9.1 - Casuals Paradise

Which IMO is stupid. The RPG part of MMORPG does not stand for “Requires Playing in Groups”. Many other MMOs don’t limit gear progression solely to raiding or other non- queuable content. Heck WoW didn’t either in the recent past (hello WF/TF and visions). And the raiding community showed that they are the most “reward fixated” group of players in WoW by complaining non-stop about casuals being allowed to get gear. The cries of “One piece of Benthic gear is 0.5% better than one or two of my boss drops so I have to farm pearls 24 hours a day on 75 alts” and “Joey casual got a high ilevel TF so why should I raid” proved that they don’t really enjoy raiding, they just want it to be the only path to the gear. I just came back after a 5 month hiatus (FFXIV is just as good as WoW, with several aspects better) and if progress is too slow then it’s back to my Dragoon/Paladin. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:


OMG. This is the perfect analogy.

As a side note, I was unemployed in 2015, so I had my resume out to a number of temp places and recruiting places. For some reason, to this day, I still get emails and calls from these people. I usually just delete them. But, recently, I’ve been noticing a lot of these emails specify that the job is onsite. So, rather than delete the email, since I’m definitely not looking for another job right now, as I’m quite happy with the one I’ve got, I’ve started to respond, only to let them know that I will never, ever, ever, ever be interested in any onsite job they have to offer. I’m just trying to do my small part to help the people posting these jobs understand they need to get with the times.


Thank god we aren’t compelled to grind WQ

Raid gear is far superior to a couple of pieces of welfare gear. If you want raid gear, go earn it! Nah I want to complain about someone else getting crappy gear.


Has to be lol bait. Has to be. Cause otherwise… what in blazes are you doing that it takes 5 hours?


Then in wow they’ve either chosen to not do the next level of content that offers the progression or they’ve got CE/(whatever pvp top is) and can chill till the next patch.

Alternatively, I imagine most top end players wouldn’t turn their noses up at a system that let them upgrade their gear infinitely also. Everyone can progress the whole time!

And I mean, this assumption is even me being charitable about people’s motives…imagine if the office ladies had a way to make money off of people who had to be in the office, but didn’t want to be.

I don’t like to outright accuse the people who complain the loudest to have LFR and other casual content dismantled and removed of being from carry-factory guilds who make gold or RL cash under the table off of dragging hapless players through M+ and Heroic raids, buuuuuuuut…

I could see that being a factor.


Or, real estate moguls who really believe in “corporate culture” and their opinions definitely have nothing to do with their overpriced cash cow losing rental money.

I mean…if we were to continue the analogy. :wink:

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Why does it have to be a competition? You have access to the same stuff, and then some.

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They nerfed it. My mistake doing it as soon as servers went live. It takes me 45 mins now

idk, my SO and I have been doing every single one that has gone live, in about half an hour or so.

Probably faster in a group. I solo them my guilds only do M+ and raid

I’ve bought tokens once or twice, living in a casuals paradise…

You must have grinded a ton. Like several hours a day. I haven’t missed a single day of Korthia dailies, I get every treasure I see, kill every rare that comes up, and I go into the rift every day to get those 4 boxes on Korthia. I’m 3000 rep away from rank 5. This is like 3 weeks in. I have not missed a single day. Granted I’m only spending an hour maybe hour and a half in the zone every day. There are diminishing returns on the items for the rep. First couple of chest and rates will often drop purple items but by the 4th or 5th rate your lucky to get 40 rep worth of relics. I got 827 rep today with everything I did. I think I usually get 700 something a day so this was a good day.

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Yeah ffxiv is great!


I feel like you two share the same angle here, and you’re getting defensive over nothing.

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SO, after a couple weeks and taking several alts into Korthia, I’d have to mention one thing I have come to LOATHE about Korthia.

What is it with Ion and his worship of RNG? Seriously.

Everything you do in Korthia is RNG.

RNG (PER CHARACTER) if a daily quest gives you gear.
RNG if that piece of gear is actually something useful to you.
RNG, if it’s a weapon, if it’s even for your spec (why does nothing in open world content respect your Loot Spec?)
RNG, if you get anything noteworthy out of a rare.
RNG, if you get a BoA token, if it gives you something you actually find useful.
RNG on all the secondaries.

I mean, heck, even Timeless Isle, Tanaan Jungle, and the Broken Shore had BoA tokens that were individual armor pieces. Broken Shore being the best one as it didn’t distinguish armor type, only armor slot. You’d get a pair of Dauntless Boots and they were always Boots, of a correct type when used.

I’ve seen someone on the forum say they sent 6 of these Korthia crates to an alt, and got 3 boots in a row. /eyeroll

Ion sure loves his casino-style gameplay.

Don’t get me wrong, Korthia itself is fine gameplay wise, and I don’t mind some grind, but what I hate is everything gated behind RNG. With my various alts, my DK has gotten 6? pieces of gear while everybody else has gotten one here, one there (and they tend to be classes that need gear the most).

And don’t get me started about the Haste lottery. I hate how they made Haste so bloody important for some classes, but yet it’s the hardest secondary to find from my experiences.


The issue is that item level used to be the gauge to determine whether or not you are going to waste my time in pugs is the issue. Which is why Raider IO exists and last I checked many hate that. I know you may think the players at the top have all the time in the world they don’t and they really don’t like people expecting to be carried or wasting their time because they couldn’t be bothered to even understand the basics of the class/spec they are playing. WoW punishes people rather hard for screw ups consumes redoing keys you name it.

i lasted 3 days so… wouldn’t exactly call it a paradise

i vaguely remember an interview with him a couple years ago or so where he genuinely thought we all enjoy RNG as opposed to being able to buy our gear with valor/justice points or something. the playerbase thinks it’s “fun” to go through a raid or dungeon 30+ times hoping for that one drop

The raid gear is still better than what you get from Korthia . And you have to work fairly hard for upgrades. I don’t see a problem.

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