Korthia will prove one way or the other whether non-end-game players play for fun or if they’re simply addicted to a time-gated skinner box. Because IMO Korthia is not fun, it is one of the most dull patch islands I’ve ever seen. It has a good long-tail gear grind but the zone is so bland, the content is not creative or fun, the rewards themselves are very simple and bland (reskinned dungeon gear), etc. If this is what keeps this people playing, I feel reasonably confident in saying that they have bad tastes.
Honestly, at the end of the day it doesn’t bother me, because the actual end-game content for this patch - Tazaveesh, Sanctum of Domination, and Tormented Affix - are all awesome, and if players want to guzzle bland flavorless oatmeal for their necessary calories, it has nothing to do with me at all.
Problem is, with a game like WoW, it doesn’t really matter how much time and practice a company has had. Even if Blizzard theoretically got the balance of such things just right, you’d have portions of the playerbase still complain that things were too far one way or the other. Key difference would be that with things right in the middle you’d be seeing it from BOTH sides.
Remember: there is no such thing as perfect, and it’s impossible to please everyone 100% of the time.
This is why Blizzard goes for “see-saw” balance. You have two persons on a see-saw, and they both want to be higher than the other. This seems like a paradox, because A cannot be greater than B and B also be greater than A, except it is solved by allowing both persons to be above the other for a period of time. A > B for certain values of T, and B > A for certain values of T, and therefore both continue to subscribe to the see-saw.
It baffles me, really. Even the worst player isn’t going to magically become a god with the best gear - someone with more skill and more experience will always do better.
So why do the people at the top feel so threatened…?
Many, many players have been requesting additional gear since this expansion launched.
Now that Blizzard has added a new gear source in, you don’t want it because even casuals have access to it? Even if the progress in said system is a very long one requiring vast quantities of currency?
I’m glad it seems to be only a very vocal minority of serious players that are this petty.
This is a gear treadmill game. You do content to get gear to do harder content to get better gear. If the easiest content provides the best gear there is literally no reason to play the game.
Then why do we read threads like this in every patch where top players complain about casuals getting gear almost as good as theirs with less work. It happens every time.
And to make sure i do point it out…we casuals that dont worry about the little stuff and just play the game at our own pace pay no mind or attention to the casuals harping about wanting top tier gear. Thats just plain nonsense talk from their standpoint…and should just be justifiably ignored.