9.1 is almost out

This makes me realize that Turalyon probably has no idea what the heck a “Kalimdor” is as a 2nd war boomer


He’s probably still wondering why there are so many natureforged high elves. He’s not complaining, mind you, but he’s a bit confused at how the (only) elves he remembered all got taller, purple, and stopped wearing shoes.


Oh please, he’s seen those elves before and they are NOT natured forged! They’re like Illidan, after all, so they’re ALL clearly Demon Hunters.


Ah, so he’s wondering why they lost their hooves.

And I think he’s met Malfurion, so maybe he believes that horns are clearly a sign of leadership? (But why is one goatlike and the other antlered? Clearly, elves are strange beings.)


He also saw Tyrande, you know, at the armistice when she got hacked off at the idea of an armistice and said she’d only sign it in Sylvanas’ blood.

So, clearly those purple elves are all demon hunters! Tyrande is just more of an arcane flavor of one than Illidan was. She even uses Warglaives like Illidan did!


…Okay, now I seriously want there to be a Warcraft book styled as Turalyon’s journal as he attempts to understand every new Azerothian thing he’s encountered since his return.

“Back in my day, there was only one kind of elf! Now I have to keep a cheatsheet in my pocket to keep the different types straight!”
“Note to self: The undead are still people, but do not try to talk to the death knight’s ghoul. Not unless I want to give CPR to more inn patrons choking on their food from laughter.”
“The bear people are not the same as the people who turn into bears. Do not ask them what other shapeshifts they have.”


His name is even The Jailer!

Oh, my name? No, no – it’s ironic, yeah! I’m all about freedom for sure. Like calling a big dude “Tiny”, you know?


For me it’s more trying to see the story behind what they’re saying. I’ve acknowledged they’re not great storytellers, at least in this medium, and so for me I am basically looking for, “What were they trying to do here?”

It’s probably some form of sunk cost fallacy. I played WCIII when I was 9 or 10 and I don’t want to let this world go… even when I’m not playing the game anymore.

As for Taliesin he’s definitely kind of a Blizzard fanboy. I don’t think he’s dishonest about it or anything, just more optimistic than most people about Blizzard’s abilities. I generally like his input on things though.

taliesin calling people who say this is a dumb plot direction misogynists firmly pushes him into full on blizzard shill territory tbh

edit: women? queer people? no, you are just misogynists too DUMB to get it!!! so says this white british guy


so did 9.1 come out yet or is still in the closet?

'cuz same, bro.

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didnt he also comment on how only women could understand why this story was so good or something

“women :sunglasses:

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Ok well, Topper McNabb is one. Who are the other two?


Sir Thomas Bates the First War boomer feels very attacked but also he didn’t know what a lamp post was, still gets mystified by cameras, and justifiably freaked out when Dalaran just appeared above Karazhan one day, so. Point taken, and we need more stories about Turalyon (and Alleria) re-learning basic modern Azeroth civilization stuff.

Thanks for making me cry-laugh at this one.


T’partoos and Dumas obviously

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The best part about Classic was that you could pretend they weren’t going to jack the story up so unbelievably bad.


That’s way too generous. Like, how much more evidence do you need that Blizzard isn’t acting in good faith?

Also, yeah, I continue to be weirded out by that guy trying to conscript progressive ideals into his ongoing defense of a multi-billion corporation with a distinctly anti-progressive bent. That’s, like, almost offensive.


Didn’t like… numerous founders and longtime artists recently leave Blizzard, too? Bit of a segue there I know but like… what the crap is going on behind closed doors


What happens to all developers eventually, sadly.

So, something to state.

Even if it’s a matter of ‘too little too late’

I vote we begin raising a fuss about making Yrel leader of the Lightforged Draenei now so we can possibly make it happen next expansion in the .1 or .2 expansion.

update on popo’s potion patrol: i did it earlier today and i have contributed on both ends to popo’s perilous potion patrol path

god i love this bird

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