9.1 is almost out

i wish they’d given the cinematic budget to garrosh’s explosion and left the sylvanas one as another weird flappy-mouthed monstrosity


I am gnome!

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I’m beginning to suspect the story is actually very well written and we’re all just illiterate.

as long as orcs are present it’s good

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I find it sad that while I want less orcs, Garrosh’s little scene was overall better than the concluding cinematic of the raid.

Like, why is Garrosh kill stealing us more entertaining than the Jailor doing a ball implant surgery on himself and plugging a soul USB into Sylvanas?



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can i join team zovaal

i too would like to destroy the shadowlands

ethically, of course


Currently, I’m genuinely chuckling at how much hate the end cinematic of 9.1 is getting.

I can only imagine Ion is throwing a tantrum somewhere because he’s having to see that his waifu isn’t is not popular and he’s probably looking down the barrel of getting kicked out of influencing the story ever again.

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I thought she was Danuser’s waifu? Or is this like one of those animes.


Meh. Either way, one who likes Sylvanas too much is chafing.

I couldn’t even begin to tell you what’s going through the minds of developers at this point. More than likely there’s a sense of “They haven’t done all the story leading up to that moment so they’re missing context!” defensive measures. Christine Golden is probably having to put up a spirited defense of her job since she’ll be the first one thrown under the bus if this actually has any real repercussions.

But I doubt that’ll happen after they admitted to having zero idea where the story was going after the expansion had already launched which is an absolutely terrible business model and probably speaks to how understaffed and underfunded WoW’s development team really is. Which is criminal for what has become a foundational corner of the gaming industry, but totally in keeping with the Captain Planet Super Villain-like motivations of the CEO of Activision who feels the need to siphon millions from an industry that, being realistic, operates constantly at a loss (Video Games are one of the few entertainment mediums not to really be impacted by inflation. While $60 has always been steep for video games, new releases being $60 is a trend 30+ years on at this point. And production costs only continue to go up).


It’s sad that there’s no cutscene of Garrosh learning how Sylvanas ended up doing the same stuff he did and him responding sassily.

It’s sad that Garrosh didn’t get to be sassy.

It’s sad that there are few sassy orcs.


Its not too late for Thrall, while wearing Doomhammer’s armor, to real quick condemn Sylvanas for being a dishonorable warchief who uses necromancy and burning down forests full of elves.

At this point Sylvanas has done worse things than Doomhammer, but if Thrall calls her out for those things specifically while continuing to honor doomhammer it’ll still be amazingly lacking in self awareness.


The minute the Horde named its Capitol after the guy, it’s pretty clear Doomhammer’s legacy has been entirely whitewashed.


we prefer the term greenwashed around these parts, thank you very much


It’s still funny to me in WoD Blizz didn’t bother to give any spotlight on Doomhammer and he had a short cameo in Talador and died during the scenario which isn’t even acknowledged at all by any of the characters present. There’s just some dead orc on the ground and no one says anything LOL

Also for the longest time I had no idea Doomhammer was even in WoD that’s how insignificant he was LOL! It wasn’t until very recently while leveling an alt in WoD that someone in my guild pointed out that they didn’t bother to give him a unique model and he’s just a low res Thrall clone.

For some reason my brain was like, there’s Khadgar, there’s Maraad, Yrel, Thrall, low res Thrall and Draka.

Oh wait that’s Doomhammer???


I think I read somewhere that particular storyline was sort of let off half-baked when it was intended to be removed entirely when it couldn’t be finished in time. We were supposed to actually witness the creation of a less bloodthirsty Doomhammer that lined up with Thrall’s idolization of him, not the “WE’RE GOING TO KILL ALL THE DRAENEI! FOR THE HORDE!” in one cutscene “YOU’VE GONE TOO FAR, HOW COULD YOU WANT TO KILL ALL THE DRAENEI? I WILL STOP YOU FOR THE HORDE!” within, what, five minutes? that we got instead.

I thought a lot of WoD flowed really well but that one stuck out like a sore thumb every time, that and DRAENOR WE ARE FREE! are the two avocados I pick out of the WoD sandwich because I’m intolerant to them.


Remember how we were promised Grom would be the final raid boss?

Instead he ended up a cheerleader.

Oh that doesn’t surprise me. I also remember hearing that there was going to be something with Maraad as well but it was cut.

Also since I spent a lot of this expansion leveling alts threw WoD, random note but certain items in Talador are replaced with Shadowland Night Fae models. For examples there’s a random anvil in an orc camp that is now a Night Fae anvil and the mailbox outside Khadgar’s tower is the Night Fae model now. A guildie shared it in the WoW secrets discord and I think they confirmed it’s just a bug.

I believe there was going to be a sort of side-story about how Yrel was, is, however you consider it, the AU version of Maraad’s wife which was why he becomes such a fast, staunch, and fervant guardian of her without ever really mentioning why. If true, it makes his giving his all to shield her and Durotan from the blasts even more poignant than “draenei doin’ right by draenei.” Not that everything has to be a romance arc, mind you, but if true it sounds like it was kind of the Alliance’s version of Thrall meeting his parents and never telling them who he was either.

Between Doomhammer, Maraad, and the alleged Shattrath raid that got canned I feel like Talador - despite being the middle of the map, middle of the story, and middle of the experience in general - somehow ended up being the first thing to be cut apart. Maybe they were uber confident the start and finish would be enough to carry the story the rest of the way, maybe they’re just dumb, maybe these are all just urban myths that spread like wildfire and those of us who WANT TO BELIEVE have carved them into the annals of truth.