No Bone Death Knight.
I know some people have asked for paladin glyphs that use swords or axes instead of hammers. I think that would be neat, though I play a Draenei paladin so I think hammers aesthetically fits even if I usually use axe transmogs.
Also yes, pls give more cool shield transmogs, the worst part of maining protection (and occasionally holy) is that I have to deal with the shield. Do you know how hard it is to find shields that match whatever aesthetic I’m going for at that point? Give me a shield made entirely of purple crystal for my cool draenei look.
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Yaungol appearance for tauren.
I’ve been tanking and healing the holiday event and it can be so annoying, just let the tank pull the damn thing.
I also can’t stand people queuing as heals and being in a non-heal spec, not healing anyone at all the entire time. I was there tanking on my pally and had to LoH a rogue that wouldn’t get out of the bad and was about to die because the healer was a tryhard enhance shaman from Tich.
So yeah, it’s the people that ruin tanking. Tanking with a guild or premade party is sooo much better.
I love that I have that trinket that shares damage with a party member though. That’s been so fun in the situations above 
I need blood DKs to be less squishy before I take away their bones. Every time I’ve tried a key with one, the tank usually had aggro on the floor not the mobs.
That being said, if you want to try tanking find a class that gives you some fun. I have a brewmaster I’ve tanked on, mostly for friends but I plan on giving him some m+ without.
I don’t know if this was touched on (I’ve been at work, forgive me tank senpai) but one of the big issues facing being a tank is the responsibility with it. If DPS messes up, you got two more. Healers can mess up sometimes, but generally everyone has some kind of emergency health CD they can use.
Tanks have no back up plan. If they go down, it’s all over. Time lost on a key, frustration mounting…on top of that, tanks lead the way into the dungeon. Keys especially have an issue where the tank needs to know which mobs to pull and which not to; this is more important for 10s and up with Prideful. If a tank isn’t certain of the routes or pulls extra, the runs become more difficult.
Ultimately it’s a lot of responsibility and a lot of people just are here for a good time (myself included). Tanking isn’t for them and that’s fine. But overcoming those hurdles and becoming the sword and board/whatever protection of those you’ve befriended for the next 30 minutes…that’s the real reward.
Blizzard decides that they feel that they regret making PvE looting easier, so they nerf the drop rates from all PvE content while also nerfing PvP gear so that way PvErs aren’t “enticed” to go do PvP.
They then say you think you want higher loot drop rates, but you don’t. And that’s why they also decreased the amount of anima you get in patch 9.1.
Also there’s a cutscene where Sylvanas cries and says she feels Reawwy Sowwy about Teldrassil and Genn just sadly shakes his head and goes “We’ve all been there, Syl. Can I call you Syl?”

On topic: I guess another hope I have is that flying is unlocked without much or any additional effort required once 9.1 releases. It’s been nice zooming past plebian alliance and horde in war mode on my speed twink druid, but I’ve had enough of being grounded. 
distilled cringe, please spoiler tag that next time so i’m not assaulted like this
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Well well well
Glad this wasn’t a BETTING thread
cuz some of y’all would be rich
Just looking at some leaks that came through.
Well… this is gonna get interesting.
I’m just doing the Ian Malcolm meme like “The mad lady, she actually did it…”
Chains of Domination is, uh, a choice of words to put together, sure.
The new Flagellate ability looks pretty encouraging, though. I’ll be glad to have a reason to use it more often.
I know this isn’t a thread for deconstructing design nonsense but since I have “experience” I’m gonna climb this hill and scream.
Tanking isn’t really fun. None of the tanks and their rotations are particularly interesting, their mitigation gets re convoluted every other patch / expansion, and Blizzard are never satisfied with how much (or little) control you have over your own life. You exist to put the mobs in the right place at the right time, and the majority of deaths / wipes come from obnoxiously timed windows to press your taunt / mitigation / interrupt button that just kill you instantly. Or your co tank / they get you killed. You don’t contribute anything cool or valuable or fun, you’re a dps battery that sponges up numbers and sometimes in high level play with funky set bonuses and trinkets you can do things that make fights get a bit wonky but the vast majority of the time you’re just mashing your aoe / mitigation button and waiting for things to die.
And I’ll admit that, for some, this is perfectly fine and acceptable. It is, after all, the core gameplay Blizzard has been pumping for over a decade. That’s fine. But it doesn’t provide (as mentioned by anyone who’s ever tanked) any incentive to want to try and put up with all the responsibility it comes with, and that’s before you even get into the toxicity of the community and how tanks get treated (or how everyone treats each other, frankly).
People can sue me, but the late WoD iteration of monks will never not be my favourite tanking toolkit, probably just because it had a little too much of everything. But it was the only time tanking felt fun. And even then, it took the right gear and the right bonuses.
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- New Mega-dungeon - Tazavesh, the Veiled Market—Gather your party and discover exotic wares and strange creatures in an eight-boss Mythic mega-dungeon set in a bazaar of the mysterious Brokers, and culminating in a high-stakes heist to steal powerful artifacts from Azeroth.
Credit where it’s due, that sounds really fun.
“We’ll call it… chains of domination.”
“Steve, are you… are you sure you’re over this self-insert stuff?”
I sure hope the artifacts we see in the dungeon are our old Legion weapons, I wanna know what happened to them.
Sylvanas’s redemption draws closer and closer every day.
9.1.5 The Ballgag of Subservience
i truly, truly hope that danuser keeps forcing his nasty fetishes into the game under the guise of content
i want tarantino levels of blatant fetish bait