9.5 Min for

I waited 9 and a half min in Q to get into a mines that was ally 1453 to horde 1172.
You seriously need to do something about this BS.
if it was 1 min Q times it wouldnt be as big of a deal but its really getting old.

I think at this point you could just merge both factions Qing onto whatever side just to get the damn Q times down. One giant pool of players would pretty much eliminate Q times


Did you see the big thread?

This is a problem for sure.

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I hear ya man, I hate when that happens too :rage:

Iā€™ve pitched the idea of simply replacing bg leavers with generic Blizzard AI bots in the feedback thread, my idea would effectively END this annoying problem of getting backfilled into losing bgs for good. With AI bot backfillers we would be GUARANTEED a fresh match every time we queue up for a bg.

Hereā€™s a link to the discussion: Feedback: Epic Battlegrounds - #1026 by Gdtroll-illidan

Maybe you should go there and drop a reply in support of my idea? :thinking: The devs actually read that thread, so youā€™re just wasting your time with this thread to be honestā€¦ gotta post in ā€œfeedbackā€ threads to be seen or noticed

I feel ya on this issue, getting backfilled into losing bgs is a big pet-peeve of mine :roll_eyes:

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GDtroll. The AI bots we be a great and easy idea as they already have them in game.

Kangmurloc Big thread? sorry no i spend very little time on the forums.

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Yep, judging by the recent comp stomp brawl the AI bots play reasonably well in a random bg settingā€¦ I donā€™t see why it couldnā€™t work (with some tweaking/tuning of the bots of course)

I would much rather a Blizzard AI bot get put into a losing bg instead of me. Getting dropped into losing bgs and in-progress bgsā€¦ no thanks :rage:

And letā€™s be honest, most random casuals in bgs donā€™t play much better than the bots anyway, it would still be a fair match once the AI bots get backfilled in to cover for human bg leavers and ragequitters

A creative use for this AI bot technology imo :thinking:


Cool, free honor for 15 seconds of play!


10 minutes in Q doing nothing*

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Huge no. Bots are not substitutions for players. PvE already exists.

Itā€™s one thing if there are 30 seconds left in a match but at the beginning? The middle? If we want to cut down on backfills, we need to collectively stop insisting that our time is more valuable than everyone elseā€™s and curb desertion.


There is something wrong with connectivity ā€¦ I dont know if this happened to you but last night when I was running , the toon would pause every few seconds for a mili sec like the game was not responding or something . I think queues are getting paused and then reconnected randomly leading to unnatural queue times .

Yeah, I had some serious connectivity issues in game last night.

I rebooted my comp, and that did solve some of it. Not all of it, but some.

It was mainly happening in the new contentā€¦ when I was in the WoD content , it was working properly for me . Weird

Whenever I have to go there I hold my breath like I am going to catch a disease like when you smell a very strange odor in a hospital.

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Naahā€¦ itā€™s not too bad . Wish I could fly in there though . Same with Legion. Noā€¦ I am not doing pathfinder for old content. If I was playing during those expansions I would have got it like I have for BFA but not gonna do it now ā€¦ :grimacing:

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Yeah, it was in Borealus.

Oh, and a Seething Shore.

After the ā€˜boot it was pretty restricted to Borealus, so I just went and hung out in Dalaran.

This has happened to me a few times, itā€™s real bad when itā€™s an epic battle ground, you have waited 35 mins for and it dumps you into a losing fight that ends in a few mins and you get to wait 35 mins for your next one.

The solution is already there. Thatā€™s exactly what merc mode is for.

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Itā€™s frustrating when you wait so long for a queue only to get dumped into a BG where the loss is imminent and thereā€™s nothing you can do to stop it. Right now, getting dumped into a losing BG makes me feel like Iā€™ve wasted all that time waiting for nothing. I wouldnā€™t mind if I at least had a fighting chance to turn things around, but thereā€™s not much I can do when I enter a game where my entire team is somehow being camped at the graveyard.

If Blizzard is going to drop me into an AV where we have only 25 reinforcements left, at least give us some sort of backfill bonus like overwatch does. Or add a mercy rule to end the game immediately instead of refilling when half the team is gone and the outcome is already obvious. Maybe even give everyone who backfills a priority queue if the match ends less than 5 minutes after joining, so they can quickly get back into a new BG. Do something, anything.


At least an AI bot never goes AFK, never ā€œgives upā€, and will actually guard the flag/node, unlike a lot of human players. Iā€™ve been in Alliance bgs where one of our flags got capped despite having 4-6 Alliance standing nearby like 10 feet away :rofl:

Using AI bots to backfill instead of human players would be a HUGE quality of life improvement for those of us that solo-queue bgs. I think itā€™s a great idea :thinking: , it would ā€œguaranteeā€ that every single time I queue up I get a ā€œfreshā€ match instead of having 10-25 minutes of my time wasted only to get dropped into a loss/in-progress game :roll_eyes:

This isnā€™t an Alliance exclusive issue.

I recapped three AV towers the other day while each had 4+ Horde in them. I took mines away from a Spriest, a Rsham, and a warrior just night.

Itā€™s surprising the number of people on both factions who are ā€œdefendingā€

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Maybe itā€™d be less painful if newcomers to the queue get the backfill spots and not people waiting for 10 minutes.

Or better yet if a gameā€™s almost over (1453 is surely ā€œoverā€), donā€™t bother backfilling, or maybe throw an AI spud in there.

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