9.1 is almost out

“I was… lost. Lost within myself. I tried to reach out, to stop myself from hurting anyone else, to scream, but it was like there was a vast chasm between me and my own mind. The only light in that darkness, the only thing keeping me sane… was you, Nathanos.”




If we had a nathanos and sylvanas wedding we’d finally have an in-game wedding series of quests worse than Aggra and Thrall.


I don’t think the world is ready for this.

I’m here to make an even worse wedding arc than Nathanos and Thrall AND Aggra and Sylvanas.

Bring me your most lightly buttered male orc and a splat mat.

A nice gushy love story coming out of this is probably the only way to slightly redeem it (heh) in my mind.

Maid of Honor: Tyrande
Best Man: Baine
Ringbearer: Dumass
Flower Girl: A partially charred Darnassian woman.
Ushers: Thrall, Jaina, Koltira, Genn Greymane


In all seriousness here - get prepped for the revamp of Sylvanas’ song as she finally breaks down and weeps for everything she’s lost.

Lor’themar and Thalyssa will be there, gripping her shoulders in support or looking conflicted at the display.

Also there’s presently a better than even chance Vareesa will assassinate Sylvanas by the end of this to kick off Faction Conflict™, because THIS TIME, they’ll do it right!

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Please, the only thing Vereesa is good for these days is dropping some tears.

The next faction conflict will be started by a Lightbound Turalyon under the control of AU Xe’ra, with Yrel leading the slaughter.


I mean, he IS sitting there -plotting-

menacingly, mind you

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honestly if the sisters are to go by anything, nathanos will absolutely be an important part of sylvanas’ redemption arc because the windrunners cant walk five steps without being tied to their boring, self-insert husbands


He has also in game voiced interest to it be entertaining the notion of trying to steal Forsaken lands to kick them while they’re down.

That said, I remain a firm advocate of revealing the supposedly corrupted AU Yrel is actually a Dreadlord and real Yrel is the one who warns the Alliance of the danger and gets to become the new Lightbound leader.

what are you doing. stop


No, he hasn’t. His words were, “Perhaps there are other territories we can reclaim and restore.” He never once said anything about Lordaeron and it’d be strange for him to do so considering Calia is among the Forsaken now. Perhaps even Faol too.

It’s heavily implied he meant Lordaeron.

This is also Blizzard, if they’re going to keep the faction conflict going, it’s going to be Lordaeron since you don’t really have any human territories in the north outside that (mostly because Lordaeron was previously the majority of the North)

How? If anything my first thoughts were the elephant in the room, namely, Ashenvale.

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Considering this was him following the re-establishment of Stromgarde, I’d doubtful he’s actually going to go for Ashenvale. that would be the logical approach and Blizzard cant fathom the use of it.

Well, even assuming for a moment he’s thinking about the Eastern Kingdoms, then there is still Gilneas, Alterac, Nethergarde, Grim Batol, etc… Even if it were Lordaeron he was thinking about that doesn’t necessarily translate into conflict with the Forsaken. The Eastern Plaguelands, for example. For some reason the Silver Hand seems to support Turalyon considering their banners flew while he was in command of the Arathi Warfront, and since the Argent Crusade became the Silver Hand, it does leave the question of what exactly happened to the Argents’ old holdings.

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What did I watch?

Like, what did I watch. Why do these just. I.


Glares in Alterac