9.1 Brings almost nothing for the solo players

Yes, old content.

But current content have never been created for solo players with the exception of Mage tower or Torghast. We can queue for group content but not solo them.

Thatā€™s because it is.

If Blizzard / Activision wanted to offer a triple-A MMORPG game, then they simply would do so. They have the resources, they can hire any talent (barring personal reasons such as ā€œI wonā€™t work THEREā€).

This game IS in maintenance mode. Shadowlands is the work of junior developers that wasnā€™t fully tested. Legion was the last time a nearly full effort was attempted on an expansion.

As time goes by, there may no longer even BE formal expansions. Just drips of content here and thereā€¦ they may even call them ā€œboostersā€ and you can buy one digitally for $9.99ā€¦

I wonder how many $60 expansions are left in their tankā€¦

Theyā€™re monetizing the players they have. They are not trying to win new onesā€¦

If I didnā€™t care about playing, then I might just watch all this decay in fascination, but as I do careā€¦ this is all just very sad.


Yes, and its one of the reasons Iā€™m quitting. Iā€™m out questing, and Iā€™m getting taken out by trash mobs like Iā€™m playing classic. It piles three on you. Kill them, and three more LITERALLY materialize like they just beamed down from the Enterprise. Fine, Blizzard has made it clear it does not want me to play alone. But Iā€™m not going to group with trade chat schmucks to make Blizzard happy. I guess they donā€™t want us people who ā€œplay it wrongā€


but you claimed that questing was entirely a solo player experience, which it wasnā€™t!

theres was parts of group content in EVERYTHING in this game, to stop twisting the narrative to fit your own stance because its a flat out lie

I got to 60 and only remembered having to ask for help from friends, or group in the zone, maybe twice?

Really, man. My VW could tank everything mandatory. 10-second Fear handled a lot of the mobs. I wasnā€™t even geared right, lol. Maybe I grouped more, IDK. It was a long time ago. But fact of the matter is, I do group content for like 20% of my time, and I solo play the other 80%.

And Iā€™m not saying I didnā€™t ever group for stuff, Iā€™m just saying the majority of that experience was not me grouping for stuff. I have always been primarily a solo player in this game, when I wasnā€™t doing a raid or the occasional unscheduled dungeon.

Yeah, man, thereā€™s parts of everything thatā€™s group content. Iā€™m not asking them to remove group content. Read that again, please. I like group content.

I just want the rest of the content to be better, thatā€™s all, and Iā€™m trying to provide some feedback as to how they can do that for me. Chill.

If you donā€™t like some of the stuff I do in the game, thatā€™s great. Donā€™t do it. Do what you like. If theyā€™re cutting what you like short, bring that up constructively.

But coming in here and telling my expectations are misplaced and my demands are outlandish really doesnā€™t add anything. I know how Iā€™ve played this game for the last 15 years. You canā€™t convince me that what Iā€™m asking for has no place in this game.


The entire new story is furthering the Maw. The devs did a poor job communicating but yet the new area being added is actually within the maw. There will be a new Renown Cap and all new covenant story chapters which will lead you deeper and deeper in to Korthia a location which seems to be a fragment of the Jailers home realm. The way it has been described is having different levels which will require more reinforcements and preparation to access.

The Devs have also said they play to farther iterate upon Torghast. In an interview Ion talked about how they still have a ton of stuff they want to do with Torghast and we can expect a lot with the fact that this patchā€™s theme is Domination. I think a reward structure is on the books for torghast it is just a matter of having stuff to reward you with that isnā€™t gear or soulash. The majority actually want soul ash removed from Torghast and something optional put in its place. I would even be fine with wings once per week giving people say a 200 item level piece. Something that is around the Normal raid item level.

I would also just like to state if you are playing WoW for the RPG and your expecting more RPG from current content you are barking up the wrong tree. This game dispensed with many RPG tropes years ago. If your looking for RPG I would recommend taking the time on a character and going back to do stuff like Lore Master or achievement hunting. The modern game is barely an RPG and that is why things like Classic wow now exist.

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You didnā€™t answer my question.

One piece of gear isnā€™t going to make or break a raid group. In fact, if nothing else, being able to craft weapons/gear is actually smart considering everything is RNG these days.

So casuals might have access to that gear: so what? Why is that a big deal?

Am I just not comprehending something here? Crafted gear has existed since Vanilla WoW.

Itā€™s seriously not that big of a deal.

World of Warcraft isnā€™t a Single Player Game so why would it have anything for the solo player?

World of Warcraft is whatever you want it to be. Itā€™s a single player game, itā€™s a grouping game. Itā€™s like nearly every other multiplayer game that exists. Multiple players are optional for MOST of the content.

In this game you only need to group for current dungeons, raids, a world boss, or instanced PVP. Every single thing else in this game does not require a group.

Itā€™s primarily full of soloable content. The new stuff just feels empty.

I mean, think about it. You have ONE raid and EIGHT dungeons, then maybe a few world quests that require a group. Thatā€™s the only group content they put into this entire expansion. So, yeah, youā€™re mistaken, duder.


Thereā€™s only ONE raid because ONE raid is enough content for the majority of players to spend their time on. I donā€™t know about you, but raiding 3 hours per week is A LOT of time expenditure on a single activity for a week. Combine that with a variety of other GROUP activities in WoW, such as Mythic+, and itā€™s easy to spend a dozen hours play the game each week. Raiding, Dungeons, and PvP content like Battlegrounds and Arena, are all what make up the CORE of the game.

