9.1 - Casuals Paradise

Raid Loggers do not have to worry about doing dedicated grinding for such.
I do not see anything wrong with players doing skilled-based progression in their own free time.

I take that over the boring route of hiring a group of experienced raiders to carry someone through a raid for the best quality gear.

Or simply buying random mythic item-level loot dropped from Raid mobs off the Auction House.

Judging from that statement alone, perhaps OP is opened to World of Warcraft becoming Pay to Win.

Compared to the people who buy their item using third-party software and an army of herbalist druids along with a bank alt to gain their funding for being carried through raids, at least these so-called “Casuals” put the effort into their progression.

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OP, you sound like one of those 1% people who want raiding exclusive to the minor amount of people and think Transmog was the death of WoW.


I nearly wiped because I had fell asleep. 10/10

We’ve been spendin’ most our lives livin’ in a…

The mobs were no more difficult than they had ever been, i ran it solo in about 20 mins.
I died twice from traps, that new sound the axes make made me jump and not move out of the way. It was not hard though.

Everyone gets a free legendary in retail you dingus

the new torments dragged me as melee down quite a bit in larger packs. i was in danger if i were pulling the same way i’d pull a layer 8.

ranged classes seem to have not been affected much.

They should make the gear upgradable to mythic ilevel, honesty.

Make it take time to keep it balanced.


You can just forget about Korthia, and grind mythic+ still like you did last patch.


I did it on a monk, pulled like it was layer 1, couple of close called on some of the double elite pulls but otherwise it was just aoe aoe aoe.

Renown to get pvp upgrades a goal for me really.

If you can take the RNG of raid/dungeon or accept some match ups in pvp will be lost before the 2 minute wait even runs out…you are good.

This is the most engaged ive felt with wow since legion… just saying, as a casual


Not to sound like a male reproductive organ but as hard core raiders have been telling us for years you don’t have to. Your rewarded by the grind with transmog, pets and mounts not much impacts player power outside of the rep which is done mostly in three quick dailies.

The gear won’t mean anything as you’ll be replacing it next week anyway, not to mention it takes to long to get it to heroic levels for it to be meaningful for anyone who raids even at a casual level.

Could you grind out rares and treasures. Sure, but with the diminishing rewards its not required.

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Who is going to tell this group that this game is a casual game? It’s a heavily watered down version of much much more hardcore games like EQ back in the day.

WoW has literally always been casual!

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people on the classic forums think that DRINKING after every mob makes classic harder. :man_shrugging:

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Yeah that’s sad. Classic is a casual game compared to the games like it back in the day. It’s funny when anyone considers this game hardcore. If it were it’d be full loot all the time, pvp all the time, and everything including pve would be hard to kill.

killing mythic sylvanas would likely be difficult to 98%+ of players. but drinking after two mobs? lol. tedium =/= difficulty. and the people who whine the most about casuals and muh epics should be epic are aotc tier at best, not ce raiders. so.

I don’t even think they know what casual even means to be honest.

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Ill repeat again that the demographic crowd you speak of are paid no mind to at all by the rest of us normal casuals. Theyre the same ones that should probably be on your ignore list. The post they make here?..yea, ignore those to. The small minority dont speak for the larger crowd of casuals that arent complaining.

If you decide to fixate on that crowd only, then thats your choice.


They know exactly what a casual is…but that wasnt their intent here. Their intent was to just make a bait thread and see how long it would go.

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