9.1 Brings almost nothing for the solo players

He probably was like this since WOD, which was the first abysmal expansion. But I was fighting him on this matter since Uldir.

I was fighting him for what feels like years. #SoloQueue of any content above Easy/Trivial would breathe new life into the game. People like him hate it.


So group content should be forced at all times, and players who repeatedly log in and find nobody to play with online should keep paying for your content even though youā€™ve decided they should have nothing to do?

Being forced to suck up to people who hate you and intend to abuse the power they have over you is not part of the normal human social experience.

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What? If you canā€™t find anybody to play with thatā€™s on you. You have the power to create social circles. Everybody can. If you are being forced to play with people you think hate you or abuse power against you, again on you. Leave that situation and find new friends.

Itā€™s an online multiplayer game. Itā€™s not a single player game. Stop.

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Actually itā€™s not. Itā€™s an issue with game design that devs decided to make the experience unpleasant for solo players and they will disproportionately quit.

Do you even have friends? It sounds like you treat this game like a full-time job and are angry - very angry - that anyone would want to play any other way.

ā€œDump your friends and recruit new ā€œfriendsā€ who you can useā€. Right.

That has nothing whatever to do with normal human relationships and everything to do with treating the job like your business.

Stop playing because youā€™ve chosen to misrepresent what an MMO is?

An MMO is an online game where there are lots of people playing. Anyone can choose to make friends they like to hang out with. Or not if they donā€™t want to.

That is the normal human experience, not being forced to ā€œsocializeā€ with control freaks who need to control other peopleā€™s entertainment.

Do you wake up in the morning and get angry that other people are cooking their eggs wrong and making coffee wrong? No? Then why does it bother you that other people choose the friends they like rather than pretend friends?

And no. People donā€™t have thousands or hundreds of friends. If you think you have hundreds of friends, you probably donā€™t have any.


Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re trolling or what.

You can quite literally build social circles and make friends in this game like popping pills and candies. Itā€™s not hard, I promise you. Thatā€™s kind of the point of MMORPGs.

This game was NEVER designed around being a solo player. Unless you count sitting in your garrison all day in WoD. It has ALWAYS required groups to do just about anything. To suggest they should change that design decision now would just be stupid. Thatā€™s not what MMORPGs are. Never have been, never will be. They have single player RPGs for that exact reason.

If you think everyone you socialize in this game with is a control freak, it sounds like a you problem. Maybe itā€™s time for some internal realization. I donā€™t have all day to argue with ignorance - figure it out or donā€™t but this is not a single player game.

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Hereā€™s the fact of the matter.

This is a single player game for a lot of people. Saying otherwise does not change that fact.

Playing this game solo has always been a thing since the gameā€™s inception. Group content was optional.

The game has been constantly adding solo-play features. Theyā€™re often investing in the content we solo-players enjoy. I just donā€™t agree with how it feels this expansion, and I want them to improve upon it.

To say weā€™re playing the game wrong is asinine. Play the way you want, you have no right to tell anyone to play the way they want. Youā€™re not paying my subscription, so buzz off.


No itā€™s your facts. I play solo and can say this is the best it has been ever.

Only true statement Iā€™ve seen you make.

I get that, but thing is we are better off now as solos than ever, and you want more. Thing is though more players take part in the group stuff, has been that way for years.

Itā€™s not though, you have the best gear at launch ever for a solo player. Alt actually have real catch up. Covenant gear is same ilvl as normal raids, which letā€™s be fair to them, that was a huge step up.

I didnā€™t respond to you yesterday, so take this as my answer. They give you an inch you want a mile. Thatā€™s it. Sorry, but they are right. They may feel the same way you do about them by pushing to make another style of content more prevalent when it never has been.

Thereā€™s so many different angles coming in. This was my response to people saying that itā€™s not a solo player game. You just confirmed that it is. Weā€™re on the same page here.

Iā€™m happy with the content theyā€™re trying deliver, what I am not happy with is how empty it feels. Thatā€™s my opinion of course.

I feel like professions could be significantly better (other MMOs do this), I feel like the progression of solo play is staggered poorly. Itā€™s either easy and not very rewarding until you completely finish something like an entire rep grind, or it has a decent challenge tied to it and feels even less rewarding than the easy stuff.

The pacing of how content and rewards is delivered isnā€™t satisfying to me as it stands.

Also, itā€™s not just gear. But, yeah, gear itself feels bad because of scaling, IMO. Thereā€™s no point where I feel like I geared past the world I encountered as a fresh level 60 toon. I just have bigger numbers to look at on my character screen.

No. I just want more compelling gameplay and Iā€™ve tried to provide what I want in a constructive manor (shy of the first few posts in this thread where I did admittedly go a little overboard out of frustration).

Iā€™m glad youā€™re satisfied with this, Iā€™m not having a good time in Shadowlands, and this is truly the first time I can say that about an expansion since Cataclysm.


