9.1 - Casuals Paradise

Nah difficulty is what judges that and has always judged that . There is no such thing as anti social content (content that teaches you hate other ppl in real life really ?) , heck you see an anti social person irl you run the other way because they are suppose to be in prison or getting help in some institution .

If you are referring to solo content which I believe you are then in that case everybody is antisocial with your definition :rofl:


I’m sorry if my social anxiety is bothering you.


This has been my new mantra for at least the past month or so. “You don’t have to do it.” Cuz they don’t…anymore than I had to when they would tell me the same thing.

Hope that doesn’t offend anyone. If it does, they “don’t have to” read the forums.

My biggest obstacles to enjoying the game are gone now. Too little anima and no flying. Now I get to play the way I really want to play, farm things at a reasonable rate, not get frustrated by terrain, etc. etc. I realized a lot over 9.0, mostly stuff that I don’t want to do, and what I will absolutely refuse to do in the future.

But, the way the game is now, I’m enjoying it quite a bit. I’m finally seeing all of the Covenants, grinding for cosmetics, enjoying some gear upgrades in Korthia. This really is what I’ve wanted to be doing - that is enjoying WoW. I’m glad I finally can again.


The amount of work and time a casual player has to put in to the game to get all their welfare gear to ilvl 233 is a lot. Pretty much you have to be more than casual playerto do it timely. By the time they are able to do so, 9.2 will be out (maybe, unless it takes a whole year again). Getting upset that they can earn ilvl 233 gear is stupid.


What the heck? Amazing how people will complain that you remove or nerf their favorite content and then excuse your own elitist dreck with an outright lie. Are you being paid by the post to make blizzard look bad or something?

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“Sweatlords”. Love it haha!

There is actually nothing really to do in 9.1 outside of raiding and m+.


a casual player is someone who doesn’t give a shxt what you think…


It’s more that we have different goals than those who are focused on pushing content. Some people are hardcore PVPers, some are weekend warriors. There is no time limit attached to being a casual. We just move at our own pace.

I should also note, many people on the forums confuse bad players with casual players. These are not the same thing.


If by ‘absolute blast’ you mean constantly being rejected from M+/Torghast/Raids, then sure.

I tried FF14 and it sucked and the only people going to it are the Asmondgold brown nosers worshiping his every move. WoW is a far better game

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The time gates are actually put in specifically to benefit people like you… so people who play 24/7 aren’t done with the patch by Friday when your just getting to start your activities…

People like this guy are like the Karens in my office who want everyone to be forced to come back to the office full-time as we shift back to post-pandemic work just so that they have someone trapped near them to show pictures of their grandkids and cats to. Despite the fact that some people would happily go back to the office, those people aren’t enough people. They want everyone to be strongarmed into a style of working that doesn’t work for them, that the company is fully able to accommodate, so that they have more options for socialization even if people are being resentfully forced into it. It’s all about their needs over anything else, but when called out on it they’ll flail and clutch their pearls that office work was meant to be done this way, going in to the office is the entire point.

In that case, and in this one, they usually complain the loudest so they’re the ones that get listened to.

As one of the fleets of casuals who keeps the lights on in the Warcraft division of Activision-Blizzard with their continuous subscription fees despite only doing queued content, dailies, world bosses, pet battles, collecting and RP…

You’re welcome.

I’m happy to have my money subsidize your content, and I’m glad that you enjoy it, as long as there’s content for me too. As soon as there’s not I’ll take my money and move on rather than pull on my bootstraps, ‘git gud’ and develop a sudden desire to apply to raiding guilds and M+ keys, at which point I hope you have good luck with your high-end dungeon consisting of procedurally generated hallways and random copy-pasted mobs and that you get a piece of the one (maybe?) recolored armor set that will have been reused in the past few $100 expansions.

That, or for a few low microtransactions you can just purchase a +3 upgrade to your iLvl for $5.99 instead.


Ahh yes, the typical elitist raider.

Imagine the pver tears if you were all forced to get duelist in 3s to start raiding heroic. That’s what pvpers have to deal with in mythic+.

Cry more.


I think I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
I burned 40 tokens without getting a weapon or trinket and only 1 cloak with no haste.
40,000 stygia down the drain…


I’m so glad players like you are starting to speak up. I totally agree these players just want casuals to have to play with them not realizing we just won’t play the game.


Having to grind out for the ability to upgrade via the content we play in isn’t “free”. And in general it’s slower for us to upgrade than would be M+ or even raiding (assuming, for the sake of argument, that RNG is at least mildly forgiving to M+/Raiding players, which it usually, but not always is).

It’s kind of overwhelming to the casual group too. Just because we aren’t doing M+ and/or organized raids doesn’t mean that the number of systems we deal with went down. It didn’t. We’re just as overwhelmed as you are. From Choregast to Domination gear to archive knowledge, we’re in the same boat you’re in if we want to continue on our path of progression.

What we don’t get are the varied color sets higher tier raiders get, the choice of gear to farm that M+ players get, the items locked behind any of N/H/M raid tiers (Sylvanas’ bow for example), and we especially don’t get any achievements to show we were up there with or ahead of the pack. We don’t get KSM. We don’t get AotC. We don’t even get that bow, despite hunter tuning being done around having that bow, which means we lose even more because of that. We’d have loved to have an LFR version of that bow, even if it didn’t have an item we could farm for in a higher difficulty tier to upgrade it (i.e. if we got the LFR version we’d have to refarm it on Normal instead of just getting the upgrade item for it like you can get on Heroic or Mythic tiers).

Oh, and our content is locked behind a two month gate. All because the devs are worried that the 0.1% will burn out feeling like they have to farm LFR to gear up. The majority of players get to suffer because of the tiniest sliver of players might feel compelled to do more. If you’re wondering why the “casuals” have zero sympathy for the players doing upper echelon difficulties, now you know why. Our experience is diminished en masse for just those few.


Exactly, I was thinking the same thing. Even Legion was iffy at launch because of this.

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The timegates are put in to protect the hardcore players from grinding out Renown the first week to unlock those bottom soulbind layers for a marginal increase in power.

Remember all those raiders who whined for years about having to clear the map of every last world quest for artifact / azerite power? Blizzard took that “feedback” into account when designing systems in SL. They couldn’t care less how quickly or slowly casual players are progressing through content, or if they are even progressing power-wise at all.


Raid finder wing 1 release sure is nice, gaming in a casuals paradise…

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