9/7/2019 Server Issues

Skeram still can’t connect

From Malaysia here, can’t connect to the blizz app :frowning:

Error : BLZBNTBNA00000A8D

not empty.

I was really hoping to play this weekend.

Still unable to login to Skeram, any idea when its going to be fixed?
im able to login to Ashkandi but not skeram for some reason

Still can’t get on

still cant connect to myzrael. can connect to others. michigan USA

I still can’t connect to the Battlenet client or even WoW servers directly through the launcher.


You’ll want to make a new post in Tech Support. The issues from earlier have been largely resolved.

I noticed there was an update to the Classic client, but I’m not sure when it was rolled out, so it’s possible it’s conflicting with some of your security software. Look at that first.

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