wait… you serious I’ll actually have something to do >.>
Question. How does the game being more accessible to a broader playerbase ruin your gameplay personally?
No one’s being given anything on a silver platter. We’re all still putting in the work to get gear.
But as more people get busy with life (especially with what’s happening in the world at the moment), and as the game gets older, it’s in the game’s best interest, and yours Vanissa, to open the doors of fun to everyone so there’s plenty of fun stuff to do for both casuals and hardcore players.
The more there is for everyone to do, the more steady the playerbase remains, the more people there are out there to play with.
Bless you! I was getting all revved up at this persons arrogance and going to post something very similar to what you did. I completely agree with your sentiment.
It’s pathetic that there are people out there who can only feel good when they look down their noses at others.
These same people would never lift a hand to help a “noob”, take time to teach; all things that contribute to that “community” these jokers often moan about.
See you in the maw!
With my 2 account experiment over as I let the other account die I sold and mailed the gold to this account’s bloodsail char.
Woohoo I am over 300 gold, I am so rich now! Awesome.
Maybe battlegrounds on Alliance won’t be filled with people under 30k health. Heck, what am I even saying? The Horde mercs will make sure this doesn’t happen.
Paradise certainly isn’t the right word. Even though there’s more stuff to do, it’s also more tedious than ever, especially without flying.
Nice troll op. First off there are many ‘types’ of casual. The mount grinding, achievement hunting, farming and getting ilvl 233 from just wandering around Korthia type(speaking of which, outside of domination sockets that will only be around for 1 patch cycle, way to make normal raiding gear null). Then theres the a bit of those with a dash of normal/heroic raiding and M+ but not too high cuz its not really worth going above a +15 other than to stroke your epeen type. And many other versions in between.
There is some initial time consumption based activities but all this is is Nzoth assaults/Nazjatar with a new skin and benthic gear 2.0. You can do the Korthia dailies in about an hour or two coupled with any other quests you find as you go, killing of some rares and hunting of some treasures. Torghast still only has to be done weekly if thats all you care for since there are restrictions on soul cinder acquisition per week. Raiding will be nice to participate in but once you get all the dom sockets, that coupled with the leggo is 6 slots taken by bis gear giving you 8 slots to fill with anything else, thus leaving your M+ and Vault options kind of stifled especially when trying to pinpoint specific gear. I say this because ive literally seen myself and had guildies who have maxed out the raid chances and have 1-2 M+ vault chances fill up with items you already have, multiple of the same item type like all pants and the rest filled up with items that are less than desirable but you take it anyway cuz its higher ilevel. Your choice in gear you can get is greatly reduced due to dom socket gear and then this participation trophy leggo thing theyve been doing since Legion has just got to go at this point. Put the special ability perks in a damn talent tree and call it good already. So basically M+ will feel less rewarding because even though you cant use the socket bonus in them you will still want the dom socket gear to run them.
It’s about time us “casuals” get to enjoy the game too. It’s really disheartening how these toxic raiders on this forum hate the casuals so much.
I wonder if they are the bully’s in real life that I was told they are.
Am absolutely enjoying this new content. Thank you Blizz!
Just more incentive to get rid of lfr and normal tiers for raiding
I do better with horde mercs. As I pvp both sides horde tends to know how horde runs the bgs.
So when 95% of alliance is picking flowers in ashran we go umm dudes…wrap it up. THey are already dropping off fragments to wake up kronus.
Sadly alliance has not worked out these days horde doesn’t ambush on flowers. How the used to win. they now collect frags, stomp with kronus and push alliance to the fort. then kill the mage. then grind on points on the bridge. And…win.
At some point alliance needs to learn the flowers are trash in this strat and to kill horde on the frag collection. Eat 50000 flowers…still lose. Repeat. Sigh…
Got a good one last night. Dropped in late to match. I got to see horde win by killing the commander. And my ve hunter was going well that was a waste of pvp wait list session. At least I was in and out of match in less than 3 minutes.
Not gonna lie, a bit weird that the Korthia gear straight up making the unique profession gear and Tazavesh irrelevant.
I guess it’s time to swap to Alchemy again.
To have a blast in Korthia would require:
(1) Clear directions on how to unlock the zone since it seems there is some hidden prerequisite that hasn’t been explicitly stated.
(2) The ability to fly around the zone.
(3) The zone needs not be the size of a walnut.
I can’t imagine a life where my sense of self worth was tied to a video game let alone denegrate total strangers because they don’t play 8 hours a day. I pity these people.
I enjoy the game as a hobby. I’ve used it as a vehicle to stay connected with friends who are far away. It’s a really fun diversion. It’s not an alternate reality.
Hey, I would have to admit, I am pleasantly surprised by Korthia, from a casual’s PoV.
It doesn’t have ludicrously annoying terrain. The enemies aren’t vastly over-tuned (not to my 180-now-191 Ret Paladin, anyhow), and there are actual tangible rewards and you don’t have to wait weeks and months to see any fruits of your labor, and the anima gain is rather good, I think I gained like 3,000 anima in the first two outings and I didn’t really spend all That much time in Korthia/Maw.
This is a small step in the right direction for casuals. It ain’t Argent Tournament, nor Molten Front, nor Timeless Isle, but hey. It’s far better than Shadowlands .0 and the mind-numbingly boring World Quest grind (because that’s all there was for a casual TO do).
EDIT: Oh, and it’s nice that they don’t ask for anima for player power. I can save all that anima and start working on covenant features/aesthetics like I wanted to from the start.
I only got 3 epics in my first hour in Korthia and they’re 207, lol
oh, and upgradable…
Forum raiders are obsessed with the idea that every one of millions of casuals in the game wants better than mythic raid gear mailed to them for logging in. And they get it, right? Because the same raiders who are convinced that casuals have forced devs to give them everything that delusional raiders want believe that raiders are the true victims, that nothing is fair unless all casuals have all their gear removed and are forced to run the highest difficulty content naked.
Those raiders think fondly back to the time when all was right, when raiders who hung out in their capital city would get whispers from random strangers telling them how awesome they were to have such purple gear! And they won’t be happy until that becomes part of the game.
Clearly Blizzard wants threads where raiders make themselves look like small-minded neckbeards with no people skills, otherwise the threads would disappear.
I got lucky and one of them was a 226 IIRC.
But yes, they are upgradable, but NOT with Anima this time, thankfully.
grats, I upgraded my new weapon and used some kind of research thing…
230 unique craft, max item level craft across the board is 233 6 below 239.
Craftable 230 gear
Finding it’s unique equipped and can’t have a shard slot
Realizing I’ll never get a good engineering helmet for SL