Probably Anduin noticed how torn Sylvanas was by all the things she’s been doing for the greater good so he selflessly sacrifices himself to show Sylvanas that she still has good in her despite all. This causes Sylvanas to snap out of whatever delusion she’s in and then her redemption arcs begins!
I still dont think Sylvanas turned Anduin, even though we are clearly meant to think she did. I bet she kept coming up with excuses and The Jailer turned him himself; and this will be a big reveal.
Sylv will end up with a lame redemption in death self sacrifice like Kerrigan got.
eh… i could argue its the jailer that got a power spike from all that sweet anima from revendreth, it can be handwaved, its going to be a beach once we kill the jailer tho, the power creep will go from azeroth to outland.
so your saying that some maw walker saved Anduin from the Jailer and brought him through Oribos and nobody noticed. Can you not make excuses for bad writing
I mean he can make Titan slaying beings like its a tuesday now. That is really stupid.
I mean, that’s quite literally what we’ve been doing since the expansion started. I’m certain none of the covenant leaders really care about the 4 or 5 mortals standing around in Oribos right now, for example when there’s a bunch of mortals jumping in and out the Maw at this point.
The Jailer did cut off our witnessing of the event. I’m sure the Jailer’s current plan is to let us kill Sylvanas now that she failed him for the last time.
She failed to destroy the Night Elves’ Hope even as she destroyed their Faith in Elune. She failed to get Saurfang killed early on against the Alliance. She failed to have Saurfang assassinated himself. She failed to get Derek brainwashed. She failed to get Baine executed. She failed to get Azshara to dispose of us. She failed to stop Saurfang from getting the Horde turned against her.
Her only success was getting defeating the Lich King which was in turn followed by a failure to make Anduin serve. The Jailer has every reason to let us dispose of her and Kel’Thuzad along with the useless Eye of Odyn and Tarragrue who both failed to keep us from meddling in Torghast and the Maw.
Kel’Thuzad let us kill the Harvester of Envy so the Jailer is no stranger to letting the Players kill unnecessary pawns for the sake of his goal.
Sylvanas might simply die revealing her choice(stalling and being unable to choose) while lamenting in sorrow about how her choice meant nothing in the end since the Jailer ended up doing her job for her.
The Raid is merely us disposing of the failures in the Jailer’s Forces.
Your own point belays the issue, None of those mortals Anduin coming out of the Maw. Again your reaching to try explain bad writing.
I saw it as the jailer literally using Anduin as a flesh robot to project his power outside the Maw. Sort of like: It was Anduin holding the sword but the jailer was swinging it. He did call him a “vessel” after all.
Good point about being able to leave the Maw in the first place though.
I know I’m reaching with supposition, but maybe he bypassed Oribos altogether and exited however Sylvanas can do it and went straight to Bastion?
Also, serotonin booster shot:
I’m honestly confused now. You keep saying bad writing, but the only part you don’t seem to accept is Anduin leaving the Maw and the Archon not caring about the how.
When right now, in lore, we have dozens of Maw Walkers jumping in and out the Maw and bring people out, which they do know about.
Why is a mortal getting out the Maw special, when they have a bunch of mortals jumping in to fish people out?
I mean would you have felt better if they wasted time with “A Maw Walker grabbed me and here I am.” line or something?
How would anyone even notice Anduin is possessed? Especially if he radiates enough light energy to mask the Jailer’s influence.
I expect we will free him and this cinematic plays as a part of Thorgast progression.
And Bastion didn’t go “poof”.
Okay so perhaps he skipped Oribos all together, really does throw a wrench in the Whole the jailer and his armies are trapped there though.
However I find it weird that they would just let him meet the Archon considering they seem aware he was last seen captured by the Jailer and his minions. Especially after the Whole forsworn debacle.
Certainly weirder that if anyone had heard he had escaped why Aren’t Jaine, Baine or Thrall chasing him down to find out what happen.
I don’t know but this just seems to have a lot of plot holes the writers are just ignoring to move the story along.
Edit: yay for puppies.
I’m not sure why people treat it as a big deal when Helya popped open a portal to the Maw right in the middle of Bastion and yoinked Uther and whoever that other lady is into it.
little pupper!
Which begs to question to me; we know the souls thrown into the Maw are supposed to be trapped there, and we know the Jailer is bound to the Maw by the Heart of the Forest.
So at this point during this crisis, the Maw Covenant (I’m just going to call the Jailers faction that) should be able to leave the Maw through various means, but the Jailer himself can’t.
Its just one of those situations where blizzard claims one thing AKA “nothing escapes the Maw” and then seem to change their mind and go “No one escapes the Maw unless your serving the jailer but not necessarily part of his army, oh and apparently he can’t escape himself for some reason but can possess someone to get out.”
So they forgot their own lore…in the middle of a expansion right?
I don’t know, that seems pretty on brand for…lots of stories like this. I can’t leave this prison but I can take control of someone and have them do my work for me.
I mean, they’ve stated that’s what he was doing with the Lich King. Now he’s just doing it a lot more thoroughly.
I’m certain there’s going to be a lot of things this board will cry about, but this at least feels like being angry for the sake of being angry.