9.1 cinematic spoilers

i know, i know but i refuse to call it like that, i prefer shalamourne.

ā€œIā€™M NO LONGER EFFING ASKING FOR MY REVENGE!ā€ - Tyrande Whisperwind moments before entering the ring


This is ultimately the biggest issue with SL for me too.

Stories need intrigue to hook you in but eventually that intrigue needs to actually pan out so the plot and character motivations can be, you know, understood. Theyā€™re dragging things on too long and I just donā€™t care anymore.


ā€œThings are really looking rough out here for- wha-b-BAH GOD, IS THAT TYRANDEā€™S MUSIC!?ā€


Now that I got my hair cut and looking clean af, I can finally give my thoughts on the trailer.

Overall, I liked it. In particular I liked Jailer decided to not waste time influencing his newest tool and just highjacked Anduinā€™s body and soul. The brief moment where Anduin peaked through itā€™s clear heā€™s pretty blown.

Sylvanas did the do and made Anduin a death knight. Sheā€™s now literally Arthas and she does not look pleased. Which is good, sheā€™s feeling bad. Thatā€™s good.

The Keys seem to be part of the Covenant leaders and the Jailer has the Bastion one. In gonna assume the last one standing will be the Winter Queen one because Heart keeps him trapped or some noise.

I donā€™t know why I think his goal is to eventually drag the Maw into Azeroth but I feel like thatā€™s stupid enough to be a goal.

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Iā€™m glad weā€™re unlocking flying through the new convenant storylines. I was expecting some ridiculously long grind


She didnā€™t kill him, as far as we know. He still has his living form.

Heā€™s just being MCā€™ed by the Jailer which is something that can be broken.

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The funny thing is, SL should have been pretty simple to write - just use all the characters weā€™ve killed off over the years as the main focus of the story and work from there. Instead, weā€™re somehow wasting the afterlife expansion on the still living characters.

Why bother with an afterlife setting if youā€™re not going to mingle with the departed?


Kill him, death knight him, his soul bound to the Jailer. Semantics as far as Iā€™m concerned.

Heā€™s now a slave to super devil, just like she was (by extension) and she feels bad. Thatā€™s good.

Itā€™s basically what Anduin himself used on his guardsman, just a stronger version, and for evil.


Hey if no one is supposed to be able to escape the Maw why didnā€™t they question how Anduin escaped? Itā€™s not like they didnā€™t know who he was, the Archon specifically said ā€œIā€™d heard you were capturedā€.

And if the Jailer needs keys from the Eternal Ones then why was he okay with Denathrius being captured? He said he still needs 3 more which means he doesnā€™t have Denathriusā€™s.


I certainly see Anduin more as a spineless agent than something I should feel intimidated by.

Plus heā€™s only possessedā€¦not a very strong way to keep your pawns in line.

Iā€™d of at least mutilated or chained him in some way, to permanently bind him to my service.

the dumb broad had to kill her most loyal paragon to realize something was wrong with her system, sheā€™s totally holding the idiot ball.


Nooo not the Archon!! I kind of liked her. :disappointed_relieved:

Really, Blizz? Were doing this ā€œHis will isnā€™t his ownā€ with Anduin? Now we know heā€™s going to be saved and I donā€™t even know if heā€™s even undead.

Also, stop with this crap about making Sylvanas feel guilty. She had thousands of night elves burn to death and it business as always for the Horde. But Anduin as a mind slave, thatā€™s Sylvanasā€™s big soul searching moment?

Overall, Nice trailer. But disappointed Anduin is just a mind slave and Im getting annoyed how their trying to make Sylvanas feel guilty about all this.


Because death is, for all intents and purposes, the end. And normally you only get glimpses of it. Course, now they have to make it ā€œkinda sortaā€ an end rather than THE end.

Idk, just more ways to make it seem bigger, when it was bigger with the mystery of it still surrounding it. Now the cover is blown off and the magic is gone.

This is the outcome of years of people complaining Anduin is too nice and wanting him to be darker.

Well, heā€™s not going to be nice nowā€¦

Apparenly lorewise, thereā€™s a bunch of Maw walkers jumping in a fishing out souls. One more soul plucked from the Maw isnā€™t that special at this point, I would think.


So not only did they retcon the Lore that the Maw was unescapable without us. They Also souped up Anduin up so much he is able to kill what is apparently a Titan level being.

I know I kinda predicted this but It amazes me how much more contradictions they can throw into their own story.

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its possible because the kyrians kept yeeting all the souls into the maw as hard as they could, that the jailor got strong enough to be able to send anduin to bastion

Itā€™s not a retcon, even the Maw Walker by themselves has now saved nearly a dozen people from the Maw. If we factor in every single Covenant chain, anyway. There do seem to be multiple Maw Walkers, since all the campaigns are canon and happen at the same time but canā€™t be done at the same time by any one player.

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