthite Crystals for 250k :moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings:

Sure hope I won’t need them later but I don’t care about raiding or M+ or raising my ilvl by 1 or 2 points so I think I made the right decision to dump them on the AH.

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1000th post get. Victory for… uh.

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i remember when you could cap threads

i remember when wra was consistently at the top of that weird “most popular threads!!” tracker

i remember when people confusing the wra forums for some other forum was a daily rather than weekly occurance

truly the glory days are behind us
