Sorry to hear all that, but I disagree that any of it is intentionally different than present day.
I am unsure why anyone would play this game with no interest in playing with others, but I think the healthiest way to understand what is or isn’t present is as follows.
All of those things were added as segues into proper group content.
They game has NEVER intentionally had a progression path directed for solo play, and it never will.
Because that is not the type of game this is.
You finding those things that were formerly present engaging while solo was merely a conicidence.
I can help you understand that with an example from modern day for myself.
Right now, one of the most fun things I have ever done is level characters with no specialization through Chromie Time then through Shadowlands and take them in Torghast.
To level a character with no specialization you just never have to choose a spec after you start.
Its simple, but the game clearly does not support it.
Many core things like Covenant progression, Legion Artifacts, Talents, Legendaries, and many other things simply do not function or can not function.
Doing torghast at all is only possible because they made entry into the portal account wide at some point.
Originally, the portal was locked behind the second quest in the covenant campaign, which I can not access, as the first quest can not be done without dedicating to a spec. (selecting the soulbind just fizzles as the spell is modified by spec and role, and I have none.)
Even the Anima powers don’t work, as many try to award me talents that I do not have access to, or modify spells I do not have.
The entire thing is not directly created for me to have fun, but I still have an extreme amount of fun with it.
Part of the fun is fiddling around with half-broken stuff just to see the extent at which I can take it.
Some day, this may not exist any more.
But while it does, I enjoy and when it doesn’t I have no regrets.
That is this game in a nutshell, and I hope this anecdote helps you understand your own situation better.
There are literally countless ways to explore this game.
Many of which are just byproducts of other design or systems that act as a stepping stone.
If you can not find anything at all that excites you, then I would take this as a sign that the game is no longer for you, and attempt to find something that does excite you elsewhere.