9 hours into Kul Tirans. Not a shred of fun

I have never advocated for removing the quests altogether lmao

Unattach the quests from the unlock.

What I was saying was: AR’s should just be creatable from the get-go and instead of making the quests a requirement to unlock the races, just make it so that the quests either reward the heritage armor or the option to have the AR’s start at level 10.

I get it. That’s a legitimate compromise. I didn’t grind out kul tirans or half the other ar’s because i wanted a main as that race (except this character of course). I did it for the achievements, heritage armors and to play BFA content i skipped.

If you are just grinding one race to make your new main, or a mian alt or something, then just do it and move on with your life. If you are doing it to collect them all like pokemon, then that’s on you (not you but whoever chooses to do that). no one HAS to do that.

Not allowed to voice displeasure at the convoluted system. Just need to smile and whistle :slight_smile:
The mind of a boot licker

I don’t believe the OP said anything like that.

He just wants to play a certain race but has do spend hours playing a character he doesn’t want in order to do so.

I don’t want to do a lot of things. but if the end result is worth it, I do it.

For instance… I don’t want to be verbally abused by the OP every time I post in this thread. But the more he does it, the more I can flag him, and if he gets a ban, it will have been worth it.

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That is just like your opinion man…

First off no one said it is fun…

Second KT’s are optional. NO one is forcing you to do it.

third… KT’s are glorious and worth the pain. Stick to it you will get it. And will be worth the work.


Wouldn’t it be great if we both didn’t have to do things we don’t want?

Perhaps the OP is “verbally abusing you” because you aren’t contributing anything to the discussion.

The most egregious example being this statement here:

“Don’t want” and “Shouldn’t have to” are very different concepts.

Having an opposing position doesnt mean im not contributing to the discussion. I’ve made my opinion on this topic clear in an earlier post. Just because you and the OP don’t agree with my opinion, doesn’t mean i can’t express it here.

If I hadn’t been called trash, instead been told “I don’t agree”, or “you’re in the minority”, or hell, even this is an echo chamber thread, no dissenting opinions allowed. I would have moved on and continued to hang out in the positive threads. Now i think ill stay awhile and make sure i’m “liking” all the posts with similar views

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Much like I’m allowed to express my opinion that this is a stupid, frustrating, long, and tedious grind that doesn’t need to exist.

Having followed both threads and seen the OPs arguments over and over, however, with not an answer to one question: Why are you putting yourself through what you identify as a horrendous process for a race? Why do you want to play Kul’Tiran so badly?

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I think they’re a cool race.

Does the reasoning make a difference? Does it influence your opinion? Does my reasoning need to be worthy enough for you?

Honestly, it doesn’t matter a hill of beans to me, but dozens of posts over two threads has me genuinely curious. Putting yourself through what you describe as punishment over just “a cool race” is fairly illogical.


If there was any other way, I would be doing it.

But there is not, so I have to deal with this trash process.

no grind “needs” to exist.
…but what’s the point in just handing everything to everyone?

Weird I love leveling up bfa as alliance.

No one is asking for “everything” to be handed to them. Playable races specifically should not require a grind.

They haven’t in the past, and they don’t know. Legion and BFA are the ONLY instances of this

what’s wrong with unlocking races?
every other game has stuff you can unlock by playing.

Legion and BFA are “the past”, so yes, they clearly have “in the past”.
…and they do now.

The game doesn’t stay the same from expansion to expansion.
The argument of “this thing didn’t exist in the past” is completely pointless.
Almost every aspect of the game has changed over time.

BfA was… an experience. At least it had some content and one of the best world quests ever made(not talking about the turtles). The islands were such a huge disappointment. The warfronts were not good but it was something they could have fixed. The visions were probably one of the best things in that expansion. I remember doing an achievement that took almost a year to do, good times.

I think bfa might for me at least have been better than shadowlands. I’d rather deal with bfa than DF in the current state.