Plenty enjoy it, and really thatā€™s the crux of it. They arenā€™t going to redesign the game over a few of the same vocal players putting up 30 threads on the subject.

And as much as you want it changed, itā€™s blatantly obvious more donā€™t.

I felt like you did in BfA and walked away. I didnā€™t expect the entire game to change because I no longer found it fun. I am happy SL brought that joy back for me, but there are times you need to self reflect and realize that this is an MMO, and they aim to please a majority.

Until we have set statistics about things, none of us know what opinions hold the majority. Iā€™m frankly a little tired of seeing the majority vs minority or 1% vs 99% arguments. Nobody knows except Blizzard.

So Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re shooting for here, but Iā€™ve never been one to settle. So Iā€™m just going to voice my opinion until it either influences the design or until I feel confident that it wonā€™t go anywhere.

Again, Iā€™m glad you like this. But I donā€™t play games for things I donā€™t like, even if other people do. Unless they ban me, Iā€™m not going away.

Happy weā€™re on the same page about solo play though. Cheers.

Before I came to WoW back in 2004, I played Dark Age of Camelot for several years. At that time, the level cap in DAoC was 50. I can remember that it was possible to get to around Level 40 or so solo, but after that there was one, and only one, path to get those last 10 levels. You had essentially no choice but to get into a group of 8 players and camp mob spawn points endlessly for days and days while you slooooowly crept up to 50. There was one spawn point that was good around levels 40-42, another 43-45, and so on. It literally was a group of 8 players just hanging out in a single spot and camping mobs as they spawned. Other players would hang out nearby, and as one player left the group to log, another would take their place in the group, so there was a constant group at each spot, constantly changing in player makeup. Not fun. I think eventually DAoC added quests and such to fix this but by that time I had moved over to WoW.

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I would rather have soul ash be a thing to craft more legendary pieces. But only one can be ā€œactiveā€. So you can wear a bunch of them. And when you activate those pieces they turn legendary. And when unactive they are elites with a lower level. That would be nice solo progression. Or twisting corridors dropping currency to craft epics that are comparable to heroic ilvl gear at each tier with more torgasts floors/ affixes/ maybe getting gear that has some weaker form of anima powers. That would be nice since you can do torgast solo or in groups.


As of right now, following Blizzcon and from a couple of interviews Iā€™ve dug up, we can expect the following.

  • Torghast is getting attention. The reward structure is being discussed, but we donā€™t have a lot of information about that.
  • Island Expeditions from BFA are becoming soloable content.

So Iā€™m a little more hopeful for 9.1 than I was immediately following Blizzcon. Following the interviews, I did resubscribe for a month to catch up the story and my renown, but I will likely not maintain it and will let it lapse again until 9.1

I would like to know more about what they plan to do for Torghast, and I really hope they address professions as they stand. Those are the two immediate things they could work on that would satisfy me, personally.

Someone just liked this comment of mine. I feel like this one did indeed bite me in the butt. lol. I guess they actually did wait until after their convention to discuss such features.

Wow, flying, how revolutionary given it happens every expansion and adds nothing to the game

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lolwut? grouping is OPTIONAL and completely UNNECESSARY (i can use caps too) for like 90% of the content in this game.


Seems like everything in 9.1 will be recycled. No new artwork necessary, but somehow customization options are impossible? Did they fire more artists or something to pad the bottom-line?

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JUST Terrible of me NOT to want to wreck someoneā€™s key isnā€™t it.

/#Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

Personally, I enjoy both, actually.

One factor I havenā€™t brought up is that group content is something I have to set the appropriate amount of time aside for. I have children, I have other responsibilities that require me to often step away from the desk briefly to, say, get someone a drink, or to investigate silence (you canā€™t trust silence).

So, most of my gaming is spent solo. I game and work back and forth, I game for a series of moments at a time. During these moments, Iā€™d like to feel like I have something valuable to do with my time in this game.

I donā€™t currently. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m playing a different MMO that offers such. But WoWā€™s my first MMO and itā€™s more often than not allowed me this sort of play session. Iā€™d like to see it stay as my primary game, so thatā€™s why Iā€™m here providing feedback.

Know what? Hereā€™s another request that kinda treads on the same concept. Give me better, challenging, outdoor group content that I can party up and do in a short amount of time as well. Thereā€™s a little of that in SL thatā€™s okay, but itā€™s an incredibly forgettable experience.


doesnt really do anything for the game in general, nothing talked about fixes the list of problems with this game.

I was playing starcraft II the other day in 3v3 and just wanted to focus on casual mining but then a playerā€™s zergs ran in and killed my workers what the heck? I want the solo play experience but I want to do it in a team game, blizz pls? Didnā€™t I pay for starcraft, canā€™t you ban these players for killing me during my casual mining experience? Who are you to say that playing minecraft in a 3v3 team game isnā€™t right, itā€™s the playstyle I chose. Btw, can you also make me the top player on the ladder if I mine enough minerals? There should be ladder progression paths for casual miners too.