9.1 Brings almost nothing for the solo players

woah pal it aint sunday yet. But I guess the trolls really like to come out at this time huh?

You’re just being silly. Stop it.

Difference is doofus, on the very back of the Classic Vanilla Box for World of Warcraft it actually says “Play SOLO OR join a group.”

It was an advertised feature of World Of Warcraft.

/#Stay Safe, Stay Healthy


how dare you speak the truth!

This is even worse than Classic. In Classic, mobs have a consistent and lengthy respawn rate. That makes it much easier to plan out your strategy for taking down patrols of elites in the open world. There is no strategy in retail beyond kill as fast as possible and move on quickly because the faster stuff dies, the faster it respawns. This doesn’t make the game fun for anyone but bots and gold farmers. For newly leveled 60s it’s incredibly annoying.

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Wouldn’t it have to give rewards in the first place in order for it to give “more”?

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Ya, I’ve canceled WoW, not quitting because it may get better, but I’ll be playing other games till it does.

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Were you playing in WoD when enough players quit to make Blizzard bring flying back? In that expansion flying only happened because of a players revolt, and it added many players back to the game as a result of its reintroduction, hardly nothing.

This is not a solo game.

Why would they add solo content?

It was originally advertised as the game anyone could play solo if they didn’t have a group or didn’t want one, in contrast to other contemporary games that you couldn’t play at all without a group. Why aren’t you playing those games rather than demanding this one be changed into a throwback that would have made it less successful, that players left other games to get away from?

I agree. The world was deserted in wod until they brought back flying. Then everyone went out and did the things they would have done if flight hadn’t been removed for that period of time. There were way more people out in the world after flight than without it.

And in fact that’s how pathfinder has always worked. People avoid going out into the world as much as possible until flight is released. They play less. A lot of people get fed up and go find another game to play where the devs don’t hold bitter grudges against the playerbase.


Originally as in classic where you needed groups to level and raids required 40 people? How does that translate to solo?

It may not have been as group reliant as other games, but it is not a solo game like Skyrim.

Nope. Didn’t need groups to level at all. I leveled to 60 only doing an occasional dungeon when my friends requested help. The ridiculously overtuned end of storyline quests in classic were not as hard in vanilla. original player comments showed this.

So you’re completely wrong. It was an advertising point that you could play alone, and people did play alone.

Requiring people to log off if the exact number of “right friends” are not online would result in people who need to play odd hours just giving up.

That must be your goal if you so desperately need to pretend people couldn’t level up without groups that you need to lie about it.

I’m the guy who leveled a druid from 46-60 mostly killing furbolgs in Felwood and Winterspring to get to 14k revered.

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Basically, if you go around gut smacking players, sooner or later you end up with no players. There has been enough to engage solo players in the past, pretending that the game doesn’t need them now is just foolhardy.

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I’m pretty sure that “having to play as a group in order to progress” is one of those “RPG elements” that predated wow, that players left other games to get away from, that devs imagine should have been part of wow from the beginning. And wow would have been a much bigger game if people could log in when they were available and repeatedly find they couldn’t play.

Or at least the right players with the right connections who only logged in during popular hours would get the purple gear and the awed whispers of casuals who had been prevented from playing the game by design. Except that those players wouldn’t even have played after the first month, realizing they’d been scammed by false advertising.

It’s already uninteresting. I’m not one to run instanced content like raids, dungeons and pvp, and so my options to get gear are WQs. But they’re much weaker than what I got completing the Covenant campaign and crafted loot, and all I get out of that is gold from the vendor or chanting mats.

Torghast gives you worthless currency. Anima gains are otherwise minuscule without running dungeons/raids/pvp, so if I want to get something to do with that, I generally have to kill a world boss for 250 anima once a week and whatever 35 anima items I get from mob drops.

I’ve just been logging in to see if any interesting WQs are up and fiddling around with my characters’ mogs at this rate.

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Well 9.1.5 didn’t fix it.

Lack of fun, challenge, worthwhile rewards?

9-12 offers nothing new and the rewards being
 gold reskins isn’t enticing.

i wasn’t refering to that, you bumped a 10 month old thread

Got linked it in a Discord. Didn’t know it was 10 months old.