I can’t believe how mad you are about something that doesn’t affect your life in any way. I really would love to see another post by OP about how mad they are.
It’s not really a toxic take TBH.
I’m not making fun of anybody here, I’m just stating reasonable expectations about these guilds that will take literally anybody off the street.
A lot of them either don’t raid at all, or only do the very basic of raiding content.
And sure, exceptions exist; I never said otherwise. However, you don’t place any guarantees on exceptions. If you find such a guild, hey awesome. But don’t expect it.
WoW is built for these people to be able to feel special. They don’t feel special if other people can get the same rewards as them.
WoW is built on this toxicity. It’s the same reason this thread exists. It makes people feel special to complain about “casuals” getting more than them, because clearly that means that they deserve it while the “casuals” don’t. It has nothing to do with skill or wanting to feel challenged.
It’s why they’ve minimized their LFR/LFD automated matchmaking. It’s why they don’t moderate chat channels and allow toxicity to flourish. They put in just enough casual content to attract normal players, and try to lead them into the content of the “elitist jerks” just so those people have someone to push around and get their temporary ego boost.
Again, one rando on the internet says something stupid and you fly off the handle. Good job.
Again, you. Not just you. But definitely you.
You really dont.
No. Your big long rant about how everyone else is to blame is.
There seems to be a lot you don’t get.
First, I never said I was against it. That’s your assumption, so that’s your bad. And please, by all means check my “amazing leet” profile and let’s chat all about how I’m engaging in content others aren’t and closing the gate behind me
Seriously - I just can’t…
Except… it’s not just one rando. I see it over, and over, and over, and over and over and over again. In chat channels, on the oboards, in youtube comments.
Uh? The devs are the ones directly to blame because they keep focusing so much of the game towards the Mythic crowd while simultaneously forgetting that there is a whole group of people who would like content that doesn’t require manual matchmaking? Why is this so hard for you to understand?
I honestly don’t care what Mythic people do. I just want stuff for me and people like me to do, and Korthia is a step in the right direction, but again, people have to start whining about “omg casuals can get raid gear now!?” and it’s not “just 1 guy” … heck, yesterday, I saw whining in General about that very thing in Korthia itself while I was there.
I would also like to remind people that once upon a time, we did have LOTS of content for such people to do.
That time period was called Mists of Pandaria.
And what was going on during MoP?
“OMG EVERYTHING IS TOO EZ!!!” (said the people who didn’t have to do the content they were whining about)
yadda yadda yadda.
They had their difficult raid bosses, and all that stuff, but no, that wasn’t good enough for them, they had to whine about the fact casuals had lots of content to do. And what happened in WoD?
They removed 90% of the casual content.
Who cares?
Casuals shouldn’t get content? They are players too you know.
As a CE Raider it’s not as bad as BFA.
Since people actually have to farm the currency in order to get the gear, how can you call it welfare gear? Perhaps you should spend some time in California and learn what welfare is.
This to the point that they changed the design of LFR gear for the expac so the raiders could differentiate between “scrubs” vs them. BFA got it right with the recolors in the raid gear. (IMHO)
But that has been part of Blizzard’s own folklore since they started pushing it as an aspiration back in WoD…
…and look how that worked out, with its “toddler gear” in LFR and dungeons above Normal gatekept by an irrelevant expansion-old scenario.
…and zero actual hub cities for anyone to, err, pimp their sexy new gear in, because when it came to a choice between mudpit or garrison, it was a no-brainer.
The decline of this game started in WoD not just because of lack of content, but thanks to the idea that “raiding is everything” being made the design pillar of the game going forward.
Not only did they make LFR gear look like quested junk aesthetically but they also removed all the set bonuses from LFR gear because God Forbid you were a casual in LFR and you had set bonuses on your gear, despite the, what was it again, 16+ item level difference on your gear?
WoD was also the start of the Hype Train, where they started putting ludicrous amounts of money in these absurdly stupid PR stunts IRL.
I remember that stupid silly thing they did in NYC where they had this taxi with a huge replica of Gorehowl embedded in its roof or some stupid crap like that.
None of that matters today, but what does matter is the legacy it left behind, that Hype is more important than actually delivering the goods. Get the players hyped up so they buy the expansion, and who cares if they actually have anything fun to do when said expansion actually goes live in whatever bug-ridden state it was in on Release Day.
Hell, the constant downtimes on Patch Day (and the few days after it) will only cause players to want to play MORE and they know it.
was it hard staying awake mr paladin
Best thing blizzard could do is just make the game where if you want to just raid you can do that nothing else required. Like literally make it so you don’t have to quest or do anything just raid.
Then take the rest of the resources and make world content and some cool dungeons to do.
We need the raid loggers out of the conversation when it comes to world and casual content. Raiders only want the best gear and they do not like doing anything else and they have way to much influence on the rest of the game.
Look at the Twitter accounts of world first raiders they are beside themselves with how much they have to do. Just make it so they don’t have to and they can be happy.
died once or twice on trash actually, which i havent done since TC8.
i re-played layer 9 jsut for fun and i did a lot better the second time.
all on a paladin youve only played for 2.3 hours.
9.1 is saved
thank you for reminding me. DING 600 days!
Good I don’t want to grind 100 systems on alts
I want to spend lots of time in CN just looking the place over really. From what i have seen its a nice model texture setup. BUt…now its rush rush rush, go go go.
I had level design interests in the past. This stuff gets my interest. But 24 people say we need to move, well, I move.