And for some that would be a paradise, getting to fight eternally while fighting for something important. You shouldn’t judge an afterlife based on your own dreams and desires
I cannot help but think that we are being played here. I’ve always thought N’zoth was way too smart to fall so easily in BfA. It’s definitely interesting that most of the Ilgynoth prophecies seem to be coming true in Shadowlands. Is this what the Void saw happening and knew they would win in the end all along? Our earth, our strength?
I still think whatever is floating in the Arbiter’s chest is what the Jailer wants. We’ll see.
She is neither interested, and more importantly, not fit to do so. She does not have the knack for diplomacy because she totally lacks the finesse to handle her feelings, nor modoerate her prejudgements.
Night Elves in general, have too much latent xenophobia to head a multi-racial alliance. There’s only one Jarod Shadowsong, and he’s not at all willing to take the reigns.
Nonsense. Any functional primarily military based international alliance would choose an experienced military leader over a 17 year old boy.
No offense, I somewhat get where you are coming from. But having Anduin lead the Alliance for the last few years was a mistake on Blizzard’s part and mostly lazy story telling. Varian had to earn his right to lead the Alliance, Anduin did not, and could not have possibly done so under any normalized circumstances.
Tyrande is far more suitable to lead the Alliance than any other character. Diplomacy is for suckers in Warcraft.
I mean, I think some people here would prefer that.
Paradise yes but still an off chance some will be killed for good.
Conclusion on the Cinema: Solid, but I expected more.
Conclusion on Shadowlands in general: Can we finally put an end to this tragedy, for this crap the community was turned against each other by Blizzard in a way that will probably never heal, we saw a live genocide, we had to witness Sylvanas 5XXXD Cheese. Let’s just kill Sylvanas the Jailer and be gone for good.
Even the brokers are more interesting, although they are only Etherals 2.0.
Blizzard has been making visual references to Arthas with their use of Anduin in cinematics for a while now, going back to at least the beginning of BfA with the confrontation in the Lordaeron throne room. It’s not odd that fans have picked up on the (very) superficial visual resemblance between the two after Blizzard keeps on pointing it out, and now we have Uther seemingly noticing that resemblance within the actual story. That said, there is also a brief musical reference to “Invincible” right at that moment as well. Blizzard very clearly wants to evoke the memory of Arthas at that moment; the question is if it’s just to explain Uther’s reaction, or if there’s something else going on.
I mean, this is literally the reason why Bolvar was in charge back in Vanilla, even though Anduin was still in Stormwind at the time.
"Oh, he’s 17 now, he can make his own decisions.*
fast-foward to Battle of Dazar’alor.
“Er…who wants to be Regent?”
I don’t think she’s dead.
Wounded, but not dead. We thought Taran Zhu was dead after fighting Garrosh but he was just wounded. Kyrestia’s reaching out when Anduin pulls the blade away, and I suspect that the Eternal Ones require a lot more than that to be slain.
I’d be surprised either way.
This is why I think the Runecarver could still be the Primus—considering that the Jailer didn’t have Anduin to work with at the time, he could have perhaps chained up the Primus for eternal torment in an attempt to break him/steal his soul “the hard way.”
Hopefully, the players’ arrival and undoing one of the Runecarver’s chains means that the Jailer ultimately failed at this where the Runecarver/Primus is concerned.
Heroic leap just plain seems to be possible in lore tbh. Grom did one in the WoD cinematic and Garrosh did it in his fight against thrall. Sometimes I wonder if we underestimate how strong warriors actually are in the lore.
On anduin becoming controlled by the jailer… called it! Now i’m just wondering if when he splits kingsmourne in half if we’ll get a light half and a death/void half. Seems like something they’d go for since we know Anduin is capable of using shadow magic and blizz still seems dead set on calling him a priest with a sword.
Yeah but Andy’s supposed to be a Priest.
It reminds me of that Doctor Strange movie, where the guys a wizard but most of the fighting is just him throwing hands with wibly wobbly magical stuff happening in the background. When I think like the Castlevania Anime shows very well how cinematic a caster can be if you approach the scene creatively.
I would argue those people who were selfish and callous weren’t truly “Kings,” in the eyes of the Kyrians.
Citation needed.
Seriously. I didn’t know about WoW’s weird timeline so I figured Anduin was in his mid to late 20s. Which isn’t old, but if the guy had been trained from adolescence to adulthood to shoulder the responsibility of a crown I could see him being a solid choice. He gets thrust into this position way earlier than expected but he’s an adult who’s been trained all his life for this moment - he’s got this.
Then I find out he’s 17. So he’s got, what at most 5 years experience at governing school? When he wasn’t dicking around with Baine and Wrathion in summer camp.
It’d be one thing if his position was largely ceremonial. So he has time to learn the ropes while like Shaw actually runs the show. But nah he’s expected to lead armies into battle and make massive domestic and geopolitical decisions.
I liked him in SR because he actually acted his age. Putting on a bad disguise to sneak out and drink, while you’re one of the highest value targets walking the face of Azeroth no less, is an extremely bad idea. But it’s the sort of bad idea a stressed teenager would come up with.
Don’t worry, he’s not a paladin. He just multiclasses warrior and priest now.
A problem with that is that High King isn’t supposed to be an inheritable title. It was stressed back when the Trials were being talked about at BlizzCon. Remember Varian had to show his worthiness (through extremely biased trials that made the other leaders look so incompetent that people are still bringing up their poor performances in this thread) before becoming one. It wasn’t forced on him in game.
Blizzard has avoided explaining why Anduin is in that role because they want him in the spotlight, damn the consequences. Explaining it would show everyone that the Emperor has no clothes.
To be perfectly honest I just figured SW was calling the shots because it has the largest military and economy.
Funny to me though BFA was saying how Warchief was a bad idea- and yeah I’m not pro dictatorship for life. Especially when the potential candidates can live for millenia or potentially forever. But I’ll suspend my disbelief and just accept it’s a good system in this setting.
But they decided to let everyone know eternal and absolute executive power isn’t a good thing. And fair enough, way geopolitics have been going maybe they felt the need to shout that for the people in back. But then when the Alliance has the same system and doesn’t have to question it you just get a weird story. Anduin is basically the Alliance’s version of Garrosh but as he’s good natured we’re to accept this is actually a great system of governance.
You certainly could. The inner-dynamics of the Alliance are non-existent as far as we know. Blizzard doesn’t care for anything blue-side except for two or three humans. That idea was spitballed by a CM (because an actual Dev can’t be bothered to use any brain cells on the Alliance).
The Alliance has this system because the Horde had it. That’s why its so frustrating. Mezten, Kosak, and others at Blizzard cared so little for the Alliance side of things that their answer to giving the Alliance depth was to turn it into a mirror of the Horde, complete with a Warchief. The diversity and uniqueness of the old Alliance system got thrown out to make the faction rotate around one character.
Its like why Age of Sigmar did to Warhammer fantasy. It simplified a lot of things, made some better, but everyone agrees the lore is trash and needs to be taken out back and shot for ruining what was once great.
Except Garrosh had story and build up to him being chosen and accepted as the Warchief. Garrosh was Varian’s foil.