9.1 - Casuals Paradise

No, 233 is definitely Normal. (There was at one point a PTR build with 237 as the max, which may be why you are confused.)

And it is certainly not “free” if you have to spend days (time played) earning the tens of thousands of catalogued research to fully upgrade an entire set.

Yes, if by casuals you mean hardcores.


This entire paragraph is factually incorrect. You are trolling hard.


Yea if only they implemented some sort of guild system or friends list so you could avoid this

Interesting that you want casuals to join some random guild as if being a nobody in a guild will solve all their problems, and you don’t belong to a guild yourself.


I have played for a few hours and got done the only things I was even remotely interested in, there is nothing for me to do.

233 is stop gap gear at best in a month or even less. Lots of hot air over nothing.
Is good to have some outside instances loot for those that do not go in Mythic+ or raiding.

Casuals pay subs too and without the casuals maybe the game would not be here for the raiders or Mythic+
Each to their own, play the game the way you like and stop whinging like bishes about what others might or might not get.


I’m getting psyched to get back to work on the voidtalon project. For anyone interested, portals do not spawn until at least 48 hours after a reset.

I can’t imagine having nothing to do in the game.

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Interesting that you say i want something i never said i wanted. Take time and find the right one. I also said friends, but it’s not what i want, it’s a suggestion.

A good guild will solve the problems they were outlining. Your engagement in reductio ad absurdum gave me a chuckle, thanks

You’re wrong.

Nope. A nobody joining a guild that will accept a player on the learning curve is going to be on their own. They’ll be learning on their own, gearing up on their own, and pugging their own content. Thanks for the joke, pretending that the raiders are there to take time from their own progression to help gear up someone they don’t know with unknown potential.

People like you would be deliriously happy if every player was forced to join a guild, because surely that would give you a bigger pool to recruit from. They’d all be highly skilled and experienced… LOL. You know no good guild would accept players with unknown potential. That’s why all the ads are for exceptional raiders will great logs.

You could join a guild and set an example.

You are posting on a character that doesn’t belong to a guild. So you’re wrong…? Or you don’t know who your characters are?


Sad that that’s your experience. Guess it’s good for everyone your limited knowledge and experience isn’t everything.

Oh gee i guess that explains everything big brain!

Yeah, I love how everybody goes “JOIN A GUILD!”

The guilds that actually do raiding, want raiders and people who can clear content. They don’t want people who’ve never stepped foot in a raid, and the guilds who will take anybody are the kind of people who probably can’t clear a raid anyhow, who just do nothing but “socialize”.

It’s why I hate manual matchmaking systems in games, it’s a “rich get richer, poor get poorer” situation. People with awesome gear scores and raider logs get groups to get better logs, people without are left to scratch and claw their way bit by bit having to do far more work to get to the same point.

Not everybody has time for that, I know I certainly don’t. I work a variable hour full-time job RL. I just want fun content, I don’t care about the challenge level, I just want it to be fun, something chill I can enjoy.

But here comes Mr. Raider who thinks I should never get anything above quest greens and blues because he needs to feel like a special snowflake and he needs to feel like he’s better than me, otherwise his sense of self-worth goes right out the window and he starts hating the game because “scrubs” like me can actually get a few purples now.

It’s this kind of toxicity that gives the whole game a bad name, and why XIV is flourishing, with lots of ex-WoW players finding out that their way of doing things over there is way better than ours.

I play both games, and I really want WoW to be fun, I spent more than 35,000 hours in WoW over the course of its existence. But, WoW doesn’t want me to have fun other than little scraps like Korthia it will toss my way now and then while locking all the dungeons and a part of the story content behind Mythic+ walls (is there some reason there couldn’t be a Heroic Tazavesh?).

But sadly, that will never happen as long as Ion is at the helm. Ion is that guy who talks tough, but isn’t even a pro raider himself, unlike XIV’s leader. Yoshi-P happens to be in the top 5 percentile of best players of the entire game in what is arguably the most difficult DPS class to play.

I wonder if Ion has ever cleared a single Mythic Raid Boss, lol.


Yeah…I did this about an hour and a half. I got 2 200 rewards form quests. Replaced pvp gear but not really. I like versatility on MM hunter for pve and pvp. the 200’s are on only for score for gear hits in drops. the 197’s await that renown lock to upgrade pvp more again.

Started the val’kyr stuff and said yeah…I can pace myself. Kill 3 rares quests and 11 souls for weekly had me flagged so I left the maw. So today is blow my horn in the river of souls, literally, I think and see where that leads.

If the ilevel uber gear is being given out somewhere please do tell me, a casual, where.

I am jsut looking to clear quest to lose the eye at this point. and back to grinding me some honor for the pvp upgrades.

Ain’t nothing casual about alliance pvp point acquisition. Horror stories about defeat ripped from the jaws of victory? I have many of those in pvp with alliance chars. So many matches that were heading to wins. And at the end, we had enough blow it out their butt and lost.

You mean the kind that you just spent several paragraphs spouting? People say hey there’s groups of ppl out there that you can have fun with and your go-to is to blast everyone else because you have a job with a schedule most ppl dont have to deal with? I mean the irony is palpable lmao

I mean you literally say

Kool! Heroic dungeons and lfr sound right up your alley and both have matchmaking! How exciting for you!

But no, lets just yell and stamp your feet and claim it’s elitists and bad game designers that are the toxic monsters…

There is about half an hours worth of play gated behind daily quests.

In other words, people you made up.



Sure, I’ll log in and Q for Heroic Tazavesh.

Oh wait…

News flash: There are toxic people on the internet :open_mouth: But you decided to take other people’s toxicity and throw in your own and crank it up.

At this point, people like you complain and whine and spew the garbage you have so far at everyone else just because for one activity in an mmo you may have to speak to someone, and blame your work and developers and everyone but the real problem, you. Get over yourself and you may have that fun you claim you actually want.

Casual players will enjoy Shadowlands when it become old content. This is normal.

I can’t wait to solo Sylvanas in 11.0.

I didn’t “throw in my own” and I didn’t “crank anything up”, but I suppose it’s toxic to point out how others are being toxic? lol. Okay. Whatever you say there.

Pretty sure the thread was going fine with casuals saying “Yay, Korthia gives us some content!” and some raider has to pop up and go “EEEW WTF WHY SHOULD YOU GET PURPLES!?” …

Just who is spewing the toxicity here?

Oh, I get it.

I want a Heroic version of Tazavesh, because you know, it’s a major feature of 9.1, and somehow that equates to, what, “whining and spewing garbage” because I want to Q up for a major content dungeon?

Uh? Okay?

Not sure I get the mentality there. Show me on the paper doll where it would hurt you if they had added a Heroic Tazavesh.

Why don’t you just admit the real reason you’d be against such a thing, is because you don’t want to see “scrubs” enjoying the same content you do?


Wouldn’t finishing the raid or high mythic keys mean you have progressed regardless of gear lvl?

And you are calling others toxic? This is a pretty toxic take. So there can’t be nice people in guilds that raid. And if a guild that raids does have players nice enough to take on a first timers, they must suck eh?

I know many people have this opinion and I did too at one time, but sometimes it just takes some patience and finding the right guild.

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