9 hours into Kul Tirans. Not a shred of fun

yeah well as I repeatedly told you most of us aren’t stupid enough to do every quest in a zone when we don’t have to.

lol they would have unlocked all allied races in the time they’ve spent raging on the forums about it


That’s not every quest in any zone my dude. As stated repeatedly. The entire unlock process of Kul Tiran REQUIRES 408 quests total. 408 quests is the absolute minimum.

That is not with any extra quests.

Yes I know that is what you are determined to believe.

I laid out the quests that you are required to do many times. You can continue to live outside of reality though, it’s okay.

Yeah they really should just quit………horsing around………

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Questing is a means to an end, the game doesn’t begin until max level.

That’s strange. I find a lot of end game quests. There are even some you can only unlock in end game.

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I do not complete them unless necessary.

The game to me is raiding and mythic plus. Nothing else.

yes just as I figured a sweaty person.

I’m working on Tortollan rep to get flying and i’m having fun.

10/10 objectively awful player decision and self-accountability for their own pleasure.

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Participating in raiding and mythic plus automatically makes me sweaty? K

this type of playing when you don’t enjoy it makes you a sweaty person. You play regardless of whether or not you are enjoying something because you have to have that reward asap. Generally the only people who do that, also raid and mythic plus.

If you took your time and played an hour a day doing that you would barely even notice the process and you would end up the same place but no you have to wait 6 years then want it in one day.


I mean its well discussed that Horde got the better end of the story stick in BFA…

i agree 100%!!! this game to me so far has been hurry up n catch up! its n old expansion…what are we really going to get for it that is usable in df?!? i mean what is the point…i dont mean to be a negative nel but i truly feel im missing someting here

never let predatory game design trick you into utterly wasting your free time on boring or tedious tasks for a trivial carrot

that kind of design only cares about how you contribute to metrics, it doesn’t care if you are actually having fun

you are paying for a game to entertain you, don’t accept anything less

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the game is more than just the most recent expansion.

if the content is “old”, you’d have zero reason to want to play a race which belongs to a prior expansion.
(i love it when people don’t think stuff through) :crazy_face:

how is a phone… “content”?

if you need to make a call, and a rotary phone is the only thing available, it still makes calls perfectly fine.
just because it doesn’t have fancy emojis, doesn’t mean it’s obsolete.

so… just because you restrict yourself to a singular very specific aspect of the game, the rest of the game somehow ceases to exist?

transmog, KT, foxies, pets, toys, mounts… (yes, mounts… people still do bg’s and siege on the keep)

i engage in content from all expansions regularly.
i don’t understand why people choose to restrict themselves to just one tiny corner of the world, when there’s so much stuff to do and see elsewhere.

it’s “WORLD of warcraft”.
not “current expansion of warcraft”

This is an interesting addition although off topic. I can not help but be curious as to why? Personally I have been happy with DF content but I’m curious why you are not.

Moving back to topic of the post I finished the grind yesterday as I planned. There were some good parts of the story as some have mention absolutely. Wrecking the Pleasure Palace did make for an entertaining moment within the chain.

As with a great deal of content that I have explored since returning to the game after an extended time away I have enjoyed going through most of it as well. Even when it sometimes gets frustratingly broken compared to how it was intended to work at its release.

Regardless of that I remain firm in my belief that the races should be unlocked. The content walls they are behind do not serve to improve or protect game play in anyway. I also think that in time Blizzard will remove the content barrier presently in place to playing them. They have done this in many significantly more impactful parts of the game of the life of the game. Examples include things such as reducing xp requirements for getting to max level, level squishes, LFG features, and LFR features. These things were done to remove barriers real or perceived that prevented players from features of the game.

I will enjoy a giggle at your expense if one of the features of a future patch in DF gets rid of the pathfinder requirement for flight in past expansions.

Nobody’s said access to a race in a game is a human right. Shut up.

Do you know how fun it is to explain to new people that, no, you actually don’t get to play that race in the character select, you get to go spend hours and hours unlocking that race on a character you may not even want to play, only to then either level that new race character you wanted to begin with or pay to boost it?

It’s bad. Stop defending gated races from an abandoned concept from half a decade ago.


I spammed HIghlands when I first came back in DF cause I wanted the Corrupted Fire Hawk and several pets from it. This checks out.

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