9.1 cinematic spoilers

He is also a hunter(at least capable with a bow) and now apparently a rogue as well. https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/SI:7_Anduin

Nah not really, i thought they were hell at the beggining but you gotta realize the mindset of the people that go there and that not all souls go there.

Think about it, basically workaholics go to bastion minus the part of the mindwiping they enjoy that stuff, i half expect one of those couriers to die if its not working, if you dont fit this category your soul doesnt go here.

Furries to ardenweald, enough said.

Battle junkies to maldraxxus, they enjoy that so its not hell, having a ā€œrottingā€ body is a plus not a minus since they can just sew themselves back together and off to the arena with you!

revendreth is the last stop, your last chance at redemption before going to superhell, you pay for the sins you made in life and atone, the process leaves you more less unburdened and then you get sent to the arbiter again to guide you to a different afterlife or get chugged to hell if you are irredeemable.

then there is the maw aka superhell where souls fight between themselves or are tortured until they just cease existance.

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A sword to the chest.

Now seriously, she lifts her hand briefly after being stabbed so it may be a disney death, if shes not dead-DEAD then the jailer is more stupid than i thought.

Characters in this game have survived worse.

Until itā€™s confirmed that sheā€™s dead-dead, I maintain that this was set-up for her personal story where she suffers the same kind of wound Uther has and gains empathy for him and the Forsworn and finally realizes the Path is flawed and that there must be other ways.


Very true. Iā€™ve no idea what the durability of archangels are in this setting. But if a Forsaken can shrug off being cut in half itā€™d be pretty notable if an Eternal One drops from just one stabbing.


People seem to have been missing her dropping the idea that things will need to be changed once the Forsworn/Maw issues are dealt with. Sheā€™s aware that things need to change, but upheaval in the middle of a crisis would just make their stance weaker against the Maw.

Everyone likes to paint Kyrestia with a very broad, simple brush that makes her out to be either a megalomaniacal dictator that steals all your memories to make you into a pretty blue robot, or into someone who has somehow governed (arguably) the most important realm of the Shadowlands for countless eons without issue but is now an absolute bumbling idiot for not turning everything on its head because of one mortal soulā€™s unique circumstances. (Howā€™s that for a run-on sentence?)

Iā€™m sorry if it came off that way.

I know sheā€™s already contemplated that there are problems and things might need to change, but it was very much a, ā€œIā€™ll think about this later. Maybe in a few epochs.ā€ The idea of the stab, of feeling what Uther and the other Forsworn feel, would be to forcefully instill in her a sense of empathy and more immediately address the problem. Finding a resolution with the Forsworn should be the most immediate domestic concern for the Kyrians. That doesnā€™t mean concerns outside of Bastion arenā€™t important, but ignoring whatā€™s going on to focus on other problems is only going to weaken the cause.

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i know, she still was a donkey the last time i went there so seeing her stabbed felt so good.

For some reason i dont feel the same with the winter queen, maybe because she seems more competent and her realm is the one that got less hit? weird.

Tyrande canā€™t empathise and she has major issues dealing with those outside her race. She is certainly not qualified to lead the Alliance, sheā€™s barely competent to lead the Night Elves for that matter. Sheā€™s retained her position because of immortal inertia.

Ardenweald was the one hit worst of all by the drought. As far as I can tell, itā€™s the only one that almost immediately stops being able to function as intended when the anima dries up. Kyrians can still ferry, venthyr can still torture souls already in their care, and Maldraxxus didnā€™t seem to slow down. But all of Ardenweald started rotting away like a drying bush.

Ohhh thanks, now i remember, she was the one actually working while the others just stood on their ivory towers, were traitors or were busy being dead.

Not to mention that only can Kyrians still ferry, itā€™s shown that they deliberately do still continue ferrying, knowing that every soul they send to the Arbiter goes straight to the Maw anyway.

Nope, no sympathy for the Archon until she gets her %#&^ together.

At least the Winter Queen was doing something to actually take care of her realm, vs. simply, ā€œWell, the assembly lineā€™s never failed us before! Business as usual!ā€


Yea there is something about this incompetence on an ageless being that just drains my sympathy for herā€¦ quite weird, im actually hoping all this debacle ends on her learning a thing or two, IF sheā€™s alive after all.


to be fair we saw him still talk after he was impaled, but we havent seen anything from the archon

She surivives

Her and Malfurion as a power couple would work fine though. The man can be his own dancing bear if need be so he has the entertaining foreign delegates part down pat already.

Amazingly, the Archon survives (confirmed in the Q&A). Itā€™s almost as if Anduin somehow gets to have all the benefits of playing Arthas without suffering any of the actual consequences of being Arthas.


but he isnt playing arthas, he is being mind controlled, Arthas willingly did everything for ā€œThe greater good.ā€ THe only character playing arthas is Sylvanas.


She kind of has to. If you kill the key figure in a realm, the realm goes Poof!

I think thatā€™s only a dungeon specific mechanic; otherwise, trying to Kill Sire wouldnā€™t make any sense (or would have at least come up as a plot point).

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