90 dollars for "early access" is awful

Well, there’s no world quests and no mythics. The players that hit the cap in a day are generally the first to start complaining that there is “nothing to do” as they had to rush to the cap on day one and literally have no one to do heroics with as they have to wait for others to catch up and get past the item level gate. The raid isn’t going to be open for 2-3 weeks as is usually the case, and the PvP season will be starting around the same time.

Anyone trying to say those three extra days are going to be a huge advantage is living in a fantasy world and really has no idea what a true “pay to win” system even entails. At BEST, you’ll have people that might cap off on professions who will control the AH for about a week with severely overpriced crafted items and mats, but that’s honestly no different from the first week of ANY expansion. The prices will come down in short order as more people start farming and flooding the market with more affordable mats while the people with more gold than sense pay a premium to power level their crafting professions.

These people are freaking out about nothing as the various pre-existing time gates, as well as the early access restrictions and limited player pool are going to even things out considerably. Anyone still complaining about the “tHrEe ExTrA dAyS!!!11one” is likely someone that was never going to be ready for day one of raiding/ranked PvP anyway.

In fact, I’ll straight up call them NPCs stuck on a loop. All they keep doing at this point when you try to explain any of this to them is shout “BUT THE THREE EXTRA DAYS IS A MAJOR ADVANTAGE!” when the reality is that it will be forgotten about by the time we’re a month into TWW.

Hell, depending on how many people get the epic edition, they’ll likely have to contend with the usual launch shenanigans of disconnects, servers being down, etc.

If anything, the early access will stabilize the launch a bit as it’ll stagger things somewhat. Rather than the server hamster having a heart attack at the word go due to EVERYONE trying to jump in the minute the switch is flipped, you’ll have a much smaller group going in first and allowing Blizzard to react to launch issues if they do indeed pop up. Then the second group comes in three days later, but it’ll be with far less trying to jump in at once on the actual launch day than we usually see.

If you need an analogy, the server is a baseball sized pipe. The playerbase as a whole is essentially a watermelon trying to fit down that pipe. When you try to force that melon into the tiny pipe, the servers proceed to have an aneurism and die.

By splitting the players into two groups, Blizzard is likely hoping that they get two baseballs rather than one huge watermelon.


Yeah! We’re getting Squally, the Storm Hatchling as a battle pet!
Isn’t that neat?

Now please continue to tell us about how three measly days of early access with multiple endgame systems either turned off until official launch or timegated until the raid opens is going to be an earth shattering advantage that breaks the entire expansion.

:coffee: :popcorn:

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3 days of free progress on any new gethering mats, crafing knowledge, renown grinds and depending on the day of the launch an entire reset cycle. Imagine paying double for an extra weekly renown reward to put you permantly infront of other players when it comes to crafting - thats not an advantage players should have for having additional cash. Thats pay to win upfront and in your face.


Where does it say you get 3 extra months?

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Clearly none of the NPCs stuck on this particular loop are capable of reading my post on the matter.

However, it’s fun to see them try and make a point poorly!


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It won’t be. People will for sure have an advantage early on, but after some time it won’t matter anymore. It’s just greedy, anti consumer and off putting. It wont break the game, but it will turn some people off and it adds absolutely nothing positive. This game has enough monetization and like I said people like you defending this should be embarrassed. The multi billion dollar company isn’t going to love you back.

Wow launch night is sacred. Blizz cleaving their playerbase intwain putting a three day set back on the poors for a subscription based game is literally sacrilage. This is one of the most evil, predatory things theyve ever announced.

Anyone defending this is gone beyond saving. Seriously disgusting behavior by blizzard here.


You wont be “before” launch day. It isnt early access. Its delayed access for anyone with self respect.


Its close. The most evil was offering free server transfers for those sitting in a queue for 17 hours with 35k people during the WoD launch, getting in and then the servers being shut down.

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…so, anyone else want popcorn?


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Sure ill take some, on early access launch night - but can you put it in a box labled people paid extra to stress test the live servers before actual launch

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Only if it says Blizzard on the front and costs 3 times more than it should. I’m sure you’d eat that right up :slight_smile:

and neither should they . people have way too high an opinion of there individual worth to a buisiness . They operate on mass statistics not individual ones .

give it up–its a game and nothing more - there is nothing sacred about it.

Pure greed and no decent dev would work under a company that does it, which tells you about the devs that work on this game

You’re right, you should quit.

It doesn’t have to be earth shattering or break the entire expansion to be worthy of scrutiny.

That’s one way of looking at it. The other way of looking at it is that people are lining up to pay to test the game, which in all likelihood will be barely playable. Nice how after they couldn’t get as many people as they wanted to beta test, they put it in a bundle and called it a bargain.

What are we “scrutinizing”?

That people can look around?

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Blizzard gets plenty of beta testers.

They just don’t listen to any of them.

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I thought Canada was bad with $115 ($120 with taxes).