I always hated the term early access since really it’s just putting an X day barrier on plebs. I doubt anyone at Blizzard (or any game company) finishes a game and says “Alright let’s not release it for awhile.” until one day someone said “You know how we always wait X days sitting on a finished game before releasing it? How about we let people play then if they pay extra.”. The “early” access date is the actual release date.
I mean… they’re already releasing three seasons of content and still charging us for four seasons for the past 2 expansions…
This is the kind or response I want to see for people in favor of it. Not people getting on their knees for Blizzard pretending they would go bankrupt if they didn’t have it.
Imagine if the Base version said:
The cost of the Base and Ordinary Version is $xxx and you get 3 days Late Access, what a discount, what a great deal!
Early access is useless too.
I mean you might miss out on a few early exploits…
Look fam, either you can pay it or not pay it. I dont know if these type of posts are just cover for NOT being able to make extra purchases beyond the game sub, if you think that its morally wrong for them to do so, then simply dont engage in what they are offering. Im not attacking you but I see these types of posts allot whenever they add a service or cosemetic product to their shop. As a grown adult that pays my own way, its a simple matter of whether I want it or not, WoW has never been free to play by any means, so i dont get where these “spirit of the game” arguments and points come from:v:t5:
like i said, I’ve bought premium editions in the past for things as silly as a cool hearthstone, I buy character services like race changes, I’ve bought transmogs. my personal financial situation is fine.
this is not a thread on whether or not $90 is a “good deal” for all the fun goodies that are included at the $90 tier. It might be a great deal. Hell, if $90 was the only tier with beta access, that alone would be very compelling to me because I love testing out the direction of classes and finding bugs and providing feedback. if early access wasn’t in the premium edition I probably would’ve bought it already because I wouldn’t have such a bad feeling about it.
but i dont live in a vaccuum. i play this game because of the other people that play this game. there’s just no way that everyone in my guild is going to justify spending $90 on the game, or worse, many of them I know have bad financial situations and use WoW for escapism will scrape together more than they should just to “start on day one.”
And starting on day one matters. It is an experience, and it can’t be bought back later with an upgrade like a transmog or a hearthstone or a service.
I totally get that a lot of people exist in dead guilds or just play alone and this means nothing to them, but there are a lot of tight guild communities out there that have something special on launch night. if you don’t get the “spirit of the game” issue, it’s because the way you play is different and that’s fine. But those of us that are used to the once-in-an-expansion guild magic on launch night, we are going to have a worse day 1 experience because of how the $90 price point dividing their friend groups.
this is probably my last post in the topic because we have a lot of personal attacks from former community council folks calling me out as “entitled” (it’s not like I’m asking for it to be free/cheaper - I don’t think early access should be in the game at all), or many randos subtexting that I’m poor for disliking this particular MTX.
If people like what’s in the $90 bundle, great. But is the early access specifically good or bad for the game overall? I’ve really seen very few arguing that it’s a good thing, and more people just choosing to look the other way because it doesn’t matter to them either way.
Early access doesn’t mean anything, it won’t have any impact on the game or players, people play the game at different paces, other than leveling/story (which as I said, players play at different paces) won’t matter.
Don’t want it, don’t pay for it.
Weird how people get so hung up on things that actually don’t matter.
i am pro wow, even though i have the epic xpac, i liked this post , because I was stuck at a portal in Oribos like 4 hours when Dragonflight came out and I fear he will be exactly right, it will take us 3 days to bang all the bugs out of it.
Every single exec at Blizzard in Irvine loves this. Players buy it, execs get richer, lower and mid level get nothing except players and execs screaming at them that they are causing the company to lose money.
Yah , maybe cause i am old, I don’t rage against corporations. There is a whole generation that thinks corporations are taboo, but they provide jobs and healthcare benefits and finance people for college , How evil can you get?
I couldn’t get on the boat to DF for 8 hours. Ended up going to bed. Had to start the next day.
Did you wait for me? It’s once in an expac night of magic. You waited for me right? No? If it is that important to your tight group… then no one buy it and just play on the regular launch night?
This. If players want it, but can’t save $15 extra dollars in the next 6-8 months to pay for it, I question the how we are affording to play in the first place.
I’m gonna stand on the other side of the portal/dock/whatever that takes you to the next expansion on the poor launch and throw snowballs at the rabble as they arrive.
Gonna have my monopoly man outfit ready
No its the other way around. “early access” is more the actual release date and anyone who doesnt pay the premium is being time gated.
Said this exact thing in other threads, and people defend it by saying there’s more to the epic edition beyond the “early access”, which honestly feels like they are just ignoring the initial argument. We aren’t arguing about everything you get, we are arguing that the “early access” isn’t early access, it’s paying a premium to play on the real launch day and everyone else who doesn’t pay the premium is being told to wait 3 days.
Except for some people, it IS all about early access. It’s a glass half full/half empty conversation. For some people it’s early access, for others its delayed access, and folks simply don’t agree on which is the real “launch” date. This isn’t a debate anyone is going to “win”. People simply feel differently about it. Neither side is going to convince the other.
Seems in line with how EA gave new expansion access via Origin Premium
Unlocks and all.
You won’t be. Ion already told us that this wouldn’t be available. Along with crafting cooldowns, WQs, and any other endgame activities until the first weekly reset after launch.
So, the 3 day early access isn’t really going to amount to much for those of us who bought it, other than being able to level.
And let’s be honest, most players are going to be max level by the end of the first weekend, which puts most on an even playing field by the first Tuesday after launch when all these things open up.
Satya Nadella approves.
The great thing about the early access fee is that you don’t gotta pay it.