Oh yeah duh. I was thinking there was a new leak. Ignore me I haven’t had any caffeine yet.
I vote we do the easy solution to this all…
We lose to the jailor, Classic WoW turns into WoW 2 (with normal Classic WoW preserved, so seperate thingy). Void Elves becomes High Elves because magic.
Well, when I say transformation toys, I don’t mean those 24 hour cooldown, 5 second illusions that vanish on death.
I mean a toy with no cooldown, a buff without duration that persists through death, and that will even toggle NPCs that address you by race to call you by your transformed race. I think toys like that could offer a lot to the potential gameplay.
For example, maybe there is a toy to turn you into a murloc. Suddenly, all murloc NPCs are friendly to you, and everything else is hostile. You can go into murloc camps, and maybe there’s a few quests there too. You can still group with other players as a murloc if you want, of course. You could be a murloc in Molten Core.
A part of a reboot is fixing narrative elements that should never have happened, and that’s going to mean some races we can play now wouldn’t normally be available. Letting players enjoy them in their own way seems like a fair compromise, but in a way that doesn’t have to ruin the future narrative.
Void Elves should never exist, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think players who love them shouldn’t get to play around looking the way they love to, setting up their own guilds for their own RP and what not.
Honestly, I think the talk of reboots is just saying what everyone is fearing to say in different words.
There’s no way forward for WoW that isn’t WoW 2.
who says it needs to go forward when we can pitch the troll wars between the amani and high elves 2,000 years ago, stupid dumb idiot girl
Troll Wars was 3,000 years ago. Dalaran was founded shortly after it ended. Also, the Troll Wars would mean no Orcs, no Tauren, no Darkspear Trolls, etc… Something like that would make a better Caverns of Time campaign, in my opinion.
ugh who actually reads lore now nerd
and imo… make it a third person FPS yolo
Seen lots of people lately suggesting they want to lose to the Jailer and see that change the world of Azeroth immensely and man I just want him to end up in the lore hole with the evil AU draenei. I want Shadowlands to literally be retconned out of existence, it’s like WoD where any lore it touches is poisoned.
Most stuff you can redeem as writing if you have the skill and passion, example being Clone Wars to prequels, but this just isn’t salvageable. It tosses the WoW universe on its head that it’s completely unrecognizable and there’s nothing to save with that.
Edit: On the topic of rebooting the game on a new engine, I’m all for that as long as they don’t ever refer to the Jailet again and somehow port over collected stuff on accounts. I spent well into double digit hours farming my brutosaur, I don’t wanna just lose it. And of course, I’d want to keep playing Altielle.
The funny thing is I like a lot of the races we’ve seen in the Shadowlands, and they feel nicely fleshed out.
The Winter Queen and the Night Fae, for example, the whole unseelie court vibe, its pretty amazing stuff. The Venthyr have an amazing aesthetic and they just ooze personality out of every pore. Maldraxxus is Scourge 2.0, sure, but it adds a very human element to the Scourge at the same time. I’d love if the Scourge on Azeroth had as much personality, with more undead that weren’t just puppets/slaves but had opinions and thoughts and their own ideas to contribute to the Scourge.
The Kyrians… I’ll be honest, as much as I like them I feel like they stand out a little too much. Their culture could easily be adapted to some Scarlet Crusade-like extremist cult seeking perfection or something.
I wouldn’t mind seeing these races and their cultures adapted to exist on Azeroth somehow, rather than part of the Shadowlands. It’d require a lot of tweaking in many ways, but it’d be great to flesh out the world.
Random thought I had lying awake in bed at 6:33am this morning
I think Shadowlands is the expansion that finally sends World of Warcraft into a fiery tailspin that it’ll never recover from
When that day comes I’m done with MMOs
Is this even possible? I wouldn’t think Blizzard would be able to “remake” or build WoW on a new engine and port all the data over so people don’t lose their characters and everything. I mean if they could do it I would be all for it, not because I need super amazing graphics or anything, I just think WoW itself needs a better foundation going forward to build off of.
But I agree with the people I have seen who have said stuff like we should retcon everything after Legion. It could only help the story at this point.
We should retcon everything after Vanilla, honestly.
Forsaken and Dreadlords in the Horde?
Blood Elves in the Horde?
Worgen not even being a proper race, but fluffy pups?
Garrosh being a villain?
Warlords of Draenor? Just, the entire expansion.
