9.1 Brings almost nothing for the solo players

and how much is now? mean normal classic dungeons required CC, you dont even need that in base mythics now which drop most mounts and pets, outside of achivements which werent a thing then

Also OP is arguing for NO group content at all

Casual content is pushover easy

Difficult content is too punishing (depleting keys, queuing into the exact same arena team over and over, oneshot mechanics, hybrids that heal better than God, forming and reforming and resummoning the raid)

I even tried joining a guild, but that was “do a pull then talk for 15 minutes then do another pull”

Clear Nathria on normal early on and already bored to tears, now I gotta do this again on heroic and again on mythic.

What absolutely magical content.

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Valor Points are going to be locked behind timed runs. Great vault upgrades that exceed your covenant gear’s item level is locked behind timed runs. Most mounts and pets come from rep and anima vendors, not Mythic raids or M+. Please show me where the OP argued to remove group content. If you can’t be bothered to read more than a couple of sentences per bullet point, then here is what they asked for, simplified:

  1. Enhance TC rewards
  2. Fix professions
  3. Improve rep rewards
  4. Add solo content

In fact, they explicitly said that they’re not saying what you claim they’re “arguing for:”

and again if max solo gear hadnt been handed from a 5 hour quest chain, we wouldnt be in this issue

Also they are increasing renown which means
 increased ilvl for WQ gear and new area, new rep

theres solo content being added OP just wants to complain that what used to take weeks of hoping for WQ RNG took a few hours. but doesnt want to call blizzard out on handing them free gear so instead attacks others content

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You are projecting a bunch of thoughts into the OP’s head that were never even communicated in the post. They said:

You read:

They said:

You read:

By all means be critical of the OP, but at least be critical of the things they actually said.


im being critical of the issue they claim to have, and pointing out the actual cause and effect.

sorry i wont allow them to sit in their dream world of “pity me”

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But you’re not. You’re putting out a bunch of strawmen and knocking them down. The OP never claimed that they should take away group content. The OP never asked for RNG to be brought back to the WQs. The only thing you’ve said that makes any sense is this:

I think that both the OP and I agree with you there. In fact, that’s what they’re asking for. Add more solo content to allow solo players to upgrade their gear over the course of weeks and months rather than capping them off after a week’s worth of play.


There’s no point in fighting them, they have an entitled symbol they flash across the sky! Then they come here in droves to tell anyone having fun they are nuts and flag them unnecessarily so mods needs to constantly reverse.

It’s a bitter cycle

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and again, new reps so there will be higher ilvl gear (generally one piece at normal raid ilvl) , and WQ will drop increased Ilvl because more renown lvl.

So you’re getting exactly what you want but still complaining?

again if me pointing out that “the games always been geared to be solo friendly” is false and that “there’s nothing for solo players” is false than fine i knocked them down and will gladly do so again, that doesnt make it a strawman.

If you want a MMO that’s Solo friendly and feels like an RPG–go to ESO. ESO is a way better game and experience for what you’re looking for.


Then you should agree that in order to even log into the game, you should have a group if solo isn’t what wow is about.

Go ahead, ignore the solo players and watch wow die.


When did anyone say they wanted a repeat of the current system where solo players max out their gear in one week through WQs and then wait another six months for the next content drop? That is exactly what the OP doesn’t want.


You know I read this line in vanilla, and in BC, and WOTLK and now

You know what? It never dies. You cannot kill
 that which has no life!

But for real, I meant that. Every expansion we go through 2-3 months of this complaint, and nothing changes, yet you all keep buying and paying!

idk about you but it took 6 months for my warrior to get pants from WQ last expansion
 hench what i ment about WQ RNG, it could take a few weeks it could take a few months :rofl:

my favorite was the one whom in MoP would constantly make posts that the pattern to make normal ilvl raid gear
 dropped from normal raiding. and how bad it was that it didnt drop
 from random mobs in the overworld.


edit: i think someone eventually bought it and mailed it so him to quiet him up

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I cancelled in BfA, because, well I hated it. I just left, played other stuff. I learned years ago that saving a few bucks on a six month sub is not worth it, when inevitably you will get bored.

That’s the thing here, people I’ve seen complaining about the same things for literal years here, buy those extended subs to sit in forums and whine about how they don’t play. Common sense should be a required skill before one even turns on any form of media, be it news, games, heck your choice of coke or pepsi!

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The existence of group content doesn’t somehow negate the existence of solo content. Stop it.


I play. I’ve had periods in the game where I played a lot, other times where I hardly played at all, and that was down to the quality of the systems I enjoy.

Also, stuff I’ve constructively “complained” about has seen progress, and I’m thankful for it. The leveling revamp was something I wanted, with the bells and whistles that came with item upgrades along the way, those got implemented. QOL features I’ve requested have been implemented, like the cross-spec artifact transmog, etc

Not saying I’ve made those happen, but those were things I campaigned for that did eventually happen. I, admittedly, got a little out of hand in this thread early on because I was upset at their recent lack of communication on a lot of things that I hold dear in this game. I apologize for that.

But my goal is to be constructive. These are the things I enjoy in the game, or have enjoyed in the game, that do not currently feel enjoyable in this expansion. So I’ve tried to provide as much insight as to why as I can.

I’m not a developer, I’m just a player. And maybe most of my stuff won’t ever go anywhere. But that doesn’t stop me from making requests in the public forums, or on other forms of social media.

This game has had highs and lows, this is one of the lows, and I can only hope we’ll see the highs again.

Also, for the other people in this thread that won’t bother to read through it (I know it’s growing a bit), I don’t want rewards for nothing. I just want a better reward structure and better systems to obtain those rewards. (Cosmetics ARE rewards)

And for the last time, I don’t give a flying F* about item level in my casual content. That’s why I raid. But why only play to raid? This game needs more love all around, not just on group gearing or gearing in general.


ooof, i couldn’t even get past the character creation screen in ESO. these other MMO’s might have better gameplay, but WoW absolutely crushes them on art design. it’s just so tight and clean compared to the others, it’s hard to switch. same thing when i tried FFXIV. looks too messy, feels too clunky.

Been playing it that way most of a decade. But Blizzard wants it stopped.

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