No it’s not bad just because your opinion is you hate it. It’s business in the video game industry. Like had been said by me and others it’s done by many companies and their games all the time. It being an mmo means nothing.
I have the extra money so I’m willing to spend it.
I’m sorry you or others don’t - Maybe make a lemonade stand or something to raise money.
I’ll be buying the basic version because I’m not a window licker.
Factoring out the stuff in the heroic edition, and the month of game time ($13-$15) going from the heroic to epic is $5-$7 for a pet, a toy, a hearthstone, guaranteed beta and early access.
Guaranteed beta access too. That’s a big one.
Wish I could buy a package without the beta access and 3 day early enter…the rest I want but not those two things…you’d think they could offer a $79 package that way.
Dont try to reason with addicts.
its ridiculous to pay now when it isn’t coming until a whole year from now lol rip 90 that could be used at present lol
Bought mine already. Let’s go!!!
Here’s a strange concept OP…
You don’t have to buy it!
OMG what a crazy and insane idea, I should be locked up in a mental asylum!
it was up 50k already when i got home, i bought around 360k already, i did buy like $200 bucks worth For when the Xmas sale hits and the price will go back up more than likely.
Actually pretty disgusting the lengths people will go through getting swindled out of their money. Gamers are so sad man.
Okay, tell me what’s good about it. Tell me how this is positive for the players in any way.
It’s actually only $5 for early access, 2 toys, and a pet. The other $15 of the $20 is the 30 days of game time.
It could actually help smooth out the release. Remember WoD launch?
If I have to pay a hundred bucks to play day one I’m not going to jump in until after the game goes on sale
Sounds good. I’ll be in there and will keep you posted good friend.
Normaly i would only buy this if one my other account dint have the currant expac. But i will wait till what store collectors physical edition has.
But this how would justify it if did buy.
Game 64.99
level boost 75.00
30 days 18.99
32.00 Average store mount cost
25.00 Average store transmog
token value?
= 219.99
= 105 savings
Now the only reason i may buy early, is for Beta Access, i find at end Xpac cycle i usualy stop playing for a few months But i found Beta keeps busy for at least two months. I also like trying out Beta so i can see what class to main in the Xpac.
Hey. Guy. The game already shards players to hell and back on expansion launches. Has since… Legion?
The Magic you’re referring to will not be affected in any meaningful way, because the shards are still going to be full.
Barring, you know, your friend group potentially not all starting at the same time. That’s the real issue, but it’s one you can solve by just figuring out how you want to handle it amongst yourselves.
I for one love it, as soon as I saw I can buy 3 days of early access so I can skip all the queues and crashes, competition for quest items/spawns etc…that typically come with launch day I immediately pre-purchased it. I want Blizzard to know going forward that if they keep this a thing in future expansions I will fully support it monetarily.