9.1 Brings almost nothing for the solo players

Toeghast should’ve had some sort of gear progression and I think if the anima prices weren’t so absurd, people would find they have more to do. I chose not to do anything anima related because of the immense grind. Even the weekly events could’ve been better if they were more rewarding. I’m glad I’m a raider so I’m personally enjoying SLs but it’s gotta be rough if you don’t do end game content.

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No. WoW has never provided a robust or particularly rewarding solo experience. This game shifted to endgame group focus almost immediately with the introduction of MC.

They have attempted to add things like archeology, pet battles, mission boards, visions, mage tower or garrison’s in order to provide solo players with activities and are met with criticism because they are too hard and/ or don’t provide relevant rewards. Or if they do provide relevant rewards, are considered “forced content” by another group of players.

To say nothing of the fact that vanilla, bc and wrath provided none of that content. This game is better with friends. It always has been. The classic trailer is not a solo guy or gal walking alone in a forest…

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Maybe they are subtly trying to tell us something.


But the cinematic for it was - a lone dwarf, a lone night elf, a lone mage, etc.

Personally, that solo adventure of leveling up in a big unknown world was the biggest reason I fell in love with the game. First time I took a boat from Teldrassil and realized how big this world was, I was in awe. We all interpret the world our own way, through our own respective lenses. Historically, I’ve had goals to work towards that kept me engaged and satisfied, that were all done solo. It appeals (or did) to a broad community.

I feel this expansion has disappointed many in the community that loved the world part of world of warcraft.


as someone who’s played WoW almost exclusively solo for the past 16 years with 650 days /played, i assure you you’re 100% wrong. leveling/questing/progression, collecting, profs (pre-Legion), and solo farming old content was rewarding and engaging to the point of addiction. whenever i wanted to do group content, Group Finder is all i needed. i have never needed friends or a guild in this game. i think you just don’t understand how solo players play this game.


and the worst part

oh and solo RBG queue when?


The classic launch one with the guy singing in the bar and rhonda rhousey?

All of that is pretty much unchanged…

unchanged? are you kidding me? there is ZERO PROGRESSION leveling 50-60. in fact it’s a regression in power. quest design has changed drastically and is no longer fun, and switching factions no longer provides a unique leveling experience. most spec rotations are poorly designed and clunky. farming the previous two expansions for collectibles is more difficult than usual. QOL enhancements were removed. profs still suck. almost everything i enjoyed as a solo player is no longer enjoyable.


i got to agree with this person it is totally pointless to level and get so weak then have to get really geared out to even be close to power you had while going from 50 to 60. whether group or solo stuff it’s pretty evident this formula they got going on ain’t working out to well. we need new minds working on things new things added. i’m just flat tired of the systems and old things constantly added back. whatever happened to a whole new idea brought to the table not the same garbage over and over only to be taken away then brought back as far as classes go. torghast sucks should of been a whole gearing option there not nothing just boring spells you get while there only to be gone back to the crappy class design you got. some of them animas would of made for real class changes many would of enjoyed.
you can’t keep people subbed fix solo content to have endless gear progression somehow and torghast would of worked well for it.


I find myself just running around Oribos and logging off when I don’t have friends online. There is literally nothing to do solo outside of weekly Torghast, a two minute world boss kill, and a dreary Maw soul recovery quest. In fact, the game feels like it actively punishes you if you don’t have at least four elite friends online at all times.

And for those of you who say “you can always find a group” - I have spent far too many hours looking for a decent rbg, arena, or mythic plus group. First, I get denied applications for dozens of groups because I am not a tank or a healer. Second, when I do find a group, they are usually abysmal (which is probably why I got invited in the first place since this group was being less absurdly selective than the others), so I lose rating or downgrade a key with nothing to show for my time. Third, when I finally do find a good rbg group, for instance, we will get 1-2 games in before half the group has to log off or hits their desired rating and bails. Then it’s back to square one.

It should not take hours to find a group to do content that takes at most, 45 minutes.


i think the maw stinks and im sick of grinding for nothing and blizzard stop takeing my legion trans mogs and try replaceing them with shadow bleh 1s

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They also backtracked on their promise for more customization

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Yeah, so - in a few months, we get basically no new content outside of a raid.



Torghast was lauded as soloable content where you would craft gear. We have the regular halls for soul ash, and can wear one legendary. There’s TC which offers nothing once you’ve done it once. I feel like that’s a huge wasted opportunity - they could really make TC relevant by adding in some rewards there or a chance for gear or whatever.


I’m still salty that herbs and mining nodes are all single-tap. Even if my friend and I start picking at the same time, which works for many singletap quest objectives, one of us gets an empty window. Except, oddly enough, when we were playing Alliance in Shadowmoon, we could both pick frostweed. Just frostweed though.

BFA had so much solo content.


For the last time, there is a freaking between quantity and quality. The OP was asking for “compelling” content, which is something WoW has never really done for solo content. Hell you could kill 1000000000000 boars, that doesn’t make it compelling.

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Get 20 souls once a week. Grind 1000 anima once per week. World boss kill once per week. As a solo player that is all the game is to me now. Couldn’t care less about anima as there is no power progression to it. WQ are boring and unrewarding. Torghast is boring and unrewarding. Callings are boring and unrewarding. Shadowlands is boring and unrewarding. As a solo player BfA was infinitely better. Wq could actually provide upgrades through forging and it was fun to do wq and emissaries for azerite because there was actually power tied to it, not overpriced boring sanctum upgrades.


As a long time solo player, I am looking forward to exploring some of BFA’s islands.

While Shadowlands has potential, BFA and Legion were a lot more fun to me. Maybe if Torghast was rolled back to its Beta implementations, it would be more fun.

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When subs start going down blizzard will wonder why and be forced to do something if they actually want the game to do well. Very unlikely however, as devs are making a game for themselves not for the players who actually pay to make it possible.