9.1 is almost out

Gods, remember when the RMAH was the worst thing we could ever think of?

And then things got worse?


I don’t think so; I believe it was ultimately more of a headache for them than anything. The profits made from it probably weren’t worth the hoops they had to jump through.

I would even go so far as to say that they probably got rid of it because of legal hurdles, not because of community feedback. They’d still totally take credit for “listening to the community” though.

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Nah. The potential for money laundering is too great. While the Activision CEO requires his monthly tithe, they’ll continue to sacrifice the community manager budget than risk Federal Racketeering charges.

i feel like i’ve had this conversation with the same person before but i feel like that’s false in terms of “before we saw any gameplay”

i’d have to go back and watch that opening panel again where they announced diablo 4 because i’m pretty sure it was the cinematic reveal, then the 2 or 3 minute gameplay slice

call me a lazy consumer also i kind of don’t care right now because as someone following the quarterly dev update blogs and who has combed through lots of coverage of the game in general, they’re designing a good ARPG that remembers the roots without being strictly shackled to them

and to be kind of flippant, oh no cosmetics (Grim Dawn Loyalist packs, Path of Exile’s entire skinning system for not just equipment and bonus vanity slots but also skill cosmetics)

I don’t speak for everyone, but I think most of us aren’t gonna try to convince you not to play a blizzard product despite how much we complain about the company. If you think it’ll be fun then I hope you find enjoyment out of it!

We all gotta find happiness where we can, and you know what they say about ethical consumption!


Peace, peace.

I meant no malice, nor do I seek to deny anyone enjoyment. You’ve clearly kept better abreast of the production of the game than I and are going in with both eyes open. That’s all I sought to remind others of.

Will Necromancer be playable at launch?

oh don’t worry about me enjoying myself - i’m a dork that’s prepurchased D2R and hope the D4 collector edition has some cool physical stuff in the box, i just have no idea why “oooh microtransaction” is supposed to be some sketchy boogeyman considering the game industry has kind of had that for probably over a dozen years

i know devs can go back on stuff and the like but they were VERY swift, nearly the very next sentence IIRC from the panel(s) after mentioning microtransactions that they were never going to sell power and even the PvP challenge rewards are just vanity only and not big items or anything

i’m gonna still ‘um, ackshually’ this because it’s just false

the first we saw of Diablo 4 was indeed the cinematic after Brack’s 2019 opening speech, then it was Luis Barriga talking about some overhead design/directional stuff, the Diablo legacy, and then unveiling the first three classes in a vertical slice gameplay video

Considering the 5th slot might be holy/faith oriented since that’s the one archetype missing right now I think Druid will be the current minion class. Long term I hope the game’s heavily supported with notably large content patches and multiple expansions with the rogue’s gallery of playable characters kind of being borderline “EVERYONE IS HERE”. Necromancer, Amazon, Witch Doctor, Monk, Paladin/Crusader, etc.

the devs seem to have made a brief, flirtatious glance in the ripcord’s direction with resetting players’ “betrayer” status

i think they’re too stubborn to actually change the covenant system, personally, despite apparently being aware of the balance issues


9.1 is a good patch because i killed a rare on day #2 of it and this dropped

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what is that and why does it look like a fakemon

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one of them little greeblie Anima Devourer monsters and that makes a good segue because i like how alien some of the devourers look


little dude goes great with my 7 month refusal to transmog

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I am.

I just have to generate enough Chutzpah before I can unleash my attack. I’m currently at…

checks notes

2 of 100 Chutzpah. Not bad for 2021. Best watch out in 2030 I’m going to be p o i g n a n t.

I think this is just going to be a fact of life with gaming moving into the future.

Similarly to how people had to learn to ignore infomercials selling all kinds of junk, we just need to be smart consumers and spend our money wisely. So long as microtransactions aren’t necessary to play the game, it should turn out fine.

that is a lot bigger than i imagined that to be

speaking of alien devourers


yeah so between the little raptor dino dudes like that mount and those, i only lament that we’re not seeing MORE anima devourers because these super alien and sci-fi designs are tight

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it’s always fun figuring out what uses what skeleton/animation set
like i’m almost certain the big ridable devourer that you mentioned earlier is probably a really long crawg

Crawgs use the raptor skeleton, which makes the weird new rideable devourers also use the same one.

Those weird buggy wyvern dudes use the wyvern/wind rider skeleton, which is just a slightly modified bat skeleton.


Enjoying the Maw.

Enjoying Torghast.

Two things I’d never thought I’d say, let alone together in the same post.


honestly have more time to appreciate how good the maw looks (and imo it really does look really good) without having to constantly worry about being sniped by artillery

haven’t done torghast aside from the cursory run to unlock the box so i’ll have to see how it’d pan out in higher layers

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