There’s just too much that was done poorly, and pretending Vanilla was somehow perfect in terms of lore is just glossing over the bad because that was the point the game was the least bad it was.
I don’t want to settle for, ‘least bad.’ I want good.
I think another time travel expansion but this time it’s the dark portal opening.
Entirely takes place in Southern Eastern Kingdoms. Basically everything from the wetlands and South.
You’ll have the good Mag’har and Ogre Horde future Horde players join. While Alliance joins the original Stormwind Alliance or whatever it was in Warcraft 1. You’re fighting to stop Gul’dan and the bad demonic horde and it’s basically just the plot of the Warcraft movie.
That way people can still play their trolls, Draenei, blood elves, vulpera and whatever while keeping whatever legacy stuff they’ve done but also rebooting the franchise.
All the subsequent expansions would just be warcraft 2, 3 etc but with the stories more fleshed out and detailed.
The problem with that is how would you explain the other races being playable still if we went back to Vanilla? Unless Blizzard retcons everything storywise back to Vanilla, but timeline wise we are still current if that makes sense.
So like we come back from Shadowlands and it’s still Year 34, but storywise a lot of the stuff after Classic didn’t happen the way we experienced it? This way all the playable races would still be available.
i would be totally fine and cool if the next expac starts with us waking up and finding out that SL was all just a boring dream
Honestly, I’d say take it back to Pre-Vanilla, Post WC3:TFT, and from there rearrange the setting to make sure the playable races are as included as possible.
So let’s say, for example, the Blood Elves have returned from Outland by this point. While there perhaps they’d make contact with the remnants of the Alliance Expedition, and then those characters and races come home as well. Suddenly Velen and the Draenei are on Azeroth thanks to that, and can settle in as a proper neutral race and focus on building the Army of the Light by uniting various defenders of Azeroth (and hey, bring in the Lightforged here). At the same time, the Mag’har could’ve observed these movements and made their own exodus to Azeroth, and reunited with the Horde.
I already mentioned earlier how the Vanilla Zandalari came off as a protagonist organization, and seeing them open channels of diplomacy with the Horde would make perfect sense, at which point, hey, the Vulpera are right there.
Ideally I’d like to see races that branch off through customization. So, for example, let’s say you want to be a human. You get a number of options for your human’s ethnicity: Stormwind, Lordaeron, Dalaran, Kul Tiran, Gilnean, etc… after picking that, some customization options will be highlighted as a, “this is the most common physical traits for your ethnicity,” sort of deal. Maybe humans from Lordaeron predominantly had blond hair and blue eyes like Arthas. Maybe humans from Dalaran are prone to white/gray hair and purple/blue eyes. Maybe Stromgarde’s distinguishing traits are red hair and green eyes or something.
A way for your character to not only have a specific ethnicity reflected with NPC chatter, but also a way to design them to reflect it or not as the player wants. This is something we could easily see with any number of races.
I really like this idea. I would be down for this.
Except… cries in Worgen How would they be playable? LOL
pretty sure there isnt supposed to be a machine since everyone still dies anyway
everything in the SL was created by the Not-Titans and apparently their Not-Titan Watchers created their own realms.
Realms that are created by sucking out your soul juice in notsofun ways
Yeah, I highly doubt they’d be able to and wouldn’t be surprises if this is 90% ofthe reason why they haven’t entertained the notion thus far. If you aren’t careful drawing all your players into the sequel, it might compete with current WoW and both will crash and burn. I, for instance, wouldn’t have much interest in a new WoW without my stuff. I have the 100 exalted reps unicorn, many collector’s edition mounts, the Nazjatar meta achievement crab, Invincible, the brutosaur, and that’s not even including difficult to obtain battle pets like the august celestials. I’ve put in so many hours, farmed so many mogs, and I don’t want to drop it all. I wish there was an easy solution, for sure. Like, I’d looove an Azeroth with modern art and cities. Like a Hearthstone Gadgetzan mmmh. But yeah, that’s my take.
Also don’t retcon me out of WoW Altielle is a good character
Through Night Elves, I would imagine. The original Worgen were Night Elves, so bring them in as a neutral race tied to Night Elves, who themselves would be a neutral race.
Something I’d like to see is the Horde and Alliance not being monolithic entities in the Geo-political landscape of Azeroth. They should be their core races, and then every race after should more or less be neutral. So, to start us off:
High Elves
Night Elves
I’d love to add Ogres to the Horde in this set-up, but I’m not certain what could be added to the Alliance to balance it out.