Other activities, like Storyline and World Quests, and much of the digitial asset collection mini games, is filler. Itā€™s there to give players something to do WHILE WAITING FOR THEIR FRIENDS/GUILD TO SHOW UP TO DO THOSE CORE GAME ACTIVITIES.

So yeah, while you can do single player content in WoW, itā€™s NOT the core of what WoW is. WoW is a multiplayer game, much like Basketball or Hockey are Multiplayer games. Maybe you can practice by ā€œshooting some hoopsā€ inbetween games, but that doesnā€™t make Basketball a single player game by a long shot.

There are TONS of single player RPG games out there. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with playing them. They will give you the exact experience you are looking for while not requiring Blizzard to specifically alter WoW to accommodate you.

Yeah. The majority of the content they design is ā€œfillerā€ and running the same small selection of group things is the ā€œfocus.ā€

This game is and always has been full of single-player activities. Just because you donā€™t favor them doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t exist, nor does it mean that itā€™s not their focus.

But no, Iā€™m not here asking for another game. Iā€™m aware other games exist. Iā€™m asking for improvements upon the parts of this game that I enjoy.

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Itā€™s NOT the majority.

Why do you play a multiplayer game if you donā€™t enjoy and engage in the Multiplayer?

Please. When they create a new expansion, they design the following that doesnā€™t require a group:

  • An entire brand new world for us to explore.
  • An entire brand new story with a leveling process, that continues beyond leveling.
  • An expansion to the profession system gets expanded upon every patch.
  • New battle pets to hunt.
  • An entire new feature to progress through BY OURSELVES. This time was covenant progression and Torghast. Before this was Garrisons, class stories, the war campaign, unlocking islands (thunder, timeless, quelā€™danas), before that was profession-related donations back in classic, etcā€¦
  • New reputations to build. Only rarely was this ever something you could also do in mandatory group content.
  • World quests or daily quests.

They put the bulk of their effort into the solo aspects of an expansion, every expansion. They even went so far as to adding new zones and new stories to patches for us solo players. They obviously give a crap about solo players. They know weā€™re a huge part of their subscription base.

Group-only players get:

  • A raid every 6-8 months
  • A handful of dungeons, with 1-3 new ones throughout the life of the expansion.
  • (Extremely Rare) a new PVP map
  • A world boss and the occasional group world quest

So stop telling me that group-only content is the main feature of the game. What yā€™all get is a small bit of stuff to repeatedly run. Group content sounds like itā€™s more of a side feature to this game than solo content, TBH.

They didnā€™t squish levels and revamp the entire leveling process multiple times for group-only players.

And donā€™t get me wrong. I was a little heated after Blizzcon, but Iā€™m thankful that they keep trying to give us more and more solo content, I truly am. But it feels completely empty and unrewarding this expansion, much like everything so far.

Theyā€™re addressing raid, theyā€™re addressing M+, they addressed PVP with the vendors up front, they are not really addressing solo content. The best we got was an interview after saying that theyā€™re looking into Torghast (which is great!) but that came after my rants about Blizzcon. Also, the changes theyā€™re discussing about Island Expeditions going solo (you hear that, Abotou? SOLO) are very welcome. I canā€™t wait to hear more about it, or know when I can expect it.

Iā€™m still hoping for more on the casual front though. The current content really needs attention. Especially now that theyā€™re not giving us the Legion raids as content, which wouldā€™ve been a wonderful distraction while we wait for other things.

Oh, and I play multiplayer games because I like doing group content too. I just donā€™t do it exclusively. This is also a RPG. I like doing RPG stuff. Why are you playing a MMORPG if you donā€™t like RPG stuff?


I reached level 60 in classic only doing a few dungeons when friends needed help. I soloed quests or killed mobs for xp. The ā€œend of storylineā€ quests we have now that are mandatory were optional in classic.

I leveled up cooking, fishing, skinning, and leatherworking to 300 without having done any raids and few high level dungeons. I recall recipes that dropped in dungeons were BoE and could be bought on the AH. I remember buying a few.



Try playing Skyrim if youā€™re looking for solo play, Iā€™m sure youā€™ll love it.

You people chiming in are like the annoying seagulls from Finding Nemo.

ā€œMMORPG!ā€ ā€œMMORPG!ā€ ā€œSKYRIMā€

I do love Skyrim. I also like(d) the 15 years Iā€™ve been primarily solo playing in this mmoRPG.

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Thereā€™s loads of solo content to do in this game. All the current updates eventually turn into solo content updates as the game gets older. Thereā€™s hardly ever been anything solo oriented put in the game in WoWs history.

About the only thing thatā€™s always been solo content in this game were professions, and leveling to max level. Which by the way you can still do as many times as you would like, infinitely.

Tired of seeing people complain about new content being put into an MMORPG thatā€™s multi-player based.


Maybe Iā€™m writing too many words for you?

I like doing group content.
I also like doing stuff by myself when Iā€™m not doing group content.
Stuff outside of group content is not fun or compelling.

Scroll up, like, 5/6 posts.

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so you play for the storyā€¦ but then dont finish the story?

seem like yaā€™ll grasping at straws to justify a playstyle that isnt supported

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Are you trolling? You have to be trolling, right? Thereā€™s absolutely no way somebody plays World of Warcraft and thinks that solo play isnā€™t ā€œsupported.ā€ lol

Do you just wait to form a group before you do anything in game? How long did it take you to level in every expansion, having to wait for a group?

I guess Jeremy Feasel really likes discussing unsupported features in the game in his interviews.