So why can’t the unlock process of allied races change?
Every other race has been just given to us with their relevant expansions. Requiring a 400 quest and a dozen+ hours arbitrary grind is just miserable.
Not to mention that if I want to play a Kul Tiran, I first have to spend a very considerable amount of time on another character before I can even play a character that I want to play.
Objectively frustrating and time wasting
In the past referring to before Legion and BFA, and currently referring to not implementing this system in the most recent two expansions.
BFA story was pretty good, it was Azerite that sucked. If you aren’t having fun, do something else or play something else. If I had to unlock allied races after the fact I’d probably do a new character so I’d at least get a sense of progression from the content.
World of Warcraft became a portfolio game, mostly because of its playerbase.
People are stuck in it because they havent proved themselves worthy in the eyes of the industry to go to a better Blizzard game, a better Activision game, or much less, a better publisher game.
So they are stuck in WoW trying to prove they can leave that limbo. So they make the most outrageous stuff in the gaming version of “The wolf of Wallstreet”.