I get what people are saying. I just don’t see the problem.
early access to what??
Zones, mostly. You won’t be able to do raids or get weekly rewards. I guess you can do dungeons if you want to burn yourself out on them that much faster.
basically 3 days early access to the next expansion if you dish out 90$ instead of 50$. I am guessing its zones, quests, and dungeons. Everyone who buys base edition will have a 3 day delay to doing those things that early access players may be doing.
I was Horde, Area 52. MoP Launch was baaaaaaaaaaad. I couldn’t even get out of the throne room. After 2 hours I gave up, told my friend in voice chat I was done trying. Logged out, and then onto my Alliance server and made my first monk.
While they originally started the process on that deal in 2022, the ink on that contract hasn’t even been dry for a month. I think you vastly overestimate how quickly a company or person is able to start barking out orders following a buyout, especially as much of this was likely already being planned prior to the acquisition being finalized.
Also, this isn’t the only MMO that has done some sort of limited early access. It’s far from a new idea. Honestly, with as rough as some launches have been with everyone trying to feed into the same area at once, I’m surprised Blizzard didn’t try this much sooner as early access for folks that pre-order digitally, buy a CE, etc. does tend to help smooth out that initial rush (assuming of course that the servers don’t crap the bed for other reasons)
Then I take that back lol
Figured it was much more straightforward for Horde as there weren’t shenanigans with a vehicle quest on that side. Guessing I was wrong
Hell yeah! Where do I sign up!?
If $30 is too expensive for you then don’t buy it.
The people who are buying it for the early access are going to beat me to max level anyways and start doing all that stuff first as well. If anything it is a boon to not have to be around such players who focus so much on end game. Go shoo, go get bored faster.
I 100% agree with you on those rushed world first players. But it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth with Blizzard’s greed. I have a bad feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg, only time will tell.
I poke fun but I do understand that others may view the 3 day early start as a special event.
And I can certainly relate when they feel as though they are getting left out because it costs more.
I don’t know if expansions can be purchased with in-game gold.
Pretty sure they can though.
I do know one can buy tokens from the AH for in-game gold and then trade them for either game time or $15 store credit.
That’s like, I think 6 tokens to get the $90 for the 3 day early start version?
Get to grinding gold now and you should make it ok.
Pretty much why I left A52. That and the log in queue. Wait 90 minutes, get in, crash, back in queue, wait 90 minutes, get in crash, repeat.
I don’t have the level to upload the pic itself, but here’s a gyazo grab of the screenshot I took, cropped out chat and party names. Not sure how to post links, when you don’t have the trust level to post links:
h ttps://gyazo.com/c08933161401702b489a45e26cf16855
Here you go
Thats what trollbane looked like during the treasure goblin event.
Can’t find my screenshot of it right now. But I’d guess that there were around 200+players all camping the portal.
Aww, thank you!
Yeah, it was insane. I can’t remember atm who we had to talk to to kick it off (Eitrigg?) so we could go to Pandaria, but he had pretty much gone catatonic from the amount of people in the room.
The extra $20 spent to upgrade from the middle version of the expansion isn’t JUST for 3 days early access. You also get a month of game time and some other goodies (like a toy and a pet). It’s reasonably priced when you consider ALL the things included in it.
The middle version grants you a mount, a transmog, and a way to upgrade that transmog via unique dragonriding courses. The mount alone would be worth the extra $20 based on historical cash shop items.
The base version of the expansion costs less than a character boost, which is included with the expansion.
Every tier is actually a pretty good value this time around. Someone in marketing really did their homework.
what else does it give you
It’s not $90 “for early access.” It’s $90 for the deluxe collector’s edition version of the expansion pack. Early access is just one of multiple perks. (Along with game time, a mount, a pet, a toy, guaranteed beta access, and so on.)
no, it is 90$ for early access.
if you want to play on launch, and everyone who can afford too will want to play with their guildies on launch night, it will cost you 90$, period.
the other things in the bundle are literally irrelevant. if it was a purely cosmetic bundle or only included beta access no one would care or complain.
yes, other games have done it. but this is the first time WoW has said “we don’t care about the once-every-two-years magic of launch nights, only those who buy the epic edition can participate.”
It makes for a soft launch and makes it easier for Bliz to get in front of the typical launch issues.
So, yeah, I think it’s a good idea.
Further, the more ways they monetize optional things the better. Note how they never increase the monthly sub?
So, yeah, I think it’s a good idea.
Not me i love beta access i play till half way point of lvl ( 60 to 70 = 65 ) i try all class i have and see if there are any bugs i find .